With how many community-disliked features tried Ion to get away in BfA?

The biggest flaw with the current Dev team is it’s complete failure to recognize the utter lack of character progression between level 80 and 120.

38 Levels are just numbers between 81 and 120 - The remaining 2 unlock a talent. Uninspiring …

Scaling is awful, as your character levels it losses comparative power as it gains levels, this is so evident as you level from 110 to 120.

PvP gear progression - deleted
PvP gear vendors got lost finding their new location and haven’t been seen since.
PvP only stats deleted so we can all “enjoy” the same homologized gear with the added lottery of Wf / TF and random additional stats and or sockets.

Edit: While I’m on one ….

Stat squish that has WoD dungeon items with higher ilevel and better stats than the same level Legion dungeon gear. ( Compared on a Level 98 - 100 character )

Stupid restrictions on applying Enchants to gear - you can’t apply a enchant x to your ilevel 160 gear, but you can on a 136 Green and make it stronger than the 160 gear… Reverse gear progression - great concept.


I knew i forgot something. Thanks for pointing it out.

And yet I was the one being directed to do more research…

For what it’s worth I don’t watch QnA’s , or any content like that for the most part as I would rather be playing the game. Has the game changed massively since I first started playing? Yes it has and whilst some of those changes have been bad some have been good for me and the way I play. But for all that and back on to the topic I don’t think that these features were implemented because they were unnecessary or just to frustrate the community. Some of the things backfired and didn’t work out probably as they were intended but I think that the Devs, and Ion, thought that there were legitimate reasons to introduce them.

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I don’t like the Q&A format myself, I prefer to read up on MMO Champion, Wowhead etc to see what has been said.

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Looks in the mirror :man_facepalming:t4::octopus:

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So people aren’t complaining that they want more neck levels, or that they want to farm more. They are complaining that the other AP they earn through so many actions in the game is wasted. That in the previous expansion we got a nominal amount of gold instead.

This is confusing me :laughing:

Or are you saying you want more neck levels?


Well i would say, that the 3 changes OP sets out, they have all been done because of well explained reasons. You might dislike them, but they are not universaly unessesary.

If i have to think of something, which is generally disliked, then it is proberly either Azerite Armor or Warfronts. Not because they are unessesary, but because they are worse versions of previous features. Why change a feature, if you are just gonna replace it with a worse version? xD

N’zoth is twisting everyone’s mind… THATS WHY !!
the gif is my face when i read the op cause im confused af


I see!!!

Makes perfect sense.


Necklace is just an example, and changing azerite rewards into gold is ok. What i am saying is they aren’t content because their azerite ‘grind’ has ended at last, instead, they are complaining they aren’t getting other rewards from the same activities.

They want to get more, while doing the same thing. ‘‘I already bought everything with my apexis crystals, now let me get other things with it’’. Simply, they ask Blizzard to give them reason to keep doing the same things. TF does the same and gives people a reason to keep doing the same things over and over again.

And if TF had %70-80 chance to proc, noone would cry, everyone would love it more than their own life. Those who aren’t getting it, hates TF, those who can’t get more azerite hates azerite as a reward.

Oh I see. Well I didn’t actively grind AP once I hit neck level 50 and I think that could be said for many people but many activities still award it, like emissaries etc so I don’t think it was an unreasonable request.

My personal view is I have LOVED not having to grind AP after I hit level 50. I actually have time to enjoy the game and do other things.


You had that time even before but because you need it for the raids, it became a mandatory task to do.

That’s because they were scared to remove flying becaus people whined. They should not have been and I’m still hoping that we don’t get flying in 8.2.

Flying is already confirmed for 8.2 though.


Yeah I know. I can still hope someone really messes up and they suddenly lose all flying related code or something similar… right? :slight_smile:

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Sorry but Q&A is nothing but another joke. Blizz only respond for questions they feel confrontable.

Tomorrow is another HOTS Q&A about characters reworks and guess what? Yeah they will answer only to confrontable questions.

Sorry but in that case, this is huge joke.

I don’t like it either. It’s nothing more than a PR stunt at regular intervals.


Yeah my reaction to those Q&A is like.

What the hell? Allthough idk how to post gif etc.

Oh and kick out Titanforging!

If you reach trust level 3 you can post gifs :wink:

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Let’s add removing all options now for friends to boost friends and their crusade to kill any twinks, I don’t even twink yet I list it.

Not having in played for nearly 3 months, today 2 lv 50 neck and 2 chars are now doing the last level to 50. I kept ymself with old content farming.

Complained to day how even the JC tool will be near useless with 8.2 because of new gems, what a waste I spent gathering those BoP mats for it. Ohwell I can use it on chars to remove a gem. So in all 8.2 they also decided to kill off people their prepared stockpile for 8.2. new pots, new flask and new gems. I knew I should have gone enchanting mats.

8.2 is their last chance - my patience ran out complety. problem or well a blessing I sword not to start anathor MMO ever again. Would do FF but I’m used to the main SP games and it feels always off and weird for me to play them.

From evrything I know of 8.2 1 boss will be thrash and according to testing it will just be 1 boss that’s hard. essentially: 1/8 super easy, 6/8 not too hard and 1/8 being an enormous wall.

Then I saw what they added in 8.2:

-They add 1 portal back (CoT), but Alliance still won’t get a portal to Hillsbrad back (Horde has Dark Portal teleport from the NPCs for easy access to southern EK, we have none for Northern EK except if Stromgarde portal is up). Horde can reach Karazhan, STV etc. faster by portal than Alliance needs to fly from SW…
-Flying, after taking waterstriders ability to stride on water
-Lots seems to be rare spawns and treasure hunting again
-Lots of relying on grinds.

Good parts:

-I hope WQ never get updated again like they did now (screw them)
-Mechanon looks the most interesting
-No more WF/TF for atleast Nazjatar gear (except world boss).

We will see how much fun the raid is, will use next week to do mog runs (hopefully I finish paladin mythic ToS, I need the HD upgrade). Nearly done with all weapons from WoD (2 left lol) and MoP raiding.

Still pissed about ML though, thanks to rubbish changes I spent every alt night on my main because PL just kept going “Nope!”, 6 weeks to loot just 1 weapon and just azerite pieces (Gron, grr bad was worse than 385 vendor ones). Also about legion not being group loot, to slow us down. It feels great transmog runs with 0 items or just 1-2 relic/ring/neck/trinket. trinket are usefull for me if a socket for TW purpose and even it still isn’t a mog.

Then the tier sets… 8.2 3rd time in a row they looked awefull, can’t see the naga them eand they all look like generic plate (yes all 4 armor types)! Just Ditch Azerite azerite armor and give us back tier sets if this is the quality we get. This is the first expac where I never mogged an current expac tier set. Did they cut their budget by 90% or something?