Wintraders / Bot abusers in Protection Paladin Solo Shuffle Bracket

Why would I, I already sent some videos to blizzard that exactly shows what your doing and if I explain why that bot program is so obvious you might change that or do something about it so ofc I wont “elaborate” but you just know it yourself.
I understand that its hard for you playing normal and without wintrading/bot abusing but is that exactly what you want to achieve? to manipulate the system and get r1 titles and act like you are the “best” ?

Thats what some people do when they buy boosts in arenas aswell though :person_shrugging:
Both wintrading and people buying characters for R1/Glads needs to go. If they all get banned id be happy.
But in general, its just so easy to fix prot pala wintrading situation which would only need like max 1 week of blizzards time to do.

dude no offense, but you spend more time on forums than in prot ladder. You barely play and expect to beat me who played several thousands rounds this season. Ofc what i do may seem like botting to you, the skill gap is insane.

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So “Yourmomz” is the other character you are wintrading with?

Told you few times dont talk about skill with me your account is brand new 2k achievements and you dont have any real experience in real 2s/3s brackets that just means there is no skill from your side

Provide evidence of your claims otherwise you are just spreading propaganda to slander the prot pally community. As a prot pally I’ve never seen any of this “win trading” you accuse the prot pally community of. If there is win trading going on then keep in mind healers do it too, so singling out prot pallies is just your bias.

Imagine not knowing how easy it is to wintrade as prot paladin.
Healers can do it, but not to the same extent and easy as prot can due to how you always face 2 prots in a lobby while healers can be any of them.

You can google around about it. There are evidence going around about quite obvious prot paladin wintrade.
But you can also stick your head into the sand and just… not look at anything and pretend there is no evidence like some people do.

It’s a lot easier to do as prot paladin, for obvious reasons.


Dolff takes a stand, dieing on a hill protecting the integrity of prot pala community

no effort more valuable

no flame but get higher than 2k and then come here and tell me to “provide evidence” its obvious that people are wintrading if you dont want to understand you are either one of em or you cant notice wintrading.
also the evidence already sent to blizzard its on them to take action against wintrading

u make me laugh buddy just check links on this topic what kind of evidence your looking at? just open your eyes and you will see “evidence”

Dibzi firing shots pew pew

Imagine using 4 prot paladins to wintrade. 3 is already sure if you use your brain and the last one is quite obvious.
If nothing happens, even if its so insanely obvious its quite sad even, then blizz rly are putting on blindfolds and actually need to hire people who are willing to dig deeper into this cheating situation.

Meaning people who are also buying piloted boosts for irl money on other accounts which they then transfer over to their mains when its “safe”.
And get rid of both the account they got boosted on but also the account they transfered over to. (the main)

thats what this guy is tryin to do, maybe sell the r1 titles? who knows because why would you play mmo with yourself and wintrade/bot abuse in a bracket 24/7 makes no sense to me unless he sells the chars!

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100% sells some of them and rest uses to flex big moscles like bulk bogan

I dont see any other reason to be honest for someone to do that on purpose maybe thats the case

i mean they didnt ban the biggest cheater jaime yet, he got called out by 10+15 awc players that he abused the bot and he played on guild clash my god

Hope blizzard does something about wintraders in the upcoming week

If the guy continue play with himself just with his dozen accounts then he should just go play single player mode game

Okay so those wintraders still got r1 for free cause of this bracket blizzard should be considering prot as a (dps) in shuffle 100% otherwise these people keep ruining the game with wintrade/bot abuse