**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

So, not only he is generally intellectually challenged, throws words without any backing proof to it whatsoever - he is also trying to enforce his own “moral norms” on others while trying to establish himself as a superior being.

Isn’t that like corner stones of National Socialism? :thinking: :eagle: :us:

Not really, I’d call going about in trade district where others are roleplaying riding on a big mount or spamming a bunch of OOC stuff brackets or not, not relevant to WoW or on-topic to the game or RP as disruptive. Go on a PvE server and set up a whole RP event in say Trade district - even a bit away from the AH and see what happens. Then you can gauge the average PvE server players reaction to RP and how most of the time they will choose to intentionally disrupt or mock it.

Thanks for showing people that it doesn’t take roleplaying to be socially inadequate.


No, because these forums are a small subset of people. AD forums? Even smaller. Very few people use realm forums - see PvE server realm forums being basically entirely guild recruitment listings.

Not socially inadequate, thanks. Most people lack simple understanding of the subjects of RP, unless you’re trying to say basically everyone is socially inadequate and then that would end up making a majority ‘socially inadequate’ which would defeat your own statement in the first place.

People that have never Tried to RP or have never played on an RP server or even read these forums mock RP, how then do that they do that?

I am not sure you are aware what basic English is, because we are currently conversing in Basic English.

BUT! Once again, if your xenophobic flexes are required - feel free :clown_face:

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200 new replies in this thread.


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Yeah, this is truly Mandarin, when you are so incapable of understanding basic sentences, written here

My condolences

Worst part is, he’s calling people out for xenophobia while at the same time demeaning people that don’t write flawless english.


on EU forums nonetheless :clown_face:

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'kay since you’re going the lazy " I have no real argument so here’s ancedotal" you’re wrong because my own personal viewpoints say you’re wrong.

qq, what’s your take on furries? Because I can guarantee you’re gonna be off the bar by a description you try throw up about that simply because peoples lack of understanding about what it even is and they equate it to all kinds of different things or via fringe events regardless of how the entire community is. (Using this as an example, because I presume you’re in no way associated with said community and likely know very little except heresay about it whereas you talk about being ‘part of the Roleplay community for years’.)

  1. People spouting whatever they want about Roleplayers doesn’t make any of it true.
  2. Being mean to people on a forum very few people even read isn’t going to perpetuate that stereotype that RPers hate Non-RPers especially since it would be factually untrue.
  3. I really don’t think comparing RPers to antivaxxers is a very good argument, please get something else.

you literally just insulting RPers shows that yeah, you really are just someone who hates RPers.

But I find it funny that you claim RPers to be socially inadequate when you’re likely a sweaty no-lifer whose only notable ability is to make everyone in a 50 foot radius of you feel uncomfortable, at least that’s what I’d figure from you alone contributing to 25% of the posts here.

Go. Away.


My lord this is still going? Just let the thread sink already.

Show me where I said Xenophobia was good.

Please, do tell, I am utterly interested in how you managed to concoct such a tale, considering I’ve literally been temp banned like 3 odd times arguing against racist people here before.

Also you were being really weirdly defensive about ERP in another thread here recently, as well as you being a Draenor character, as well as you utterly demeaning the real RP community…

Really… gets me thinking, ya know? really activates those almonds.

I keep reading “plenty of studies” or “thousands of studies” and you know what? That’s a flunked report right there - quote your dang sources.

well… this was a thread.

He doesn’t have a truth beyond “I bet I can say something to rile people up”

113 posts https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/813955513124913212.png?v=1


Oh nooo! I was mean to Americans, that’s literally as bad as actual racism.
Though I should specify, I only hate US lads, the rest of that continent is fairly cool.

who am I RPing with exactly?

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Yeah, I’ll politely ask Gankubruhx to stop standing on me with his mammoth mount while I am trying to roleplay.

I’m sure it’ll work.


Welcome to xenophobic club, enjoy ur stay