World MS 1000+ - Unplayable Game

Hey all,

Thank you for posting the requested information so far. :slight_smile:

From what we’re seeing, this seems to mainly affect some players in a specific region since Friday, and we’ve let our engineers know about this.

Could you please post a traceroute (on your normal connection / without VPN, when you’re experiencing this issue) now please?

Please do also contact your ISPs as well to let them know about this issue so that they may investigate on their end.

Your connection to a specific point (i.e. our games) will take different routes, and if some nodes on a route are having issues, you could experience higher latency (and be fine when playing on another game / server because the route will be different).

This is usually something that is outside of our scope of support since we’re only in charge of our servers (and have no control on the routes used by your ISP). A VPN can change the route used by your connection and avoid the problematic route.

You can test your connection and these routes with a Pathping or using PingPlotter, for example.