World buffs is the most divisive issue in SoM?

Then maybe Classic isn’t for them ?

Are you trying to say that people had more fun stomping Classic content weekly with WB ?

It was the most boring part : getting WB, stomp the content & if someone made a mistake that made us loose WB the others were so upset.

They were playing “it” for last 18 years :smiley:

For some reason people did that for 18 years. And I’m talking about people that cut their relationship with people that “did not understand” “why 16 debuff slots instead 8 is wrong”.

There are various groups to Vanilla/Classic. Some do FRESH because early progression and leveling is fun for them, while sudo-min/maxers bring the WB/meta stacked raid group to speed run the raids (not progress, clear but speed run). This isn’t anything like a typical modern MMO.

Thats exactly the issue OP is bringing up, people are divided on the matter.

Stomping easy raids with world buffs was fun for some folks, for me as well. Kept it fun, kept you on your toes not wanting to lose the buffs.

I’m fine with them going the SoM route and removing WB’s from raids - but it needs to be compensated by giving raids/classes actual proper updates. All we get is the vague “restoring old mechanics” - whatever that means. Watching MC PTR yesterday confirmed my suspicions. Bosses looked exactly the same, yes, you won’t skip some mechanics initially but that doesn’t make it a tad more interesting if you’ve done it before in my opinion.

I think world buffs were toxic for a range of reasons so glad they are going.

But I have to say the idea people want harder content is dubious given the TBC experience. I think the main draw of Classic was that you could essentially play with anyone - with bad players on bad specs - and still clear the content and get the epics once or twice a week. You don’t have to be pitching at a sub 30 minute BWL, most people just aren’t that good/dedicated, but equally those people aren’t going to stand for getting stuck on Vael for 6 weeks. They’ll find something else to play.

Which is why I don’t think its good for the game if a substantial portion of the playerbase can’t “do” the content.

Classic easy raids with WBs = huge population for two years.
TBC harder raids with no WBs = life support in a few months.
Hilarious to me that Blizzard are screwing this up already. Nobody wants longer raids.


This is 100% true.

I couldn’t care less about the so called world buff meta and how they affect my own raid clears. I rarely entered a raid in classic with any other world buff than rallying cry of the dragonslayer and spirit of zandalar, and I didn’t always bother to get those. What I care about is how the removal of world buffs combined with no changes to consumables and higher boss health will affect the overall population of the game.

That is what should worry anyone interested in playing the game for more than a couple of months. How many people are interested in farming molten core for 3-4 months, or longer if they want Thunderfurys, with double boss health and no world buffs?

Who is it for? The “FRESH” crowd who will start asking for fresh servers long before the release of Naxxramas? The casual raider who doesn’t have time to get world buffs? The people who want to experience “progressing” on ragnaros with phase 2?

Most of those will be gone by the time BWL is released 4 months in, let alone by the time the gates of AQ opens.
As someone who enjoys questing I could have been interested in leveling some horde characters since I never got around to do that in classic, but with the xp boost from quests I really can’t be bothered. I find myself skipping too many of the great early zones/quests even without the boosted xp.

So who is it for? Who will be left playing after 6 months?

MC and BWL will still be stomped (if there is anyone who bothers playing that long). Now people will be upset when people make a mistake and make you lose your consumables. If blizzard adds any significant health to bosses like Sapphiron or KT mages will pretty much be required to chug flasks of distilled wisdom as mana potions to be “viable”. That isn’t my kind of fun, but I’m sure the people who didn’t enjoy world buffs will enjoy it… (No, they won’t)

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It just doesn’t seem that interesting to do Classic again but without world buffs. I like the later phases too but they aren’t gonna last that long with the 12 month cadence so… not sure how interested I am.

Well actually my shaman was VERY viable and 100% role confirming as DPS/SUPPORT with the world buffs, without it i cant justify any reason to play enha again and it will be nothin but dead meat the lags behind every1 and has to be carried, and not only that but also having tough time to sustain and resource management wich means not only no dps wich was comming from meele attacks but also no totemtwist wich was coming from mana… and with longer fights where every 1 dps counts i can see no place in it, deff i wont roll shaman. i pitty those who will and wanna play as enha. Also no1 took into consideration that WB was aimed toward physical dps for 1 reason… WE DONT HAVE FIX DMG. mages FB=600+ fix dmg ignoring armor, warlocks same with sb. Meele has only white weapon dmg wich gets glancing blows often missing coz hit rate there is 25% or so, parried and blocked. While in spell scenario there is only chance to be resisted and in most case not even fully. IDK why ppl wanna resort to lazy game play like make mages/locks top the metter and ether spam SB or AOE, but by the other side nerf them so they cant boost. Ppl in this SoM thing who support it r between fantasy/delusion and contradiction. I think the phrase “you think you want it, but you dont” it was ment for that part of classic…

As I have done 8 hours Karazhan runs in the past (year 2007 or so, low geared guild, but we kept pushing wipe after wipe), I have nothing against raids that takes couple of hours. Retail care bears can go play retail.

“Blizzard, fix servers”, “why so dead”… For one you are unlikely to have “retail” players playing Classic a lot unless they “are” Classic players and really like it as it is. Two - population started decreasing by the end of Classic, people returned for TBC and they are leaving again because even fast raids are boring. And some guild unable to clear all bosses also break apart… or if you are on a PvP realm suddenly some chunk of your faction can transfer off or more of other faction trasfer-in creating all sorts of problems.

Eh, aside from having to wait around non stop for the world buffs to pop… they were quite fun.
It promoted moving around in the world and communicating when the pop is happening.

Though, the 12 month period is one of the main things that’s making me not join it again ;p
Should’ve just done a re-release of the original classic :man_shrugging:

If Naxx is late then the amount of resets of previous raids will be similar. And after SoM they just likely make an Era realm, which then will be killed by WoTLK. If SoM would be longer you would get mass player loss due to WoTLK - and people will roll whatever is fresher. With each raid tier release, around AQ FRESH idea is already taking hold even if not announced.

You are right that it’s not going to be for everyone, but with 1 simple change they can make it appealing to a much larger group of players, by offering 2 types of server.

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They can but if they are doing SoM driven by their “superiority complex” (that drowned 2 retail expansions already) they would not comprehend their new version being inferior to the OG one and “players are wrong”, “they don’t understand”. They still don’t understand why retail shards of domination aren’t tier sets to players…

And they may be doing SoM to flex “now is better than it was”/“you think you do but you don’t” - they will make harder and longer to clear raids which most people won’t do so they will just perceive it as victory of their retail design and their superiority - “you wanted vanilla and now you aren’t playing it without exploits”. Wouldn’t be surprised if some of the WoW team was angry about Classic success, that people didn’t quit it…

There still may be some passionate devs there, trying to make something more vanilla by limiting Classic cheese, but to get a good product out of it it would need more communication, game director that can define SoM and not just a list of bullet point changes.

IMHO there is a severe problem in that company. 9.1.5 is super late and just has emergency changes from what players suggested since alpha and beta. If next expansion releases as planned next year it’s very likely will going to drown the franchise. It’s super unlikely that while they are making fruit changes in 9.1.5 there is a team that is making a completely different quality and content that we had for last expansions. Especially when working conditions won’t improve over night if at all.

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