WOLTK Classic Experience

Я понимаю, как работает GDKP. Вы не понимаете инфляцию, потому что экономика вашей страны лучше, чем чайник с шоколадом.

Google translate didn’t work well xD

It still makes more sense than you garbage your sprewing.

No need to be offended, mate. I wasn’t even talking to you in the first place and my message didn’t contain anything about you either

No you’re talking ABOUT me, and other people, in another language while on english forums. Russians accusing ANYONE of being in a “hate cult” is so tragically ironic that it hurts at this point.

Um… I’m not sure how well you could understand my message with google translate, but you clearly got it wrong at some point xD

So calm down, noone is accusing you of “hate culting” other people

Your message’s intent is clear. Accusing other of ignorance. That’s definitely untrue and using it to mask the truth that you benefit from an unfair/bad system doesn’t make that any different.

Sure-sure, dude, you’re absolutely right about everything. Now chill and breathe.
Wanna have a cookie? I have some pixel ones. They’re not real, but if they were, they would be tasty

Im one of those players that never stock piled gold, or farmed for hours on end, I just didnt feel the need to.

I had enough money to get my gear enchanted etc and buy pots if raiding

Only thing that i struggled with was epic riding at 5k in tbc i think it is? Think I got there in the end and grudginly handed over all my money.

I was a little innocent about how much gold buying went on tbh, I always thought people might be too scared to try it, but its about 50/50 from players ive spoken to personally in game, people from different guilds etc talking about it.

People that end up with hundreds of thousands of gold…what do you do with it?

Mo momey mo problems i guess /sings puff daddy song

Im sorry. Yes my english is not fine I’m not a native. Just trying to say my filling. Sorry if i bothering u

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-Heirlooms bug since release day
-No quest Tracker
-Macros not working as intended
-No faction change
-Lag for no reason in random moments

Theres a few points for your list

But yes this is worst than any pserver i’ve played in last 5 years. I hope after WOLTK Classic the whole WoW system dies, they really deserve it, i started to play on a Pserver few days ago and theres no point on keep paying Blizzard to play the worst WOLTK servers ever made


Lets see if classic can run for more than 10 years as Molten, todays Warmane…

Blizzard should learn from them and offer yearly cleanup and start over progressive realm after this is finished.

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A fraction of the player base wants that. And they already play PServers.

Blizz did 2 different version of Classic while also moving on to TBC, neither Classic version was even remotely popular.

We’re not dealing with a few thousand people in blizz servers, it’s hundreds of thousands.

Whenever you ask where extremely rich people get their gold, like 0.1% of them are habitual grinders and auction house addicts. Almost everyone else says “GDKP”.

Whether you buy gold directly or go to GDKP, if you didn’t find it wierd that every week there was a random level 66 paladin/hunter who spent 40k on Dragonspine Trophy then really think about it.

only 80% of the cash in a GDKP goes back to the people in the raid. So on average, over many weeks, everyone in the raid leaves with less than was spent. The money coming in from “buyers” is RMT’d.

Time will tell. I don’t actually care anyway, playing retail here, can play on Warmane anytime when I want to play.

You’ve basically just agreed with me XD

Blizz needs to add Token.

Better than RMT.

We will see if they want that money or they dont. Servers are not that expensive for the small ammount of people, and they don’t need to update old and finished expansion. If they can squezze some more money from it, they will run it after it ends. If not, they will shut it down.

Go back to retail if you want RDF , go play on your warmode Pve Server. Hide in dungeons…

No RDF… or the other halve will quit… Find groups active in your friendlist, guilds and in chat. Actually talk and make contact for f sake

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