World buffs removed on raid entry

Friendly reminder that there are not WB in TBC like in Classic.

The entire blue post is to enforce the already in nerf to WB that from % became Rating and stop working above 63.

In TBC there are 2 “semi” WB that are the Nagrand one, disappear after you exit Nagrand and Adal Song Battle that DOESNT works in Tempest Keep : The Eye

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Yes but I think it’s good to know there’s a catch-all mechanism to kill any obscure buffs that may have dodged the WB nerf, such as mind-control spells or the buff from crafting Primal Mooncloth.

What rewards? Not having to grind through old content nobody else is participating in anymore, because TBCC is very much 60-70 and Outland, not 1-60 and Azeroth, as proven by the fact that the vast majority of people are starting at 60?

Can we stop acting like leveling is some kind of challenge and not just a time sink, especially through old content, or are you lot so bad at the game that leveling is the pinnacle of skill to you?

“I’m too lazy to play, I’d rather pay to get the rewards of playing without playing.”


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