WoD wasn't so bad after all

  1. Better combat

  2. Proper PvP servers

  3. PvP vendors

  4. Honour gear

  5. Tier sets no azerite

  6. No stupid neck grind

  7. Dailies not world

  8. No stupid turtle beach quest

  9. No range loot

  10. Fleshed out characters that arnt clipped to hell

  11. No diablo style rift dungeons for artificially extending play

  12. No sodding stupid GCD

  13. Better mobility abilities


WoD wasn’t so bad after all, …over time everyone will see Bfa in that very same light.


Only reason you see more people now is because you’re not in the Garrison.

I mean if we’re comparing it to a game like hatoful boyfriend, I guess it really isn’t that bad.

I ain’t going to lie, but i think WoD was better than BFA currently is!

Why?, here’s why in my experience.

WoD benefits

  1. You could to 90 - 100 in about 5 - 6 Hours.
  2. Ashran was amazing to gear up alts [This comes from a Extreme Altoholic]
  3. PvP was somewhat fun in WoD.
  4. You could get into Normal / Heroic Raids way easier.

BFA Issues

  1. Takes about 15 - 20 Hours to get from 110 - 120 without Boosting.
  2. Normal Mythic Dungeons requires way to high ilvl in the LF Tool.
  3. Way harder to get into Normal / Heroic raids, Peoples requires AOTC + 390+ ilvl for Normal, and like 415 for Heroic.

So do i think WoD was better than BFA?

If Blizzard had a WoD Legacy server i’d play on it alot!.

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The only thing I miss from WoD is sub rogue, and perhaps some other spec/gameplay stuff that I don’t remember. Other than that I find BFA better.

what would you do outside of dungeons and raids ? thats right nothing if you didnt like PVP .

" A turtle made it to the water!" A line that is branded into my head, and something i don’t want to hear again.

But yeah i agree with all your points. Even tho WoD had tons of scrapped content, everything felt fun to do. Well except for tanaan perhaps, but the dailies there still were better than world quests.

I enjoyed WoD alot the major problems however were the alternate timeline story that even carried over to the expansion after. while lorewise it was said the true timeline must be maintained.

the garrison pumping out insane ammount of money and giving too little reaosn to get out of them was a bad thing as well. Tho i liked the idea of Garrisons but would have loved more customisation like race themed buildings or areas you could place it in and making it an actual playerhome

But the biggest problem was scrapped content because blizz gave up on wod and decided to focus on legion. Wich is probably a lie because legion wasnt that good and argus and the broken shore felt empthier and more lazy than tanaan ever was

But I like PvP, so it would be great for me. :wink:

But in all seriousness, even randomly killing mobs in the world would be more fun in WoD or MoP or an older expansion, because I was finding enjoyment in playing my actual class, as opposed to Legion and BfA.

:frowning: sad cookie


As i wrote, [This comes from a Extreme Altoholic]

So outside of Raiding, i’d lvl Characters up.
Do old Raids for transmog - Mounts etc.

To me atleast there was alot of stuffs to do.

Wich is the same for legion and bfa except dailies got replaced with more boring world quests. Except pvp got made way less enjoyable now


i dont pvp im bad at it

3 dailes per day in tanan compared to now but yes i like legion and bfa and hated WOD outside of CM and raids iam allowed a view please stop telling me how to like a game and that iam wrong .

Didn’t you kinda do the same with me by saying


Cuz you didn’t do PvP, there was nothing else for you to do.

I’m also allowed to state my PoV, pwease staph imma about to cri #FeelsBadMan

wut? i’m not telling you how to like the game. I’m just saying in that aspect it really hasnt changed. Outside of pvp and instances you still only have the option to do quests. And yes i count wf and islands as instances


I ask you what else outside CM and raids and you answer like that ? i guess your in the age group between 15-20 and think its easier to use twitch speak then actually try and debate .

But there was no quest in WOD no reason to herb or mine or anything just raid /pvp/dungeon .

Actually in wod logging on every day got you free gold so much that it was idiotic but in bfa i see no point at all to log in for week or two.


This actually made me giggle.

Whats there to Debate about tho?.

you legit said the following.

And you didn’t reply me with the CM and Raids, so my respons wasn’t even to that lol, you replied Oldmanzhu with that.

So let me guess, 15 - 20 Yrs olds are the only ones on Twitch?, you learn new things everyday i supose!.

I was just defending Oldmanzhu, as you wrote the quote above.

He never told you how you should play the game.

However the fact that you wrote

To me that seems like you’re trying to change my PoV about WoD?.

I mean just cuz WoD was crap for you doesn’t mean that it was just as bad for everyone else. and yes im looking at this line specificly

I disagree , the world had more quests for your faction in all zones of dreanor than in bfa. And with dailies, you mentioned it was just 3 in tanaan. But thats not true, i remember dailies being given in your garrison as well that brought you all over dreanor and gave a chance of a garriosn invasion. You also had stuff like pet battle dailies to encourage doing and giving special pet battle rewards like pets. Or archeology wich also had quests for it and if you did all of them you got harrison as a follower

Compared to that world quests feel weird for having the same quests almost everyday and people talking to you out of nowhere from the other side of the world like some old god whisper

EDIT: i agree with the no need to mine or herb, it just felt horrible that you could several stacks of ore or herbs free every day on all of your chars. It pretty much ruined the market for the people who wanted to farm it. This is the exact same issue as the vendors in Bfa that gave mats for blood of sargeras, the prices dropped so hard for all of them that it ruined the market. Its wrong when the trash items you get from killing mobs are worth more than the marketvalue of the leather you get

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Heroics were heroics until people cried and blizzard went ape crap and nerfed HC’s to a point where they were like wotlk level joke of a dungeons.

If you didn’t mind running around your own private prison then I suppose it wasn’t that bad.