**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

Aww noooo he bullied the poor americans whatever will we do how could he be so racist to the USA how sad :sob: :sob: :sob:


I’ve just listed the server rules as Blizzard currently outline them and there’s nothing in there in regards to naming. It’s concerningly vague. ‘Immersion’ is a very subjective term depending on who you’re speaking with, and it would be extremely easy for ‘ZapdosKing52’ to convince a moderator that his name abides by some form of personal RP standard. I’m not saying I like it, but this is Blizzard’s current stance - as far I can find.

’ On an RP realm other players may expect you to develop a backstory for your character, to stay in character when interacting with others, and to contribute to the fantasy immersion of the realm’s community as a whole.’

Realm Rule-Sets in general are extremely vague. They didn’t used to be, but this is the time we’re playing in now. As there’s nothing specific in regards to naming, we can’t really say that they’re in violation of the rules, particularly if those rules cannot be found on any current or official source by Blizzard.

Now, I can argue that the name ‘ZapdosKing64’ violates my immersion, and I can say I can speak on behalf of the realm community’s collective immersion in my report, but how realistic is that, really? Again - I’m not saying I like it, but this is what we have to work with at present.

Well no, we can report something, someone else will look into it and then they will decide what action or inaction to take. And as I’ve stated above, if they do not see a breach of the rules, they will not take action.

Then I think you need to appeal to Blizzard directly then. They’re the ones running the show. You vote with your wallet, and you’re paying to play their game and abide by the rules that they set down.

How dare we say bad things about anything outside of EU. Guess my freedom of speech is no more.

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:man_facepalming: Its the only reply I have for this argument.
Player made names must follow naming rules, whats so hard to understand about that?

Ah. My apologies. I found the appropriate page for naming violations. Didn’t know mini-pets fell under that too, lol. Moderating that must be a nightmare.

That being said, here’s what you’re advised to do in the same policy:

'Reporting a Bad Name

If you see a name that violates our naming guidelines, use the right-click option in-game to report it. If you want to report your own name, contact us.’

Was about to quote that very part.

“Our Naming Policy rules apply to all player-made names in-game, including characters, guilds, and pets.”

This comes from the naming rules policies.

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Yeah. I couldn’t find them at first. I was specifically trying to find what I remembered to be the clearly defined rule-sets for role-play that Blizzard had on display, but they appear to have either vanished or simply been nerfed into a single crummy sentence.

It’s a bit of a ball ache not to have a clear defined set of rules for role-playing servers all in one place on the official game’s pages. Naming conventions should really be on the same page as the realm rule sets.

Yeah, they should.


Where is “jade witchcraft” happening exactly?

That makes me wonder why you are okay with that percentage tilting further.

Weird take, since you claim that you are a roleplayer yourself.

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It is inevitable that more and more RPers will quit since they are outnumbered 1 to 5. However, if instead of being aggressive to new players you speak to them in a polite way they are more likely to try RP in the future.

What are you basing this claim on?

It’s not a claim, it’s a fact. If you’re aggressive to someone they sure as hell aren’t going to listen.

Just because someone is polite, doesn’t mean I’m going to gain an interest in something they have interest in.

It isn’t.

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You personally no, but it’s far more likely for someone to try RP if they aren’t bullied into doing it.

Yes it is. There’s a thousand studies out there that show shaming/bullying does not work and, if anything, causes people to stick ever tighter to their beliefs.

Never about being bullied, literally about rolling on an RP server if you want to try RP or want to RP and otherwise don’t do it. Can play on ANY server and play with your friends on any server, so there’s really no reason of “I play here to play with my friends.” truly. That’s what cross-realm groups are for and bnet.

Wanna know what happens when an RPer tries to go on a PvE server and RP with people or just RP never do PvE? RP only in raid encounters and what would happen then? You can stop with the whole ‘it’s fine to bring all the non-rpers to the only RP server left because muh freedom to roll where I want’

Shaming does work quite often actually.
Different people react differently to various things.

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Show me a single study that says this.

No, I don’t think I will. People are allowed to roll wherever they want. They pay the same sub as you.

Not really relevant in the least, being disruptive doesn’t really get to exempt you from anything because ‘they pay a sub fee too’.


You’d call never RPing as ‘being disruptive’ despite it not being against the rules so you might want to fix your definition first.