Worgen heritage armor

I don’t think they set out to disappoint but they do seem to have missed the mark.


Werent these armors delayed aswell? Considering this they are thoroughly disappointing. Sticking to my savage mog in that case.

By a mile :stuck_out_tongue:

The heritage armor makes the Worgen look like flashy circus directors :smile:

But it’s not the end of the world… Just means I’ll never, ever use it on my worgen :slight_smile:


No, we need that tail. Everything what looks more like an animal and not like a human-being is a plus in my book.

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I don’t like the tail myself. We were infected like werewolves and weres don’t have tails.

Nor lightforged, the light forged cape came from a quest in the legion end game zone.

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It still fits the fantasy better. If we can’t use our claws as weapons, then we should have at least a tail.

I disagree, I think it breaks the fantasy if they gave us a tail because we are not meant to have them. Worgens are like Werewolves. They aren’t wolves. It’s not like the Vulpera.

We are all different though and have different opinions.

While i dont personally like the tail idea, as an option i see nothing to oppose it.

More options is what we desperately need.


lore wise worgen never had and never should have a tail. They literally just become a generic werewolf and not a worgen if you add the tail, fantasy or no fantasy. Worgen are not worgen if you give them tails, they’re their own seperate thing.

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Can we please just have the entire set reworked at this point? Just slap Greymane’s HotS transmog as the worgen heritage transmog and it’ll be perfect.


Yes, pretty much, yes. It is a much better design and doesn’t feel as cheap as this current set. Alas, I don’t see this changing any time soon.

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Going to be posting regarding the worgen heritage armor on the Q&A thread which is going to be coming up this friday, would appreciate the support if everyone who is abled to drop a like on my post when the time comes. as if theres ever going to be a time, now is going to be the chance to truly get our voices heard regarding the heritage armor

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Just let us know when and where. :slight_smile:

Posted on the forums on the Q&A thread, all the support possible would be beyond appreciated if you’d like to see blizzard tweak or literally start the worgen heritage from scratch!

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the colours make me want to commit die

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Looks like that armor you can get in Darkmoon faire, Bad work blizz!

We don’t speak like that around here. The correct term is commit Sudoku.

Fingers crossed we here back on the heritage armor :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

Even our Worgen King aint using Gold… just give us greymanes brown trench coat and i will wear NOTHING ELSE FOREVER.

seriously the current heritage is an eyesore… and is made for human models …thats 2 nono’s, its the first heritage armor i would never wear fully or even partial out of all the races.