Wintraders gets exposed

How’s it a conspiracy when there’s literal video evidence of people talking in discord about it

The video is clearly in reverse…

wintrading for r1 alwyas has been a thing theres no conspiracy
also even pro themselves like raiku admited ther e is wintrading going on

People like you are pathetic.


LOOOOL, I just put the video in reverse and all i can hear is people talking about the best way to pet a cat?

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Please explain how this is in reverse.

Ofc they all trying tod defend themselfs thes talk about how ppl should not complain and get r1 themselfs Meanwhile who said u all never made r1 by playing maybr u all wintraded each other for it and u actually never did 1 legit r1 the Tournament players besides those are really good.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

2.2k xp and he play wow 24/24
What a clown.
Maybe play more the game ,3k posts and 2.2k xp in pvp :rofl::rofl:

Cba ur the biggest clown of those forums, 0 mythic + dungeons done in BFA s4 (0 raider .io score and only 5/12 HC xp with just 1 HC n’zoth kill.(u probably did only for the mount) and u’re max xp in 2s is 2.2k
Exposed and i will still expose u.
Meanwhile here is main and i just played wow for few months (came back in end of june)

12/12 HC XP +3/12 M xp with no guildes and i’m not even a wow main player howver ur play wow all the year and u just have 5/12 hc and 0 mythic+ dungeons done…
Rakar u made my day u deserve the tile of
“Our rank 1 wow player in posting”

How’s your 2.7k in 2s going? Btw, noone here cares for pve exp.
Maybe you should start researching properly. :clown_face:
His rio is btw higher than yours:

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:rofl: i see lmao he has 5/12 HC XP and only 2k io while he’ve been playing since the start of 8.3 and he plays wow all the time.

Meanwhile i have 12/12 HC xp and 3/12 M xp as tank and dps without a guild and i just played for like 3 months :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.

This suppose to be impressive?

:laughing:At least more impressive than getting gladiator in only BFA s4 ft corruption and with a OP comp like MLX or RMX :wink:
U and rakar ur so funny

Atleast I can get it :upside_down_face:

Well i never wanted to get glad anway,cba wow ,

I actually pugged the 3/12 mythic i have. Dunno, wasn’t that hard and is actually pretty unimpressive. :thinking:

Oh really? I remember not to long ago you promising 2400+ in under 500 wins, but wait… let me look bac through time.

OH! yeah… thats right you barely got 2k in 2s on the easiest class in the bracket WITH a 47% win rate, you absolute god sir.

Same, its not hard to do at all, just have to use your eyes and your good… thats probably challenging for this guy though. Bless him.

thats because he is still farming echo’s

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Ohh, damn… my bad.

Yeah he needs the extra gushing to help him.