Will you buy the 58 boost?

You wanna know why ? A Ballad of the lvlboost on youtube.

For you too, A Ballad of the lvlboost, and you will understand

I’m not watching videos from that muppet.Also how about just answering simple question."BC is out,log in with your already level 60 or 2min later on your 58"Whats the difference?

Even the crap show thats retail,you can’t p2w anything.Boosting level there is just to latest expansion,you still have to play the latest thing.

Reason why boosting is a thing,is because people hate leveling in classic/early expansions.It takes to long and its damn boring to do.That’s why most people just afk while they get boosted in dungeons.But then here we have some forum cry babies with their bad opinions that they think it matters.

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because the answer not just one sentence, boosting i a multidimensional problem with alot of string to it, that you are not aware of. It will effect everyone, if oyu use the boost or not.
I dont want to be disrespectful or something, but typing now 5 pages of explenations just to see a " i dont care" is not worth, happend a few times ^^

maybe classic is not for u, btw. You generalising YOUR opinion pretty hard. in retail lvling sucks yes, and a boost there is fine, but not in classic.
If you wanna know why, you know where to look.

if you buy boost on retail i think you are a moron since its stupidly easy and fast but I can understand classic.Also I played enough of WoW to know few things and one is that most people didnt level trough quests but dungeon boost,no one really groups up and does a dungeon normally,theres always a booster.No idea what planet are you living on

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the only thing you wanna do is shouting out your flawed opinion with no proof of anything. Normally this is a place where you discus or debate about the topic. You can do what you do but dont be surpriced if people will ignore you because you refused to talk in a adult way.
Who is the crybaby right now ? What do you think ?

People who go “whaaaa i want peoples gold reseted…whaaaaaaa boosting will ruin the game…whhhhhhaaa we need fresh servers…”


Great tribute to answer the topic question: Will you buy the 58 boost.

Classic wow:Every channel “WTS BOOST/WTB BOOST”

Khorus:yeah,there is no boost,most people are leveling with questing and normal dungeon leveling.You are making up that most people are boosted,people love slow leveling in classic…kek


crazy you judge that … you dont even understand there reasons and you refused to understand them.

no one gave one good reason,still waiting


you know why classic even exists? Because people that enjoy the stuff you outlined there were determent enought to demand classic servers so you can even play them.
You judging people because they have a different taste like you? wow… impressiv

Im not judging peoples taste,you are doing that.Some people want quick boost others want to prevent that,because you dont find any fun in it you also dont want others to have ability to get it.

no one will, because no one cares what you think princess lel. What the vid like everyone else or dont, its up to you. Imagine going into a debate and you have no idea what everyone is talking about :smiley:

you cared enough to keep responding and still didnt give me a good reason.Just adding to the already useless posts on here

you judge, like all the time

yeah because iam a nice guy, but i have my limits too :wink:

During TBC they released
1.300% XP
3…For every two levels of experience your friend earns, they can grant one level of experience to one of your lower-level characters. So for every two characters you and, again, “your friend”, leveled up to 60, you got a free 60 .

Stop act like these shortcuts are something new that only is related to retail lol! Are you delusional or something?


so you are saying classic leveling is fast and not all boring?Specially after you already leveled some 60s?..ohh yeah dude i just love auto attacking my pala to 60,so much fun…