Will you buy the 58 boost?

Nope, that is not proof. Bots will already be 60. Yes, botting is prevalent, but I see no proof that the boost will make it worse.

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pls read again, i can proof it IF you agree on the fact. my statement there is no proof.

edit: Anyways:
To see if its worth to boost or not is to see if the the boost can outweigh the time it take to lvl the boost profitwise. At lvl 58 they are the same.

25 Euro for 1k (toke the number from a goldselling site for venoxis - horde, a full server)
Bot farms 50-60g /hours = 55g median (
23h/day BRD (1 hour downtime a day)
23x55= 1265g = 31,625 euro ----> thats just one day
so its 37h for 50 Euro wich is the only cost ( because sub fee is for both). After 37h the bot makes profit.
So now you have to compare how long a bot solo take to get to lvl 58 to those 37 hours( because he gets boosted its money loss or opportunity cost, because your other charakters are not farming gold they boost the new bot).
So can you lvl a bot from scratch solo in 37 hours to lvl 58 ? —> No

This is not proof, but if you go by the agenda maximising profits it would be not logical to not boost as much as you can, because it is clear (as you cn see above) that it is worth it.

55g/hour is not much. Proffesionbot and motefarming bots will make way more and they will get way faster to that state too. Coming from that this calculation is pretty low. But it is likely that goldprices will drop so yeah.
Time will tell, we dont have to wait for that long tho ^^

How can you prove something that hasn’t happened yet? TBC hasn’t gone live, and nobody has bought a boost, so proving something that may happen in the future is impossible.

All we can do is look at the available data and make a logical assumption. The facts are that botting is already rampant, levelling a bot is a limiting factor and so removing the limiting factor is highly likely to mean more bots.

They said they can prove it, I never did, so thanks for agreeing with me.

when you assume you make a “something” of u and me. Just take the first three letters of assume.

back on subject I might buy one, depends on the price.

Reasonable assumptions don’t fit the mould.

It’s reasonable to assume that I will run out of olive oil tomorrow, because the bottle is almost empty. Sure, there’s a chance it won’t happen, but all the evidence indicates that it will.

In the same manner it is reasonable to assume that a L58 boost will create more bots, as a limiting factor to bot creation is being removed. Sure there’s a chance it won’t happen, but the evidence indicates that it will.


Thats is what i thought but i wasnt able to say it that precise, its 100% that.
Thanks for that.


If it happens come back and say “I told you so” but until that happens it’s all conjecture and guessing.

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Yes of course it is. It’s the only possible response at the moment.

Jep, will 100% buy the boost, the announcement of the 1 time boost made me actually excited to hop back on classic after I quit 3 months ago as I now can play with my friends on a pvp server :slight_smile:

It’s like paying to get into a night club, and then pay someone to drink for you.


based response

Don’t you need to be the right age to get into a night club? A lot of places have a drinks minimum.

I am against any boosts and I’d rather not have it in the game at all, but since it will be in the game I will use it as probable most other people

This Does not make any sense and nothing like the current situation the amount of botting would be unchanged for example let’s say paid boost is say 60 euros like retail.It takes what a bot 4 days played to level from 1 to 58 in that time it will have made gold as well maybe not as much per hour as a 58 but let’s assume no gold was made to make it easier to understand.

Let’s assume the botters are going to pickpocket brd straight away first they would have to script pickpocket to level it which also takes time but let’s assume that the boost gives max pickpocketing the gold you make is 50g per hour which is 1200g per 24 hours which is 4800g for the 4 days it takes you to level.According to some gold sites I just checked which varies per server it’s about 70 euro for the same amount of time so the botters are risking 60 euros upfront for a 10 euro profit it really doesn’t seem worth at it at all considering they risk a ban before it even makes profit it will also actually be worse than 10 euro if you include leveling gold.

Tldr. Boost will have zero effect on the botting problem

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Pickpocketing is not based on your lockpicking skill.

Ah right i don’t have a rogue but the example doesn’t change

i did the math with recent goldprices, after 37 hour the profit outweigh the cost of the boost.

what risk ? getting banned ? :smiley:
Those boosted bots are allmost invisable and get instatportet to brd, or get lvlup further to farm stuff that is way more profitable, like highlvl herbs or mote.

Of course not but i also wont be crying because others bought it.I dont get people that cry about the boost.Most of us are already leveled to 60 and have alts on 60,what exactly is the difference if someone is going into BC with their 60 or want to change to new class and be 58 right away.How on earth does that effect you?

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Yes blizzard does infact ban bots maybe not as well or as often as we like but they do ban waves imagine a bot farm upfront cost of 60 euro even with just 10 accounts it’s alot of money and is just not worth the risk for such a small gain 4 days played is nothing for a bot doing all the work the the costs do not outweigh the benefits low level bots will level up to do herbs and motes just as well as a boosted character and we have no idea how much gold per hour open world farming will be as there will be a lot of competition as well as popular money making methods will get them a ton of reports bots tend to do obscure ways to make money