[World First] Iron Man on WoW Classic

Thanks ! I did my best to do it as fast as I could.

You don’t need to attack his mobs or heal him to get aggro here, as long as you’re not too far away. I often got mobs reseted on me that were attacked by a player, even of the opposite faction. Faction doesn’t even matter for this.

I right-clicked all the buffs off all the time, if I was in combat I would do it instantly, and if I was not, I would usually wait for the guy to leave my screen before removing it (without fighting) so he wouldn’t get pissed over it. Also in my Sinister Strike macro I had the follwing lines to remove some (mainly heals over time) automatically:
/cancelaura Renew
/cancelaura Rejuvenation
/cancelaura Regrowth
/cancelaura Blessing of Might

Thanks ! :smiley:
That level 42 was a big hit indeed, it took me about 11 days (IRL) to get there.
I also always take the same name so people cannot say that I can just restore my characters… I cannot, there is an error message if you try to restore a character and another one with the same name already exists.


Now it is time for you to die, so you can save Linken.

when will dm release for eu

OK, I’ll bite:
“Deadmines has been in since launch”.

Now I’m going to hide under my desk until everything calms down.


tomorrow as per usual.

dEaDmInEs is CalLeD VC

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Grats on the crazy achievement!
And in such short time.

And Scarlet Monastery is called CM. Nice troll…


Thinking about even trying this causes me pain. Congratulations? :stuck_out_tongue:

The most nonsense comment I read in a while. How can one seriously think this way?


Congratulations, amazing achievement…that takes serious dedication and perseverance!!!

How is adherence to the rules monitored or verified?

I have every minute played recorded, and you can watch all of it on my twitch videos.
That means everything I did can be reviewed anytime by anyone.


In Retail The Armory is tapped after yu put yourself on a list of challengers. For Classic it’s a thing of honour - or indeed as Ironphelecar does, video documenting your game.

Now you have to gear up until you are in full BiS and then you go on a duel / PvP spree until you lose / die and then delete your character. I… used to do that.

Congrats! I’ve always thought of Vanilla and now Classic WoW to be more of a test of endurance than anything else and you managed to achieve more than that - super-pleased for you :smiley:

I failed at the troll cave at level 8.


Its amazing.