Windwalker is disgustingly broken

I can see the same ppl all the time are saying how monk is op doesnt matter if its ww or mw. Do something with your life and dont cry on forums 24/7.

Why not?
Comparing the AWC comps with the ladder pretty much defines the meta.

Can you then explain why UH DK got buffed ? They did very well in AWC before 8.1.

On ladder they were non existing due the fact that they died too fast.

Did they do well though? If I am not mistaken besides Pen and Paper no1 really had the dk as common pick.
Method Orange mostly ran the dh / balance / restoS.

I mean with all their utility, mobility and burst, why were they given MS in the first place?

Because for obvious reasons.

Anyways, it’s time to start flame threads for DH+DK Cleaves

LOL this topic escalated really quickly

If Blizz remove the ridiculous SLOW/Parry from the fist
 i’d be glad

No more defenses inbuilt in DPS rotations!!! :sweat_smile::triumph::triumph:

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What utility ?

If they give back HHS no problem

How is FoF supposed to do damage if it get removed ? We had that 8.0 and remember how bad WW was.

Agreed. Slow/parry is honestly perfect because then it can not be utilized as a cc and comboed with other classes for burst every 15 seconds or so, but it keeps the ability strong by making it harder to be cancelled or get away from.

If anything more abilities like that should exist. And no, that’s bot sarcasm.

WW is just a bit overtuned in terms of damage- a flat 5% damage nerf could do for starters.

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