WM bonus idea

The current system where we get a fluctuating % resource bonus depending on how much we were outnumbered the previous week, clearly isn’t working. It only favours the Alliance when it’s quite clear that whilst we may be outnumbered overall, many shards will still end up with an Alliance bias, which seems a little unfair on the Horde.

Aside from that, the buff isn’t a true bonus, it borders between an incentive to turn WM on and compensation for your possible repeated visits to the Shadowlands. It’s part bonus, part hazard pay, part workplace compensation :laughing:.

Instead of this could we perhaps see a more balanced system that is fair to both factions?

I’d like to see the return of a Wintergrasp-esque buff from the days of yor, where the faction who was outnumbered received a power/hp boost corresponding to how outnumbered they were. Have it fluctuating on a shard by shard basis, so the outnumbered faction, which ever it may be receives a boost.

We need less of this nonsense where a balanced shard starts a Battle for Nazjatar only for one side to overwhelm the other by tripling their ranks via the LFG tool or where Mechagon is so one sided that one faction gets wiped out, even inside of Rustbolt.

And to Blizz - for crap’s sake, fix the damned lag. Don’t allow situations where 100 players can be in a small area when your servers clearly can’t handle it. #smallindycompany

How do you fix region imbalance with your suggestion tho? It’s region imbalance that causes single faction overflow shards, very bad for wpvp. Shard balance seems generally ok, variable number of opponents is normal in wpvp. Both sides have access to lfg.

Excess player lag is caused by addons.

Dunno if the Wintergrasp-esque buff would work… it didn’t really work back then, either.

And I advocated for this myself at first, but after thinking more about it, I really don’t feel like it would solve anything.

Blizzard should focus heavily on incentivising PvP only rewards from a war mode bonus.

Give the overwhelmed faction a bonus in Honor for every activity instead of increased rewards. Give us additional Grandmaster’s Prize tokens, or Marks of Honor.

Something like that. As long as they push out rewards that are PvP focussed, you don’t run the risk of it escalating for PvE oriented players.

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