Will you buy the 58 boost?

this isnt a why its bad or good post, its just a simple question, will you buy it?

personally i wont be buying it, to this day ive never bought a dungeon boost, i enjoy watching as my character grow and get better,

so will you or will you not buy it?


No i won’t buy the boost and everyone who likes the classic experience and wants it to stay isn’t going to buy the boost either.


I’ll be buying it :slight_smile:
I prefer end game after all :man_shrugging:


Of course not.
Why would I pay money to not play the game?


Got 4 lvl 60s but i’m getting it, yep.

Unless the batching patch makes my current main or 60-alts feel great enough to be picked as my sole 70. If not, boost will be granted to the future main.

Some of us played 38 months of vanilla in total if you add up back in the day and classic today. We played plenty and more than what most deem healthy.

I mean I only generated 175 days played so far in classic which is half of what I had in vanilla but i’d say that’s enough to have “played the game” to a degree where boosting one char is hardly missing out on any content. :slight_smile:


Absolutely not lol. Levelling is awesome, why skip it? Skip so you can get to the raid logging part of WoW faster? Uhh ok.


I mean, if you don’t like the end game content of WoW :man_shrugging:
People like raiding on multiple characters, PvPing and doing open world stuff.
If you don’t do any of that, then I’d understand about raid logging lol.

I’d die before using pay-to-win in a video game, and right now my anger and frustration at Blizzard is almost on par with what it was when they originally ruined the game with the Crapaclysm expansion, forcing me to quit.


I enjoy leveling, so no. I also don’t approve of the mere existance of the boost. I think, for many people the answer may depend on the price.


Will never do it, not lazy enough to justify spending money to skip playing and buy the reward without putting in the effort.


No, i dont will buy it and i hope the boost is 99 USD xD


Most likely that I’ll buy it. Not that I hate leveling or anything like that.

It was the notion of pain and gain, the harder it was to get something the better the reward was. But now it’s super easy, barely an inconvenience as you can straight up buy it.

By the time Outland is launched I’ll have all my toons at 58+ both horde and alliance; no need to boost them. I’m not agsinst the boost either.

You realise that people would still buy that boost? lol.
Maybe 2-3x less than what they’d buy at $50 or so, but it’ll still be a huge income for Blizzard.

Ofc… but again, for the 100 time, its about the tendency. Less bots = less impact.

yeah its a good estimate how much lower the impact could be when the price is higher

that lol doesent make you look smart ma dude

You have proof that the boost will mean more bots? I haven’t seen any, just people saying what they think will happen.

But as you said before, the “bots” would still buy the boost as it’s “faster” income.

If we agree on the fact that botting is here to make the most money possible, then yeah, i could actually proof it.

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yes, you right. But the price of the boost is the indicator if its worth it or not. That said a 50 euro boost is worth, but 1000 euro boost is not.