Wintraders / Bot abusers in Protection Paladin Solo Shuffle Bracket

maybe you are right, ppl keep change names so often not get caught cheating :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Sure, sure, keep it up scrub :+1:

you are exposed my guy by paddling, you sink deeper into the swamp your character names, achievements, bla bla is the evidence for what a useless kind of mmo player you are

Ur not worth any second i waste on you lil baguette :slight_smile: we all know how u got it and ur dont even have 1550 av in normal brackets so what can i say u are your own biggest fail snupy even called u out on stream that ur a wintrader

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Clowns beeing clowns again my eyez

Only this aburnzo guy is doing that w 4 chars

imagine wintrading with your own self and then talking to people with ego some people are just out of their mind

he doesnt even have 1550 hes prolly even to bad for that cause he cannot play agianst himself

As player who played enough games…I can tell you wintrading teams is reality and you will pay your rating to them as toll on regular basis.

Generaly how I recognize them: (example of common wintrader game)
Paladin throws 3 games with you without using bubble, not doing damage, purposly losing, or even using his best cooldowns before gates open and telling “ops”, than this same paladin went oposite side and play like divine surgeon, 0 mistakes, glad degree of play. Suddenly guy gain +1000% skill

But worst part is recovery after you pay -75 rating to wintraders, you need to win next 2-3 games in order to start gaining rating again… so yes they can hinder your progress alot.

Solution is simple: Match history need to be public, than even community can help eliminate wintrading by pinpointing guy who offten ended with same people in games.


you are right but prot paladin bracket is just a different story, as prot paladin you only face another prot paladin (prot paladins considered as healer) so this way even 1 guy can wintrade with himself the way that a guy called arbuzno doing this with multiple accounts so the only way to address this issue is that they put prot pala as a (dps) like other tanks since prot paladin cant keep up with healing like previous expansions and with this little fix to prot paladin bracket, they can make this bracket more competitive and by doing that they are not letting wintraders get free r1 on the account and manipulate the system

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exactly what u said

So sad that us prot paladins get some sort of attention only when it’s about this crap… I don’t even know why someone would join SS as prot when blizz royally f us by putting us in our own q. Mirror matches are just bad. I hope blizz will give us a purpose again, if not in arena, at least in bgs.

its just so sad that blizzard did this to prot paladin bracket because some people are wintrading casually and abusing bot programs and they dont get punished or anything

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They could easily stop wintrading if they add a 30 min ban if you miss or refuse the queue pop. Now they can requeue 100x times in a row to get the right pop. If they add a 30 min ban, then you can’t do that anymore …


I agree, something of sort should be implemented in SS q. Similar mechanic is on skirmish. With SS, they could for instance add 5 minute debuff for first missed q, and 15 min the next and so on.

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tbh i was confused why there wasnt implemented something like deserter for obvious reasons as fishing ques with no penalty enables various unwanted uses, few of the top awc players have also mentioned about it on their twitter since, i wondered about it since launch of df aswell when saw how its abused but i got negative feedback on it in this sub forum as such that it would give people debuffs when they are afk :dracthyr_shrug:

in any case in my opinion if someone is afk in any que which they miss then they deserve the penalty. other people have dedicated effort to be on standby when something they signed on is ready for them so why would they suffer from these declines or the other obvious usage of how this is also abused to example dodge ques or fixing games.

tl;dr: if signed to be on board a ship but dont appear on the manifest when the ship leaves harbor then the person missed it. no group cares wait for single individual being late for something he has signed for, it is matter of prioritizing for the larger good

completely agree there are so many ways to stop wintrading but yea blizzard is letting people wintrade also none of those people who abused bot programs got banned

keep this thread alive so maybe hopefully we get some updates about this bracket

its so sad to see this Arbuzno guy is wintrading again on two new accounts why blizzard doesnt care about shuffle ladder whats the point of this ladder then if people are gonna wintrade so easily

He will come in here again to rell you its skill diff