WoD wasn't so bad after all

You clearley missed the ? i put in the sentence then .

I wonder~, since you quoted this by commenting with

Can you tell me where he said that you wasn’t allowed to state your PoV?
And where he told you how you should like the Game and that you’re wrong?.

And for that matter.

In your Eyes, we are Wrong.
And in our Eyes, you’re wrong.

It’s all about Point of View no?.
There’s really no need to debate something like this, as we wont get anywhere.

Arms warrior… I fell asleep during WoD, woke up in Legion on another toon just to run into people pointing at me and laughing because I couldn’t get RNG legendaries in the first so many months… just to get this xpac.

I really liked questing in WoD and I even liked building up the garrison. The problem was that everything was available IN the garrison, basically making it a prison with some instances.

Now we have worldquests, which are a bit better but boring VERY quickly because the story won’t move on. And instances. Everything is instances.

This supposed to be an RPG with a gripping story and people moving through those stories. I didn’t like the story in the beginning - edit: of this xpac - (when we got a lot) but now that it gets interesting it’s being fed to us in such small bits that I can barely taste it. Basically we get a moleculair sample of the some nice food.

And instances. And portals. And more loading screen material. Where’s the WORLD of warcraft? With lots of storytelling and interesting classes? No immsersion breaking loading screen around every corner?


Outside of pvp? Hunt relics/get transmogs/hunt rares/the 340ilvl challenge dungeons kept me occupied for quite a while. Obviously your garrison shot was something to do, gotta say wod could of done with removing garrisons really, would of got people out hunting stuff.

I liked the stories when leveling. I also did a fair amount of wpvp, at least until people just started sitting in their garrisons. Gearing up alts for pvp was easy, and the scaling pvp gear had (best they ever did) also meant that I was later on doing a lot of wpvp in tanaan jungle, before flying was implemented which killed it off for the rest of the expansion.

Think the worst parts of WoD was garrisons and that Ashran was far too lucrative when it came to gear. Not to mention that horde was pretty much dead in rated pvp wise since the faction balance was heavily skewed towards the alliance, and had been for many expansions.

Can’t say much about rated pvp balance, did my first proper season in 3’s so difficult to judge. Overall I enjoy my disc priest now, if it wasn’t because the numbers are messed up which makes it far too weak.
I do miss spectral guise though. Was probably the best part of disc back then.

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Whats a WoD? And more importantly can I delete it?

question is do you rember wod at start or wod at the end, becuse at start there was not that much to do once you hit max level, things came whit pathces.

not even in legion was there to much to do, until tomb was, after that it kicked off, heck I would say BfA has way more to do than Wod had at same stage, actualy in par whit legion now, though it is quite the same as legion, so it feels less rewarding.

It doesn’t matter when, start or end, what Drae says was there. Class design that wasn’t pruned to smithereens, pvp vendors existed, and it was alt friendly. That was start to finish true for WoD.


Wod had little to do but at least I wanted to do the stuff I could do.

  1. It’s horrible.
  2. Yes, you can! Just type c:\format c:.
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HC dungeons in WotlK were hard at the start. I remember wiping on Loken HC and trying hard to beat the mount timer in CoS. The power creep in WoTLK started to get insane tbh, and by the second patch our characters had gained so much power from gear it made all previous content easy. If you also remember correctly the last three ICC-dungeons were also pretty challenging on HC - at first mind you.

On topic: I didn’t like WoD for what it did with Outland + there was nothing to do. Mythic dungeons helped a bit but these got stale fast. The raiding was okay, but aside from that the grind in Tanaan was not fun. lvling up was also okay. Garrisons were meh, and too much RNG with the mission table.

