Wintraders / Bot abusers in Protection Paladin Solo Shuffle Bracket

he is scared he didnt even come to say anything also he made new accounts and he is wintrading on brand new accounts :male_detective:

Needs to be ip banned instandly

check prot shuffle ladder

Funny that you out of everyone is on a thread about win trading

Funny that someone like u who i never heard about talks about me and a classic profil ofc cause u need to hide ur 1500 xp

I dont know u, u some random honor lvl 9. if u are rakar then in that case everyone knows u bought ur glads xD

rank #1 #2 #3 are same guy and the guy actually sells some r1 shuffle accounts thats why he wintrades and abuses bot programs keep this thread alive so maybe we get some changes or attention to this ladder

and i bought ur parents 2 especially your mommy

We dont have to lie about those kind of things, just flip my burgers, at least u are decent enough to do that yourself

u not even posting on a char ppl can look at thats simple cause ur prolly 1700 for your whole life now move on

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