Hello all.
Can anyone share the winrate for bgs and their personal experience?
I want to play Alliance but I don’t want to end up with the same PTSD from 2019.
Hello all.
Can anyone share the winrate for bgs and their personal experience?
I want to play Alliance but I don’t want to end up with the same PTSD from 2019.
AV rush like 45-55 A:H. AV with recalls like 80-20 A:H.
WSG pug vs pug 90-10 A:H win rate.
WSG 3-5man/premade vs premade 100-0 A:H win rate
Anniversary realms:
Horde char: Winrate AV 75%
Ally char: Winrate AV 40%
If you want to increase win rate on ally side, do like Troyano: Log in, enter AV, pull marshals and wipe the horde raid
AV 9 min honor rush
Alli loss 2700-2900 honor Horde win 1700-2700 honor about 80% of the time
Alli win 3500-4100 honor Horde loss 1100-1500 honor about 20% of the time.
That’s feelcraft stats from getting 260 000 honor in AV this reset.
wsg horde win 5% 95%aliance people on horde side dont know about basic strategy on the game.
Oh yes, im sure wsg involves so much strategy no one knows about in this 20 year old game. Wsg is all about premades. Anyone who have atleast a single braincell never enter wsg without a premade group. This is the strategy
Something like 1 win : 4 loses for me (I’m alliance spamming AV). Sometimes it’s win streak, but usually it’s lose streak. Horde just kills our boss too fast, it seems. We barely make it to Drek, killing remaining npcs around and game already lost.
The winning games usually when horde wipes for some reason, then we have our chance to pull and usually win.
Can you tell me more how can I wipe horde raid? I actually tried to do so, but they just killed me in the boss room and boss didn’t care. We can’t do that for horde, whenever we try to reach some mage hiding in Drek’Thar room, warmasters run and wipe us.
You just need more people… I always play with a group of 3-4 friends and we usually defend. It’s roughly 90% winrate if we decide to defend. But games last a bit longer
Yeah defending with a dedicated group that knows what they are doing can be good. If the initial Horde assault on Vann gets wiped, Alliance can attack Drek safely with hut up and frostwolf towers burned at around 13-14min mark and get the 3900 honor win. However, if anything in that plan goes wrong, there is a significant risk of the whole thing turning into a 30 min+ cringefest, people start to /afk out and innocents get ported into a pointless turtle with negligible honor gain because all lts and cmds are dead.
It’s basically a high-risk modest-reward ego strat. That’s why many rankers prefer a safe 2700 honor loss in 9 min over it
Playing alliance in the 40-49 bracket and thus far pug vs pug is quite even in win/loss.
Yesterday I had 5 wins and 21 losses, for the record. Of those wins, two were good (fast) and 3 wins were slow, so actual honor/hour was twice the lower than that of quick loses.
After careful analysis of honor gain and time spent I came to a coclusion that it’s better to end the game as soon as possible, no matter the outcome (but kill all leutenants and commanders). Prolonged games offer terrible honor/hour. Here’s table with stats: https://imgur.com/3CKW47f
I did not try to farm honor in the middle like many people do, so I don’t really know if it’s “profitable”. For rogue or pair of rogues who can secure kills against single targets, it might be a good strategy, I think.
For alliance, if u want to win.
A small group of alliance players attacks the tail of Horde after Balinda. Use the support of the ranged soldiers from the Icewing Bunker.
Do everything to get some of the horde off their mounts and into the fight. Your priority is tanks(warrs/ferals) and healers.
Instead of one big Horde raid, you will do 2 small raids.
No more than 15-20 players of the horde should pass. You die, resurrect. Some of you go to protect Vandar and alliance base (10ppl). The other part continues to block the road near the Icewing Bunker (5). You have to kill Horde before it gets gy on alliance base.
Killed horde players will flee one by one from the ice blood gy.
In any case, Horde’s chances of dying on Vandar will be significantly higher due to the smaller group of players.
25 Alliance players kill lieutenants, warmasters, towers, and Drekthar.
Sometimes Horde ignores defense. But you will still get enough extra honor from killing players (5-15 players * 35-120 honor).
And yeah… If south wipe, u get a turtle. And its so funny. U can kill Horde and loot extra honor. Just dont stay near Drek with “guys, come south” for 10-15+ minutes. Better keep looting extra honor.
At normal hours - 20% in AV on alliance without exaggeration. Tried WSG once, waited 5 minutes and got placed against what looked like a premade. Not many choices, are there?
Please make thunderstrike fight thunderstrike.
Means at birth it was determined by the constellation of the stars that those individuals shall be Alliance and now they dare to play Horde?!?!
I could be wrong as i just started doing AV, but it appears that AV is rigged in Horde favor…they are always faster at Belinda then Alliance on Galv for aprox 15 sec. It does not seem much, but when rushing Horde definately have advantage.
I played in 2019 and that AV was abomination, compared to that AV now is more berable for Alliance. From my experience about 25% win rate…
From my experience horde wins maybe 60-65% of the time?
Especially if you play late nights or early mornings just after reset when all the sweats are on. Not unusual we win 5-6 games before getting a loss or two.
Horde seems to be faster at pulling all lieutenant to Belinda and AOE them down then continue north and finish.
Alliance on the other hand can defend super easy. Like the bridge to alliance base is the perfect chokepoint. Yesterday 2 mages and 2 hunters pretty much stopped 20+ horde on the bridge. Permafrozen by traps and blizzard. Anyone going forward got frozen and killed by the bowmen.
Alliance shouldn´t send mages/hunters to slow people at Belinda, they should send them to slow people at the chokepoint bridge outside base.
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