**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

Wipes Standing Up - Ok new Recruitment thread Please can we all be nice on this one and refrain from the same negativity displayed on previous post?

We are aware this is An RP realm and we do aim to protect that, we welcome members that Choose to RP although no official organised events will be made by the guild. We will not tolerate griefing of RP activities and any disruption to the community.

Our guild is newly formed for Shadowlands consisting of core veteran players from Argent Dawn, most of us playing on and off since Burning Crusade. Currently the guild is new, and recruitment is open to all with the aim to look to gather a core raiding team.
The guild is run by a team of very experienced players who have been raiding since roughly 2007.

As for the name of the guild, This is a private joke shared by some founders I apologies for any offence caused

What can we offer?

(note: we are a Heroic-only guild, we have no desire to raid Mythic )
Our raiding style is hardcore casuals nursing semi’s: no fight goes perfectly from the start and we do not mind spending some time on a boss if that is what it takes. We do try to use our limited raiding time well whenever new content is available.

We do normal raids, heroic raids and mythic+, and there are always people up for doing any of those.

Raids will be occasionally streamed which means if you unfortunately miss a raid night you could watch it :blush:

Your profile?

We do not expect you to be a hardcore player, but you should have the basics such as having your gear enchanted and gemmed, be willing to learn, and bring buff-food, damage pots and flasks for heroic raids. If we’re still learning we will not ask you to use them, but if we get close to a kill we might ask that you put in that little bit of extra effort.

For communication we use Discord, and we’d prefer it if you have a working microphone for easier feedback during raid encounters.

Raid days ?

Wednesday and Thursday - 19:45 - 23:00 Realm time


The roles and classes that we are currently recruiting are:

1 x Full-time tank – must be reliable and consistent in signing up to raids
1 x Healer – must be comfortable playing DPS as well as healer to fulfil 3rd spot.
Various DPS classes.

For further information?

Please feel free to whisper Asilan (Gehil#2231) or Cervet (Cervet#2247) for further information about the guild, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

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If it’s about it being an inside joke, I’m sure you can express that some other way, making it the guild motto or motd or w/e.

It really is just kinda annoying to see similar PvE ‘haha we’re so funny’ type names around, especially in capitol cities which have larger numbers of roleplayers.

The guild is very new (founded in 2021) so even if you don’t want to pay to change the guild name, it shouldn’t be a big problem to just remake it?

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I only skim-read the last post, and when I did chime in I did admittedly poke fun and not do much else, so I do apologise for not being more constructive then. Allow me to do so now.

Whilst you may well respect roleplayers and even have people who roleplay within your guild, time and again we’ve had guilds on the forums with jokey, insincere names pop up with very little care or interest for the people who are on Argent Dawn to roleplay. Pandemic, B*yhole Buccaneers/Little PogChamps, the failed attempt by an Albanian Trucker, all of that - there’s been an abundance of guilds who flaunt this immature humour and then seem surprised when people don’t take them seriously.

So the question I’d ask you - why should anyone take you seriously when you have a literal toilet humour name and allow people with names related to the global pandemic to have a spot within the guild? Yes, okay, that’s one member, but there’s some onus to the guild leader too. You choose who joins you, and in doing so, you choose who you think is okay and who isn’t as a sort of representative.

Maybe that’s not something that was considered at the time, but I implore you to consider it now.


Thanks for the reply but we arent embarrassed by the name at all there is already a reporting method if you do not like the name forum reply is not one unfortunately

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” Im not asking for name approval or to be taken seriously, Im tired of an endless debate on the name when no-one can provide where a guild name has to follow RP rules everyone send the same character name rp rules link

If people dont like the post ignore it, if people dont like the name report it, if people dont want to join then just dont. us being here has had no impact on AD for the past few years and wont going forward

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Never before has somebody used Shakespeare to justify toilet humour.

But also, if player names are assumed to follow those rules, why would guild names be any different?

She’s saying either A) you’re brown nosing/sucking up
or B) You’re tailing this thread so soon after the last one.

There is literally nothing homophobic about what she said, unless fart-sniffing is apparently something exclusive to the gay community now.


To who are we an embarrassment? None of us in the guild are embarrassed by it

Perhaps you should consider another server then since you said it yourself, that you don’t bring anything impactful to this server.


Find it hilarious that this second thread is going exactly the same way as the previous one.

All because the GM and a certain blood elf just aren’t learning from those that made actual suggestions. (Not saying there aren’t some actual trollers).

Nonsense, the server could use more PvE guilds. Only 5 or so have gotten Cutting Edge

There are a dozen PvE exclusive servers, why would a roleplay server want more PvE exclusive guilds?

There is a specific post about RP names for characters and reporting them
guild names also has its own specific page and how to report them but has no mention of rules for RP servers honestly the replies all feel like gate keeping an entire server and dictating your own prefabricated Rules based on what you perceive to be the best for a server.

We contribute to this server we assist with the economy, wait times in queues we are those people you may join with when doing content yet a name you find inappropriate means that in many people eyes we should not be part of this server we have been on for quite some time

I would hate to think someone wants to try RP ing and joins the server and reads the forums for an idea as sheesh the toxicity from the forum community compared to in game is so far apart

for what feels like the millionth time please can people stop arguing and be civil. Im happy to discuss things but dont think there is alot of need for what has been going between people on previous posts and developing here

Because someone might want to raid and RP on the same char?

for what feels like the millionth time please can people stop arguing and be civil

Just report the trolls.

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We also have people that RP and that also want to raid just because we dont organise events within the guild doesnt mean that we arent justified being here

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You don’t get to decide what the server needs, sadly. Everyone pays the same sub and you have no more right to decide what’s best for the server than Wendigo does.

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apologies should say no negative impact

This guild won’t improve this [completely irrelevant for an RP server] statistic.

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Maybe they will in 2 years when their team is closely knit and trained together.

They could even link that into an RP campaign.

Normally, yes, but you’ve broken the rules several times so I’m thinking that’s about to change.

I beg to differ we have a raid team we are just fleshing out numbers we have people that join daily, you need to seperate your needs/wishes from the community as like it or not you dont speak for them all

RP guilds do that.
Cross server groups exist.