Worgen heritage armor

It feels like the shoulders are completely out of place, both in design and color scheme.


It cant be finished, it looks so low rez and just lame.
I really wish blizz would tell us tbh.

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Please bring me any of these, I adore Warrior and rogue, but the hunter one I have dreamt of for quite a while since they have announced heritage for worgens. Not only did they destroy female worgen by turning her savage look into vulpera. Now they will also give them heritage armor “circus enterpreneur lookalike”. It is so lazy it should downright be scrapped and built anew, even if we are to wait until 9.0.

I’m hoping Blizz is open to a few tweaks but I don’t think they’ll totally redesign the armour either way :frowning:

i think the tophat + coat combo looks great.
not gonna get them tho since i cant stand playing as worgen.
tried it once, i allways check out the /silly jokes in the first 5-10 min & i got the “do you like furries” joke.
deleted that character right at that moment

Goblins looks worse imo


Hat is far to small and nothing like other top hats we already have and shoulders to bulky and bright but I do like the robe/pants option all heritage should have that especially Velfs !

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I felt bad for people that have been hyped to see the worgen armor. Looks silly.

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The gold embroidery is too much. I would prefer if it was more black and mysterious. It is way too pompous for my taste honestly.

They look ridiculous xD

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Atleast change the color theme to fit the Gilneas tabard…

I would hide the shoulders, they dont really fit, but other than that, this armor looks freaking awesome…

Colours need to be changed and the set turned into more of a coat for it to look awesome.


Still a bit much for a werewolf gimmick race.

For some odd reason, the top hat just looks and feels so ridiculous on a wolf on 2 legs. I love the top hat idea too, it just doesn’t seem suited, like it’s too small or something?


It does look better with the shoulders disabled. But still… The gold is too bright/saturated. Imo.

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Have they played Bloodborne? I bet they have. They just have to copy an armor set of that game, maybe add a red rose or a freaking lantern and voila, you have an amazing heritage armor for our worgen friends.

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All this lack of transmog in game recently gives me a horrible feeling that 9.0 will introduce tmogs to the blizz store :sob:. mean time the ingame ones will get worse and worse remember the lightforged colour tints we never got wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the reason why. same with these ones.

The only transmog items they’ve had in the store to date were the crowns. Those have since been removed for the foreseeable future.

I’m not really sure there is a precedent that they will start selling mogs. They are nearly all in game items or tied to events (Brewfest etc).

With the exception of the Yeti Onesie that is linked to the Blizzcon ticket.

they need to bring down the Saturation of the gold in the set and the shoulders need less gold on them period. als the coat should be longer Imo