BfA offers more content and was super fun at the start but now it’s boring as hell. I was already burnt out of the AP grind in Legion so I wasn’t happy they brought the one bad thing in Legion back instead of class halls for example. (ye ye I know the “war and stuff”). Warfronts are a joke and boring tbh, Island expeditions, the main sell point of BfA at Blizzcon, are also boring. The raids, again, are okay but sadly I’m in an elitist jerk guild that kicks people in normal modes if they wipe on a boss three times the first week of the new raid, so scrap that.

M+ is fun but the community ruined it “LFM +6, need lvl 390+ and rio 1k+ or no INV”, and again my guild is centered around their godly G1 team so no option.

Been playing on a TBC server and having more fun than ever.

If you love the game and want it to succeed, then you need to stop promoting this type of revisionist history.

People saying WoD was better, overall, than BFA currently is are bad-faith actors in all of this and are out there just trying to promote anti-Blizzard and anti BFA sentiments for the sake of it.

It helps nothing and only serves to further send people down this rabbit-hole of hatred that will serve to destroy the game more than any Activision employee ever could hope to.

this is nor promoting anything what so ever,its quite the oposite.I want them to know that this expansion is bad,they need to know it because after all that feedback all we are getting are new storemounts!ITS BEEN ENOUGH


What do you do if you like PvP in BFA? Nothing cause it’s awful!

If BFA doesn’t change, then I want it to die. I want it to get burned to a smoldering pile into the ground.
Im currently not playing instead of playing BFA. So they need to know, at the moment in its current state I want it to die. Like wiped off the face of the map.

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They were a joke from how I remember. I played a priest, so my memory might be different due to that.
I couldn’t drown as a priest. I out healed the damage without losing any mana. Priests were broken back then xD

What does this even mean? :thinking:

It’s a piece of software. :expressionless:

I do not understand why all are hooked on class design so much, yeah we got gcd now, but we didnt loose that many skills since wod, and most we lost where redunant anyways and not realy needed, now I am not saying all classes are fine, and could do whit some more skills, but class desing is not the bigges problem.

pvp vendors, theese I do aggree whit, no idea why this was removed it was fun to get new items, but ah well.

well BfA is alt friendly also, if people actualy would do the stuff needed, maby not as fast to gear up now but that part doesnt realy matter, and the reason why wod was more alt friendly was pvp vendors to be honest, that was buy far the easiest way to get gear, until you joined a raid.
bfa again you need to do instances, do some pvp, warfronts, world quests, incursions for gear, in away you have more options now, regardless of pvp vendors.

also it does matter at what point people look back to other expansions, wod was horrid at start, you only had pvp vendors and well garrison, once you had started to raid, there was nothing else, BFA suffers a little bit from same though, due to how fast you are finished for the day or even week, meening you run out of stuff to do to fast atleast for the moment.

looking back at the expansions.

vanilla, never realy ran out of stuff to do, mostly due to how long it could take to gear up.

TBC, a little bit same, though you could start to run out of stuff here to do once you raided 25 man.

wrath, probably the only expansion you always had something to do in, was everything good, not realy but it was one of the best ones.

cata oh god, at start this one was horrid, it got better and due to dailes you had everyday something to do.

Mop, almost had to much to do honestly, people got fed up whit stuff to do.

wod, garrison and more garrison, then wait for new patch and do some stuff, then once finished more garrsion.

legion, time gate after time gate, got better whit patchses, to the point you could not even keep up whit everything you had to do, almost to much at times.

BFA, quite ok, but for the moment you end up not having enough to do until next reset, par from incursions or world quest, rest can be finished to fast.

you se all expansions have had problems, but for the moment it is a trend to bash at something, due to what ever reasons people have seen on youtube or from some stream on twich, atleast for me it feels almost none can make up their own mind at all, they just follow same thing someone else have said, and thinks oh that is how it is.

We didn’t lose that many skills? Redundant? 60% slower, no blink?, No passive aoe? No boomshotting? No combined moonfire? No cyclone standard to be viable? 30 seconds and 1 target only on a previously spammable snare? No Trent’s? Redundant?
You on drugs?