With the way things are atm you might as well remove the Brutosaur mount already

gold making is literally dead.

I probably wont be getting bruto mountbecause i didnt see this one comming and i wasted millions of gold random stuff sad

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Yeah. Start of expac I could make a million in a week. I didn’t bother then because I thought I would grind it on my own pace. Oh boy how wrong I was… The mount is already unobtainable for me and many others even if it is still available.

No offence but I cannot believe that you are whining about something so stupid.

You will not get the mount and it will never be yours.

Accept it and move on. This is a game. I know a lot of people who started farming when they announced that it would be gone in SL and those people have now bought the mount. It was definitely 100% possible because they did not whine about the AH but instead got a lot of gold through old raids and other ways. I also know people who are very close and will soon be able to buy it so why TF should they… remove it? Just because youw ere too incompetent to figure out how to farm gold effectively?
From what I understand YOUR WAY of getting gold is not working out and now you are blaming Blizzard for your incompetence. Grow up and stop posting.
This is just embarrassing to read.

Wonder if shadlowlands moblile app will have AH feature like wow armory had wod make mount useless :stuck_out_tongue:

that would be hilarious

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you’re comparing a 100k mount with a 5 million gold mount.

Once again you proved your trollism.

100k was huge amount in MoP

Blizzard announcing they’re removing the Brutosaur (which was stupid in the first place) has done nothing but damage the games economy in a lot of ways. I can’t remember the last time it was this difficult to sell stuff on the AH.

I’m not even going for the mount because 5 Mill is just stupid, and it’s affecting me.


Not now it isn’t. It wasn’t a transmog vendor either. And it wasn’t close to how bad 5 million is, even back then.

RAF mount ( the camel ) sod have AH and bank aswell lolz

Google inflation

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This is the truth… I personally don’t give a flying duck bout the long boi. Even if i had 5m i wouldn’t buy it. Well i might if I had been as lucky as a guild m8 who got a BoE in the first days of NYA raid… he got 5m gold for it. Pretty sure he bought the long boi for the profit. =)

To be fair i rarely visit the AH anyway. I dont sell stuff, all i do is buy some flowers here n there to make pots n flask for me an my alts. HS on 15 min cd, portal to Orgrimmar buy flower then portal back to Zuldazar. 3 min tops! =)

Tbh i think the mount is more like a bragging right. “See… i farmed 5 m gold.”
But hey… obviously everyone plays the game differently, many ppl play the game to make gold. There are some truly filthy rich players out there. =)

But removing the mount make no sense to me either so that’s that.

that is not true. i already made a list further up which gives you 20k per char in 2 hours. if you do not read, then that is not our problem but lies with you

Mount prices are crazy across the board… 72k for a gryphon mount after you grind the rep… and there are 3 of them. I still haven’t bought them yet even though I collect mounts.

I am still mad after the price of the Lightforged Warframe 500k :confused:

I am all for high prices if it’s made so we can make gold in the game without it becoming a 2nd job or being a booster…


its not supposed to be “farmed” but to be bought with tokens… that was Blizzard intention from the start. The mount is for botters and those who dont bother spend lot of real money to get it, aka spoiled rich kids.

It is a gold sink. Especially because of the amount of gold people had after legion.
A token 167k gold. You can do the math yourself how much real life money the 5M mount will cost. This has nothing to do with “rich spoiled kids”.

Of course it’s doable to make 5 mil before prepatch but it doesnt change the fact prices are so extremely low you’ll have to put a lot of hours into farming to make 5 mil. Every single person I know and their mum and their dog are farming gold at the moment.

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But if prices are super low and nothing sells.
How do they make that money then?

I’m glad to be a mage and not really need the longboi. Portals to AH spots are awesome.


Good question though one I have been asking myself for sometime now.