World of Don't use your Main

Im pressing X.



Dont touch me, unless you put some shooes on.

That’s like saying entire pages of books should be left out so people can just think the rest in, or leaving out episodes of TV shows. What’s the point of writing a story if you’re so lazy you leave in major plot holes? Nothing to with holding hands.

Are you saying you can think of perfect explanations and I can’t, or that we can’t explain everything? Sounds a lot like the former, honestly. I’m not saying that the argument doesn’t make sense, just that there’s should be gaps for things like this if they are to be justified.

I’d rather not have go out of my way to look for the story or fill it in myself. That’s lazy writing to me.

“Raise the Runeblade you built… now you know Decimating Bolt… it empowers your Shadow Bolt a bit. Because why not.”

It depends what type and level content you are doing.
Most of which stems from the community, oh youre that spec with that covenant - kick from pug

/touches Amonet with her dirty feet

And unless they create a perfect realm for each player “personally”.
They will look for a compromise or if there is a big majority for a feature.
And like any compromise and majority obviously. And regardless what happens. There 100% WILL be people who don’t like the end result.

Care to take a guess what will they do? Hint: forums.

And we are back at scene 1 but only “the actors have swapped their places and roles”

TL:DR = You wont ever be able to please anyone. And those who are most displeased will “make it known” to all.

Hmmm can you also send feet pics ?

Maybe if people weren’t so obssessed with min-maxing everything they’d find WoW a little more fun.

Maining this toon for 15 years. yo!

I PUG myself, or well… did once.
Aren’t there “cool” guilds anymore?

The game is not unplayable. It wouldn’t be unplayable if they deleted all of the talents in the game.
It wouldn’t be unplayable if they locked you permanently into one spec and 1 talent on each row with no possibility for change.

It makes the game LESS FUN. Got it?

This is the Kingdom of Westeros… aaaand Jeofrey is dead the end.

Back from buying a new chair. And… 226 posts later… wow!

I see that you don’t understand what I’m trying to explain.
Gear is something that prevents everyone from being optimal, that’s why I used that example.

But since that doesn’t work, let me give you another example.
You’re playing a retpal. From what I’ve heard, it’s the wheelchair spec in SL. So, you’re going to be very suboptimal if you stick with that character. In fact, from what I hear, it’s even possible that you’ll be the worst… So somehow optimally underperforming. Gratz!

And that’s kinda my point here.
When you choose a class, you cannot really switch unless you roll a new character. It’s a “definitive” choice (at least as far as that character is concerned). And you have advantages and disadvantages with each classes, and since all classes are different these characteristics are different. So one may be optimal for something another one may be optimal for another type of content.

Sadly, Blizzard seem to have great difficulties in balancing classes properly against PvP and PvE, so sometimes, we end up in situations like the end of BFA where firemage is king.

Now, regarding gear… When you choose to equip that trinket or this weapon or whatever when you begin a M+ instance, you cannot change your gear now (unless you leave the instance, but you won’t just to change gear). So it’s a “definitive” choice (at least as far as that M+ dungeon is concerned).
With that AoE trinket you’re going to be dealing tons of AoE damage but you’re going to underperform at single target. Or vice versa.
Or… If Blizzard did introduce some new mechanics, maybe DPS classes would not only be DPS, they could be something more and maybe you’d need some speed boost at some point or extra defensive CD, and these trinkets or other pieces of gear can give you that.
Same goes with talents.

Yea but what about raids ? In raids, you can switch gear between each fight ! Yes. But take a look at a fight like Wrathion, for example. It’s mainly a ST fight with one or two AoE phase. So what do you equip here ? AoE or ST ? Again, you’re suboptimal for at least one part of the fight.

At least, suboptimal compared to what could be if you were able to switch gear and talents whenever you wanted, even in combat.

So, what’s new with SL ? kinda-Locked covenants and whatelse.
You’re still suboptimal, as you always were. It’s just a new layer of suboptimality, a new “definitive” choice.

