World buffs removed on raid entry

Well some will be pleased.


uhhh there are no world buffs in TBC though… maybe except for the Hand of A’dal buff, but that’s nowhere near as efficient and powerimproving as the buffs you can currently get in classic for raids.

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I’m just a software engineer; they don’t trust me with humor.

This hit me me right in the feels.
Me sad now.

I used to believe the same, but there are in fact some buffs that can be acquired, usually through mindcontrol/enslavedemon some mobs that can cast buffs on targets, and use that in raids, and those would not have been hit by the lvl63 cap on stuff like ony/nef buff.

People being crazy about minmaxing could have abused these, so I’m glad this cheesing is now gone. It will still work in the open world and for the odd 5man hc speedrunners, which is absolutely fine.


alright good point. lets hope blizzard actually includes them in their raid-purge then.

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Good. Now we only need the drums addressed and we are set for a true golden age of WoW.
Als, suck it, Alfredsson. :joy:


Good, now do this to Classic as well <3

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They are. Loads of changes coming up.



I don’t see who won’t be.

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Sounds great. Better than nothing even if I would rather have the TBC treatment.

But: by still allowing wbs you still allow the fury warriors damage cheesing meta. Removing them would give Classic Era a new fresh feel by making it much harder than today and making the current meta (stacking the spec that get the most out of WBs) change a bit.

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The pro-classic/tbc people.
The #nochanges people, even if said changes are good.
There will be plenty of people upset I’m sure of it.

I doubt that’ll happen, #nochanges is not about being against changes like these.

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TBC had no WB so this stuff is just a reminder, any kind of buffs you think/remember were already removed upon entering a raid.

Any “MC buff” is just false/private server stuff.

A large part of the #nochanges would beg to differ.
Many people are fighting the boost for the sole reason “it wasn’t in tbc”. What the change is doesn’t matter to them, only that it wasn’t in the original game.

“This world buff saver in classic didn’t exist in vanilla, so it has no place in classic.”

Not my opinion, I like #somechanges.

If you can’t make the difference between an in-game change and an out-of-game-change, I suggest you review your logic.


Sorry I’m not following? Out of game change? Ingame change?
So this Chronoboon Displacer is an out of game change? Or are you saying we had it in vanilla too?

You know wtf I mean so stop being ridiculous okay.

Are you actively making a fool of yourself?

You talk about boosts, I say that these are changes outside of the game since they are microtransactions, you revert back to WBs.

I’ll say it in an easier way :

WB changes = good because keeping the game as it is does not necessarily make you live the same experience as 15 years ago, as shown by the WB meta.

boost = bad because it’s a microtransaction (and because of plenty of other reasons), which is outside of the game. One of the basis of #NoChanges was to avoid this kind of practices, but nowadays #NoChanges is being scapegoated as not wanting any change at all, which no one would want after 2 mins of thinking.


Can you read?
It doesn’t matter whether a change is INGAME OR OUT OF GAME and it doesn’t matter whether it’s GOOD OR BAD.

I’m telling you there are people who are diehard #nochanges.

Stop responding now with irrelevant nonsense please.

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Boost is a catch-up mechanic just as RAF was back in TBC. This isn’t any new retail feature.

1.300% xp boost
2.Summon your friend every 30min
3.Gain levels that you could give away or take for low level chars ending up with free level 60s.
4.Could be linked to 4 different accounts, making it so that you could gain several free level 60s(without doing any leveling!)

This one time boost is less controversial than the RAF system introduced in TBC. Stop say boosting is a retail feature, it comes in different forms and was introduced back in TBC.

As back then it allowed players to get into TBC/WOTLK faster, as this boost will do now.

I’ll take that as a yes.

I’ll take your reply as a no to my question.

It’s not being scapegoated. I’m telling you there are people who don’t want any change at all, no good, no bad, neither ingame or out of game.

But why am I still trying to explain myself when I already concluded that you cannot read…

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