Worgen heritage armor

But atleast they potentially have another chance at getting a draenei set right. after all theres lightforged draenei and normal draenei, draenei are very likely to get heritage armor if the belf’s did.

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I was hyped for heritage armor for my favourite race, get bit disappointed I was expecting top hat but overall is bit cheap set
I’m gonna leave this image here:


the hunter one in that, that is all that they needed to do really. re-hash it 100% for all I care, literally copy paste that. That is 200 times over better than what we’re having. Unironically.

It really is at this point, I think I would of preferred them to own up and say they didnt work on anything. And then just gave us Genn’s heroes of the storm set piece for piece (the level 10 version obviously) with a half arsed apology instead of what we have currently.

Cause what we have currently is utter-rubbish. There is literally nobody I have spoken with who has said its a good set on my b-tag /guild yet.



OK, now i’m even more annoyed! WHY CAN’T WE HAVE THIS?!

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Either the druid or the hunter one please!!!


considering how long the model update took, I wouldn’t hold my breath for them to actually make the heritage armour look good if this is what they’re really planning to go with

The hunter one is nifty. I’d wear that.

They could of literally copied and pasted this with a appropriate recolour and I’m fairly certain most people would of been more than happy with it - referring mainly to the human form iteration though the metal clawed hand is pretty nifty too
Everything from colour scheme to full attire makes more sense than the petty re-hash we got.

Not a massive fan of most of these, but dang that Druid set is incredible! :smiley:

The set itself looks fine, in my opinion, as something they add in -seperately- to the Heritage armour. Because no matter how it looks, wether you like it or not, it’s undeniable that the set is significantly lower effort than a lot of the other heritage armour we’ve gotten.

It’s flat and lacking in overall detail, hell, the helmet clips with the head of the race it’s designed for. Granted so did the Nightborne belt, but there was objectively more going on with it and it for the most part looked better with the race.

I honestly feel this is more clothing than actual armor personally. The gold colour doesn’t really compliment anything.

Take this for example https://imgur.com/a/0seiGWb


5 words:
a dog in a hat

p.s. woof!

Looks like the kul tiran armor tbh with a top hat

I don’t care for those anyways so idc about it, i like transmogs to be unique to a person, not that much when every worgin looks the same x)

They went full Zootopia I see.

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We all were worgins at some point, don’t bully!

It’s ABSOLUTELY awful they have thoroughly let worgen down HOWEVER lightforged heritage Armor and Dwarf heritage Armor did have a slight recolour before live.

Ehh, I’m not keen on the shoulders, but I’ll just hide those. The rest is quite nice.

The colors are awful that’s for sure, looks a bit un-finished if you ask me. They did get top hat at least

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Honestly I would have done it in two versions. One for … people who want to play dressed up anthropomorphized wolves and the other for people who want to look like a werewolf.

Most of it is alright-ish (wouldn’t wear them though), but the shoulders are just weird, it feels like my transmog when i don’t have the shoulders yet and i pick one that almost looks like the other pieces.