Windfury Weapon Bug!

I guess that’s true, either way was something fun to bring up.
They added a short internal cooldown to wf to prevent it from proccing off of itself. lel

A lot of the time a whole host of bugs are fixed in the next patch and only the most urgent and gamebreaking ones seem to be hotfixed right away.
A lot of complaints I feel they will likely get to whenever the new patch hits. If not, then well sucks to suck lol.

One useful thing is to replicate a bug yourself, film it with a gamecapturing software and then uploading the footage to a video site as illustrative evidence of something being wrong. At least that is how things got measured and eventually fixed by Blizzard back in the day.

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any news bout this one?

I havent heard any news sadly.
But as Punyelf said:

When we file a ticket, a GM will answer but when we file a bug report it just goes to the relevant people and you don’t get any response.

So i doubt we get any news at all and it either this get fixed at some point… or not.
I sure wished there was a better way to communicate.

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Would not surprise me if this was caused by their pretend “spellbatching”, which it really looks like… That system is causing issues all across the board.


Ecountered same issue with my shaman. Wf totem seems working right tho.

Anyway reported wf weapon buff bug.

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Thnx, the more ingame bugg reports the better n_n

on a side note, just for fun… u guys also always get a WF proc when the mob has liek less then 5% hp… i have this so insane much instead of begin or mid fight… its a shame :stuck_out_tongue: but its not a bug tho i know. but makes me a bit salty from time to time :stuck_out_tongue:

Any news? Seems nothing has changed nor Blizzard stated anything.

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