in short, this. ultimately, he is in charge, or at least one of the top guys in charge. he signs off on things. HE pushed through the change in flying that happened in WoD. while we will never really know the ACTUAL reason why people abandoned WoD in droves, i think flying might have had a more than mention-able part in it. we didn’t know that it would be so short and content dry at the beginning, and the beginning of WoD actually was quite good with the storytelling. but it still lost nearly half the players. but no flying was there at the start…
i have seen a video that is meant to be him playing in a ZA bear run.
Osangar, you say you dont understand the band wagon about Ion. but as has been mentioned, he is the face. he pushed no flying. he WANTED no flying ever again. he allowed azerite to happen, which had EXACTLY the same problems that artifact power had. didn’t they learn anything, cause they made the same mistake twice in a row. just look at how he presents himself and answers questions in Q&A. he looks like he dont care, or would rather not be there.
you say he is a scarablord. im going to be generous and presume this is from vanilla, and not a server hop in WotLK. i find it hard to believe he is a scarablord. people say he played the game at its height (vanilla-Wotlk), i find that hard to believe from how he presents now. people say he is a lawyer (and not just any lawyer, for a DC based firm), i can see that from how he evades answering things of weight.
he may have been a player from vanilla-TBC and a big one at that if he is a scarablord. he may be a good guy. BUT since he has been at a high position he just is letting things occur that do not produce fun and happiness. they produce metrics and time online. who he was as a player is not who he is as an employee.
but also, Tom Chilton as Ion’s predecessor also would have a lot to answer for.
Reddit is an echo chamber and most probably they can’t surprise the devs. Whatever they will come with, devs most likely know it already.
What Blizzard is doing is to observe people’s behaviours rather than listening to their unconstructive never-ending complaints. And they keep those ebhaviours in their mind when shaping the game.
For example, people spam dungeons and start to avoid communication hence the lfg. People avoid leveling like the plague (also there are tons of content now since it is a 15 y old game) hence the heirlooms. Forming 40 man raids became a lot bigger issue as the time passes, hence smaller raids… etc etc etc. Those echo chambers full with tears and anger don’t add anything, since msot of the time devs already know what is what.
I mean, for example, removing portals had no effect on me at all. According to you, this is one of the most terrible, horrific, sadistic change in the universe, because that’s what you kept haring in those echo chambers for too long and now you believe that it is really an important issue. But in reality, it is a non issue.
They observe people’s short-term behaviours on certain things and base their long-term conclusions on it.
e.g. Ion himself said they observed how people were more active after receiving a titanforged item. Therefore: Titanforged is awesome!
But in long-term it lowers your motivation to even farm more gear, it lowers the excitement after gaining a new item if it’s not titanforged, it lowers the motivation to farm BiS gear because it’s basically impossible, etc.
This is a first for me but I agree with your last few posts 100%. I’m not sure if I received a severe blow to the head in the middle of the night and just ‘didnt notice’ but I am seeking medical advice
Yes, i agree with pandering to peoples’ desires leads to boredom and lack of motivation at some point, they are aware of that as well.
But on the other hand, titanforging extends the content. If people are done with gearing at some point, they will start moaning about no content.
There are people crying about lvl 50 azerite necklace that they did not like the grind ended and want more. You saw those threads, right? Titanforging is just a tool to sate that mentality.
People don’t want things to end, they want more and more while actually doing it in less and less time period. Either Blizzard will either make the content a looot more time consuming, or add more RNG because they can’t produce faster than players consume it.
It’s a very bad tool because it’s based on two RNG layers.
No, they think they want more and more in less and less time. But they don’t.
Sure they can. They can change the titanforge system from a RNG system to a “collect currency X” system. In fact we already had that in a more simple form in MoP: The item upgrade system.
1: Removal of class tier sets, in case of theme sets?
I don’t know who was an genius for it, but this is one of things was really pissed me off. Tier sets was in game since very begining, and now they are gone. monkaS
2: Another attempt for making professions revelant.
Seriously? In Legion they didin’t fixed it, why they could now? As i said before, professions you got only for transmogs and mounts. Nothing more. I think if they would bring back ressisting system from vanilla, could be little bit revelant.
3: More mess with cross-realm.
Seriously what the hell? Sometimes on AD i see dead places, where before was some life. While on Silvermoon for example is tons of people. One of Polish WoW streamers moved from Defias Brotherhood to Silvermoon, and i consider same move.
4: Storyline written on knee.
I think i understand now opinions, that BfA is MoP 2.0. Seriously idk who thought it will be good idea, for repeating that story, but i could kick him out from office to look for some inspirations.
5: Mount equipment.
Seriously? Water Strider removal walking in the water and replacing it with mount equipment that allow you walking on the water? Maybe let’s make an fly mount that don’t fly?! Oh wait… It was happend allready! Yeah Kua’Fon i look at you but wait! You will learn how to fly on 8.2! What a joke…
I will not even bother myself telling anything about Mythics etc, because it is total clown fiesta if i must compare to Legion.
He plays a shaman though. If you’re gonna write all this stuff about Ion but you can’t even find out what class he’s playing I’m really not into believing you since you couldn’t even get a simple thing such as a class right
So you say he couldn’t believe it because of his persona and class but 50% of that statement is just pure wrong because of the class you say. Why would anything else be right if in just that little segment you’re already 50% wrong?
Have a nice day though mate
Edit: if I can’t trust you to fact check that small paragraph how is anyone to trust you’re gonna fact check any of your claims in that text and not just spew BS because you think you’re right? I’m guessing you won’t because everyone is a kiddo but here’s the thing… even kids learn to fact check in school