Wintraders / Bot abusers in Protection Paladin Solo Shuffle Bracket

we dont know tbh r1s not out yet

To dont create new topic. Did blizzard do something about cheaters, bots, scripters in arenas? It has developed so far player had just move character and rest did cheat, perfect rotation ect.
I imagine in BGs its even worse.
Not sure should I come back yet for some pvp.

r1 titles already out and none of bot abusers / wintraders got banned apparently they got titles and rewards by being so obvious with cheating
not sure what blizzard is doing right now…

As far as i know, none of wintraders got r1 this season, which is amazing. Just as reminder, the list (published by Arbuzno) is below:


  1. Pøgxy - Wrathbringer (previously Mehmet-Wrathbringer). Uses ingamewhispers to invite other protection palas to discord to wintrade. Wintrading partners ( Djxívv - Antonidas, Healmacan - Thrall). Gets really mad when you dont let him wintrade by constantly accepting the queue.
  2. Dibzi - Kazzak. During S1 wintrades with his mate, early in the morning repeatedly loses on his alt Dibzi - Argent Dawn to Maximumtaste - Ravencrest.
  3. Maximumtaste - Ravencrest (switched realms already). During S1 wintrades with his mate, early in the morning repeatedly loses on his alt Sonnywalker (dont remember exact name/realm) to Dibzi-Kazzak.
    2 and 3 happen at the same time, so they both only lose on alts and only win on mains, which is wintrading.
  4. Emistesia-Stormscale - worst abuser of prot pala ladder, both in s1 and s2.I think he only plays with himself on second account. If he goes 2 wins in a 6 game lobby vs me it’s a miracle, usually he loses all 6. And we have comparable ratings, sometimes he’s even higher. Which makes me think he doesnt even want to compete, only plays predefined matches.
    S1 “partner” Syconence-Ragnaros.
    S2 “partner” Vivalabeef-Stormscale. So the probable scheme is : he plays with himself , losing on Bonzo-Stormscale to Vivalabeef-Stormscale. Afterwards he loses on Vivalabeef-Stormscale to his main. He constantly changes names, but the current name of his main is Emistesia-Stormscale. [/quote]

Aburnzo is rhe only wintrader on your lil list and r1s not out yet

Yo is it me or the prots keep renaming themselves every other day. There always pops a new r1 prot on this post outta nowhere.

Oh really bud? now your typing stuff with your other account, amazing so where is my r1 title from season 1 then if I wintraded?
only wintraders in prot pala ladder got r1 titles in s1/s2 and it was arbuzno with diff accounts or a 2nd guy who helps him claim his fake r1’s every time you try to act like someone else you make me laugh XD

460 achievements? like even new players get 1k achievements by default just by playing the game, how it comes someone with 0 pvp achievements no experience no nothing comes out with a brand new account and claims r1? hmm it ofc isnt a cheater aka wintrader/bot program abuser he is a “legit and godlike player” said our boy arbuzno.
wake up dude instead of acting like 10 different people to try to justify yourself get a life and stop ruining this bracket, I guarantee if you turn off the program that helps you afking irl you cant win a single game, literally not a single one and I assume you know it yourself

Kid please, there are no wintraders at your 1500 rating.


Yep, im totally new in this game. Prot is ez, i learned it literally in two weeks. There is no competition, literally noone good was trying to achieve rank 1, thats how i got it. Only bunch of wintraders tried to compete, but they were all subpar

I completely know what you are doing with 3-4 different accounts so there is no point for you to type some nonsense instead play the mmo game into other players instead of facing yourself and trying to grow your ego with fake r1’s we all know those r1’s mean nothing buddy just get a life

“I completely know, but i got no evidence, im just a pleb who wants to be you and will never be with my APM 30. I like to hide behind lvl 10 character so that you cant show how many times you did me”

From time to time you get Wintrader party against you… its usualy 0:6…

Sadest part is, they hinder your progress tramendusly, because after 0:6 game, your first 4:2 will be +2 rating, second will be +20, and on third win you will start to earn points under presume you not lose in meantime. Recovery after wintraders is just inhumanly hard and time consuming.


You had 3 wintrading characters and your main at the top. Thats not called being good, thats called being dedicated to being bad simply because you know you are too bad at the game to improve so you have to wintrade.

hey as you got the most interesting name of the bunch i direct my question to you mr, can you tell me why ppl keep change their names so often on the protpala ladder, thank you :slight_smile:

That is conspiracy theory of all times. Time to stop watching XFiles. Can you give an example of pala i lost to as you said im bad? Thought so.
You will never improve if all your answers to losing are “wintrade” or “botting”. Which is good for me, free rank ones.

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Some do this to start new life after being caught wintrading, like Mehmet and Emistesia. No other examples come to my mind

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I dont care if I dont improve or not, thats the difference between us. I dont need to go extreme to try defend my own actions when wintrading since I dont do it.
But its extremely easy to see you wintrading, I have no clue why you never even bothered buying conquest gear for atleast 2 of your wintraders even if they had over 600-1000+ rounds each.
One of your blue wintrading characters that the exact same date on achievements. Means same bnet.

All in all, not difficult to actually see it. But considering blizz is allowing it somehow I guess its legal to wintrade and at alot of cases use bots. Have fun :+1:

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i was thinking if they keep changing name so often for roleplaying reason or something :smiley:

ive had same names always, i never change my names

Dude i dont know if drugs are legal or not in your country, but you most certainly need to stop using them. I dont have any chars except this one, so i dont understand what you’re talking about. Peace bro