WOLTK Classic Experience

I still doesn’t understand why GDKP bad and why you care about someone else gear

im having a blast, heh

GDKP funds RMT, which funds borderline slavery and botting.

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Why RMT bad? Why RMT bad for you specialy?
I dont get it. I tired to repeat, i dont care about someone else gear.

Warmane is more Blizzlike than Blizzard and they do it for free.

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  1. Bots generate excessive gold.
  2. Bots/Hacks are developed to support generating gold.
  3. Bots lock out farming spots and horde materials to create artificial scarcity
  4. Gold is worth less. Materials cost more.
  5. Each hour a player spends farming gold becomes worth less
  6. Players become unable to keep up gold requirements for items due to inflation.
  7. Players need to buy gold.

There’s also an “Revolver” style unlimited money hack involving AH materials and bots but if you don’t already understand this concept then it’s gonna be hard to make it clear.


Players will buy gold even with no gold-bit raids, Wrath about gold, you can gear your character on AH + Heroics basically

GDKP is a gold sink. It’s the only thing that, long term, eats up gold.

But it doesn’t eat up gold, it just ends up being resold again and makes inflation worse.

You actually have 0% chance of knowing why this is bad or your a gold seller. Either way - done with this.

Because it’s not, people will buy gold anyway, GDKP raids i think like 20% of why people buy gold.
Rings, cards, mounts, enchant, professions, gems, alch for raid, gear from AH… you need ton of gold and thats only for one your character, and i can forget something

Bizmark please stop feeding him :smiley:


Im not troll, you guys just stupid, and force Blizzard to do something, AND AS ALWAYS they ruin some aspect of game when fix what you ask
I dont care about gold buying, dont care about GDKP raids, i play my game, you just noobs why trying to find reason why you suck at game or idk why you SO CARE about this

this is your own admitted experience, people have tried to explain the issues behind GDPK but you dont seem to read peoples replies? Its all been explained to you several times laddy. No more cookies though last one

Explain again, cuz i answer, that GDKP not reason why people buy gold, it’s simply not

Yes imagine doing worst than a free private server.

Because all the things you explained why people need gold are things that are limited. Let me try to explain:

Gear from the ah: ilvl 200 so the same as badge gear/ hc dungeon gear. Basically worthless if you are farming 25 man raids
Yes once in a while there’s an ilvl 216 but mostly bracers.

Mounts: which ones can you buy on the ah? There’s maybe 3-4 and most of them require a profession to use em. The chopper is so expensive atm that most ppl are holding off. The vendor mammoth yes, only gold sink, I’ll give u that. One time buy tho.

Mats/consumes: doesn’t take a lot to level a profession and after you’re done, you’re done. Mats and consumes for raiding are already dirt cheap on ah.

So why do people buy gold? Mostly to spend on gear in GDKP’s. It was the same in TBC, it’s the same now. The legendary bow got sold for over 20k often enough. For one item. You bet Shadowmourne will be pre-sold before ICC is even out, and it won’t be for 20k but for 200k.

Yeah that’s not gonna be gold the dude farmed himself.


With the launch of WoTLK I’ve made a strange discovery for myself. WOTLK made me love other expansions a lot more than I did when they were actual. And it’s not because WOTLK had disappointed me and I suddenly realized how good previous expansions were.

It all started when I decided to level a new character and I suddenly found out that WOTLK class design makes classic quests unbelievably pleasant. In actual classic/tbc levelling was a real challenge, it was even unbearable at some point. However, now I catch myself on this thought that I want to play the game not to raid or to do some high end content, but to level my alt character.

I love the atmosphere of classic locations more than anything in this game, yet when I played classic or TBC I couldn’t enjoy them fully, because all my attention was dedicated to not dying and completing the challanges that regular quests were. Now it’s a perfect balance for me, because with the new class design killing mobs is less tedious, so I can focus on the atmosphere and the story.

Your character is neither overpowered, nor too weak. So yeah, the main part of WOTLK for me is this reopening of the old world and I enjoy the game a lot.

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Okay, they fix GDKP somehow and not ruin some game aspects, magic. Gold buying drop for like 20-30%, even for 50%, people still buying gold, because in Wrath you need x3 times more gold than in TBC. What your next step?

Бро, забей, тут культ хейта ГДКП. При том, что половина из присутствующих даже не знает, как ГДКП рейды работают.

Categorically, provably wrong. You should google “capitalism” and “inflation” cause apparently you don’t understand how economies work and think printing more money makes everyone richer.

Omg, game world =/ real world economy, i dont even wanna trying to explain you why
In game, every player is personal money printer for himself