Maybe change the name “World of Warcraft” to “World of Declinecraft.”
Because declines happen like, 90% of queues. So the new name would fit the game.
Many thanks.
Maybe change the name “World of Warcraft” to “World of Declinecraft.”
Because declines happen like, 90% of queues. So the new name would fit the game.
Many thanks.
How about world of make friends craft so you don’t have to pug all the time craft?
that works only in classic era
I quite like it. Although I work a lot so it’ll be hard to gather everyone at once. Plus you can’t do that in solo queues.
But you have to admit it’s not easy for everyone to make friends online.
I myself jumped from.guild.to guild until wotlk where I stopped with guilds completly until I found my guild in legion (that guild is sadly no longer operating for RL reasons)
How is it to make friends on retail different from people on classic ??
Pretty much. Been gaming with the same friend for over 20 years, and still do now. I’m not just overly interested in making new ones, not that it’s easy anyway as it takes time to develop a friendship.
I would just start with joining some communities and play. When you will somehow end up a lot with the same people in your groups they slowly become friends.
World of group craft?
Don’t worry guys, Ion said he’s making changes to make season two fun, and this is the man who defended Shadowlands for so long he almost killed the game.
He’s got this.
I find when I join a new guild , it takes me tremendous effort to become a team member.
For my peers speak to me , ask me to do content with.
All of that has to come from me. Otherwise I’m ghosted the whole time. Same on discord voice chat , it’s quiet and awkward.
Generally the time to intergrate takes 2 -3 months.
That’s a long time ! Really long time , I’m a chatter box. English is my first language. I’m an incredibly social and confident individual.
So if it’s taking me that long to feel like a member.
Imagine someone who isn’t so extroverted as me. Doesn’t have English as their first language. Doesn’t like going into Voice chat.
etc etc
I find it almost hilarious when people say " JUST JOIN A GUILD" They don’t understand joining a guild is easy , becoming part of the guild is the uphill struggle.
You have to be like the Greek myth character Sisyphus. You got to push that huge boulder up yourself. The other people in guild won’t assist.
Then they don’t take into consideration , your role in game. If your dps way harder , than if you join guild as tank or heal. Your tank and heal , pretty easy to join guild m+ groups.
I know this , I’ve leveled up my rogue for S2. Love the tier set , enjoying my rogue. Getting into an M+ group is tough. DPS isn’t exactly lacking anywhere .
World of Unfunny Puncraft
It took me quite a while too to find my place in my guild and for them and me to become friends.
But someday they became real friends. That’s btw the reason why I am still in that guild despite the fact that there is no real guild left. But I don’t need to move on since I don’t seek another guild. I am a delver now
If friends are no option, communities are no option, and guilds are no option, then just become a tank or healer
Unless you mean PvP popups which are being declined by someone 8 times in a row, that is some stinky business.
I feel you all my wow friends are people I met from TBC - to MOP
Stil talk to them today , they play other games. But finding a guild with those kind of people is lost to me now. People just raid log , dungeon log. They don’t stick around to have a chat.
they get off discord as quick as possible. Socalising is insanely hard these days.
Before classic Andy’s say it’s not like that on era … it is. I play on it. People raid log.
I just miss having a chat , banter , laugh. Leveling together. Go on achieve , mog hunts with people over the internet.
WoW has definately lost that. I think also the game makes it easy for those players who are interested in that sort of thing to solo it easy , so why need to interact with another player to do it ?
World of Supply and Demandcraft. As long as we have legions more DPS than Tanks and Healers, it’s going to be a bottleneck. Making the dungeons easier wouldn’t fix that.
It’s always sad when the gaming groups if the olden times slowly fall apart in my specific case it’s throu our leader falling to the pandemic but no matter why it’s always sad.
Igues it also has to do with all of us growing up and out lives changing.
While I do agree it’s easier for people to day to play without bonding that is not a bad thing necessarily.
People that don’t find any bonds will never play to the same extent the those who do form groups. In my opinion that I ofcourse can’t prove a group of people that know eachother and that play regularly will always have more success in the long run then those who only pug.
Without a guild I really did not play that much wow and I am happy blizz did more for solo players so I can still enjoy my favourite game
I just think it’s funny when people say " just join a guild" Like it was that easy.
People who do keys tend to stick together. Really don’t want to break that mould.
Again speaking from experience 17 guids over 10 years.
You’re the new person , wanting to push key. Still find myself 90% of the time solo queuing anyways.
People aren’t online , when they are. They want to do it with X , Y, Z anyways.
If people can’t find or thinking settling in a guild is too hard.
Then there is also communities like no pressure.
AND you don’t have to befriend anyone there if you dont want to. Go the the appropriate channel. “Hey guys. I got a GB10. Anyone wants to join?” Group is ready within 15 mins on average and you are good to go.
Thats it.
There are pretty much 2 real requirements: Be a descent human being - aka leave your average pug toxicity at the door.
Also…its an m+ community. NOT a free boosting service so accept that sometimes keys can go sideways as well.