Worgen heritage armor

yup, that bright gold is the thing that really kills it.

Although lets be fair…it was always going to look like you just dressed your dog up in people clothes!LOL

Well, theres doing half a job and then theres doing it right. Just look at Genn from Hots for reference, really. It says alot

Sadly I can’t link - but would this be to much to ask for -



The Hunter one in Arthur Lorenz artstation is what I saw in my minds eye when thinking Worgen Heritage, I think though the colour is bugged if they toned down the gold a notch , thickened the belt and made that jacket flare a bit like the Kul tirans it wouldn’t be too bad.



That’s a great improvement! But sadly if blizz would decide to do something about this set then I don’t think it will be anything major like that

Cheers again Punyelf x

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I just like these images to be seen, I do what I can :slight_smile:

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Sadly not, but these are just done by players whom are clearly passionate about their race in the game, one can but hope that somthing could be done, even its to tone down the gold to a brassy colour

That moment when lone fans are better at designing in game content than the actual devs. :eyes::sweat_drops:

i can see what they were going for, but the brown on the shoulders and boots do not fit the rest of the set.

too much use of gold color. it needs to be a darker gold color as well.

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At least you got a Heritage armor, plenty of other ( older ) races do not even have one.

Don’t worry… They will get their disappointing sets in time…

Jokes aside… Most of the heritage armors look great for their race… I just really don’t like the Worgen one, it doesn’t fit at all…

Make it a cool coat like Genn uses, and lose the damn gold xD

Humans and Orcs have both the guard uniforms and Arathi warfront sets, both of which are pseudo heritage sets.

Nelves and Forsaken have their warfront sets.

Dwarves and Belves have actual heritage sets, as do Tauren and Gnomes.

Worgen and Gobs will be getting theirs in 8.3

That leaves Draenei and Trolls. WoD/Argus gave us plenty of Draenei themed mogs and weapons. While there is lots of Troll themed gear in general, almost every shaman set feels Troll themed.

Did I miss out any core races? Pandaren? No? Good.

Quality of worgen heritage armor set is very low. Very very low.

But blizz wont do anything about it and they will keep doing low quality stuff in the future too. Why? Because they can.

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Heritage armor = only able to use on that race.

So, warfront and guard uniforms do not really count.

I was always under the impression that it was armour that was specifically tied to one race, armour that has heavy lore significance to that culture.

Being only usable on that race is just a footnote in the large scheme of things.

Fanmade redesign of the Worgen Heritage Armor: https://i.redd.it/w4u9398v8dr31.png

Should not be so hard for Blizz to make it like this.


In gaming companies such as Blizzard - the final design is guided by art director. Which means we cannot blame singular artists either, but that one person, who gave the green light for such sketch to be done into full model.

I feel that its one of those outsourced asset designs again. They occasionally outsource armour (and whatnot) designs and this seems to be one of these.