  • me: Why is it bad ?
  • you: Because you’re suboptimal !
  • me: Yes, ok, but why being suboptimal is bad ?
  • you: Because if I’m suboptimal I won’t be taken for X or Y content !
  • me: Ok, but that largely depends on how players will behave with that new thing. But more importantly, let’s imagine a situation where we would all be 100% optimal. We can even imagine two situations:
    – we’re 100% optimal all the time, regardless of gear. Hence gear is useless, hence remove gear alltogether, except for transmog. Why not. That’s what MOBA are.
    – we would all be 100% optimal once we have BiS gear. So that game remains a RPG.
    What happens now ? How do you achieve that. It can only be done by having 3 classes and no specs, no talents. 1 tank, 1 healer and 1 dps. I guess noone wants that. So, you are going to be suboptimal, always.
    So, again, why is it bad that covenants and whatelse are locked ?
  • you: Because I want to be the best.
  • me: you’re not. The best is and always will be asian. Ok, joke aside, I just mean it’s very unlikely you’ll be the best. There’s only 1 place.
  • you: But I want to be the best given what I can do. I want to give the best of myself !
  • me: Yes. That’s admirable. But you’ve said it : the best given what you can do. You can’t switch covenants. So, you’re not going to be as good as if you were able to switch covenants, but you still can do your best given that you can’t switch covenants.

Now, I’d like to add, what are the benefits of this covenant-locked feature ?
Imo, right now, the game is dominated by some kind of meta-gameplay. You’re not playing class, spec, talent, gear, trinkets, corruptions, whatever… Well to say it simply: you’re not building your character because you enjoy it like that, you’re building it because it’s more efficient that way.
Ultimately, some players are switching main characters not because they want to try new things and enjoy multiple classes, they do it because their favored class is no longer the FOTM.

I think Blizzard may have introduced that covenant thing so that everyone is suboptimal in a way or another, rendering the concept of a FOTM class/spec meaningless.
If they succeed, congratulations to them. Seriously, that would be the best thing to happen to the game since its initial release in 2004.

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Wait you meant to tell me this is not a zero/sum thing, imagine my shock.

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They don’t lock you out permanently, never will, never have.
The problem is the powers themselves.
Back until Cata when people had quite alot of skills and classes had their traits, no one needed covenants or traits or azerite or corruptions.
I liked being my class, having MY tools.
You want to play every class, every spec? No.
I doubt you’d have the time to progress like that.
Make people think more about the choices.
I myself don’t care if a dps is doing 5000 less damage or not.
I want to kill stuff.
Im not gonna be a d1ckhead to some guy because he chose the wron covenant.
Now, do I have a guild? No. But I will.

Actually their DPS is insane, however their toolkid is garbage. They are at the mercy of the Blizzard gods now.

Probably talked together, yeah, and figured it out.

That doesn’t mean they’re meta slaves though. They probably enjoy this build, perhaps entirely because it’s a feral and that’s all they need to be happy.

Remember also that you’re looking at the very top. The top doesn’t reflect what’s possible or what’s really good - it’s just the top. If they’re on the list of people with N’Zoth Mythic kills, for instance, that means the build is balanced enough to kill N’Zoth Mythic, and therefore strong enough to essentially complete raiding as a game mode. There’s a couple of different builds in there - just as there is for my own. There’s currently 3 known very good fire builds that you can take all the way to N’Zoth. One of them is the strongest, but they are all good.

And which one you can pick actually doesn’t depend entirely what you feel like. It’s also based on your luck in drops and if you DE’d something that seemed useless in the past and stuff like that. You can be locked into a build that’s viable, but not the best, today.

Kindda, yeah. Let me explain.

Assume we let you change it. What just happened? What did we gain?
Well, we gained a new fancy looking talent panel. Just like the Azerite necklace for instance.

And… that’s it. That’s all that happened. So instead of me spending 15 seconds respeccing my character before every fight, now I’m spending 30 or 40.

It’s… meaningless. It doesn’t do anything other than make me press more buttons. It doesn’t make my character more specialised or unique or interesting or… anything.

It’s like Azerite Powers and the necklace and all the other garbage systems of BfA. It has no reason for being, and that’s a huge reason people are complaining about it.

Basically, in a nutshell, people want to turn this system into something they’ll hate, and then they’ll want it deleted. It’s actually a PERFECT example of “You think you do, but you don’t” - except this time it’s actually being applied by someone who does know what an MMORPG is, unlike the last time it was used.

And, before you call that trolling, the lead designers of Classic WoW also used the phrase to me. In fact I may even be able to find a video of them saying it although it’s gonna take me a heckuvalong time to go through and find it.

Most of it IS filled in.
Asking the audience to do the tiniest bit of thinking for themselves is not a bad thing.

They don’t NEED to be justified.
It’s a game with flying brooms, sausage hats, talking mounts, demonic cats and a whole range of fantastic stuff. I don’t hear you asking for ‘justification’ on those things.

Agree to disagree.
The best books let the reader fill in certain things for themselves; because in your mind it’s ALWAYS going to be more glorious than what someone else wrote down.
It’s a well known thing. Surprised you were not aware of it (if I’m being 100% serious here for a moment, instead of my usual ‘quipy’ self).


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