Well, me neither then. I took time to post a long thread explaining things to you. You decided that I do not understand, without even reading beforehand.
On my main this expac(and previous ones) i can: - play my main spec effectively in raids - play my main spec effectively in M+ - play my main spec effectively in random bg’s - play my main spec effectively in arenas - play my main spec effectively while doing dailies - play my main spec effectively while doing old raids - could play my off spec effectively in raids - could play my main off effectively in M+ - could play my main off effectively in random bg’s - could play my main off effectively in arenas - could play my main off effectively while doing dailies - could play my main off effectively while doing old raids
On my main in Shadowlands i can:
play my main spec effectively in raids
play my main spec at reduced effectiveness in M+
play my main spec at reduced effectiveness in random bg’s
play my main spec at reduced effectiveness in arenas
play my main spec at reduced effectiveness while doing dailies
play my main spec at reduced effectiveness while doing old raids
could play my off spec at reduced effectiveness in raids
could play my off spec at reduced effectiveness in M+
could play my off spec at reduced effectiveness in random bg’s
could play my off spec at reduced effectiveness in arenas
could play my off spec at reduced effectiveness while doing dailies
could play my off spec at reduced effectiveness while doing old raids
You can cut out the offspec part, but you can also put other things in there like Visions versus Torghast and whatever else game modes there will be versus islands/warfronts.
I have those choices now to play the game how i want because they’re not artificially time-gated. I WON’T have them in Shadowlands.
You shouldn’t take Rayzens seriously.
He likes hurting people’s feelings. He’ll be banned one of these days for sure. Just try and ignore him; or just make fun of him.
Of course, not everything. Theorizing is fine, filling in plot holes is not.
Back to the point tho, I just don’t see why class abilities couldn’t have just been a part of the class/spec as it’s always been. I doubt anyone would complain if they were like that from the beginning. We haven’t got a new talent row in 3 expansions now, or new baseline abilities outside of revamps. I’d rather they’d build upon the specs than try to create one-size-fits-all type class abilities for specs that are completely different. And the disconnect between class ability and covenant still irks me.
Regarding the offtopic thing I’m talking about what I said about gear. You did not understood what I tried to explain earlier. I tried to clarify in the longpost.
Ehm… I’m allergic to cathedrals or churches.
How about we meet in the Dalaran sewers? I hear those rats are delicious, so we won’t have to pack lunches.
You know what’s amazing?
They don’t give us new abilities because it causes bloat and all that.
But now they gave us back OLD and boring abilities, causing MORE bloat.
Instead of doing stupid stuff like that, they could have given us a new talent row for the next 5 expansions.
Fine i’ll read it… but i gotta finish my work first, for EA.
Sure, but what we were discussing is not a plot hole.
You are looking for an explanation to something that doesn’t warrant it.
Yeah, I agree. I would have been fine with that.
But that’s not what we got. We got promised a system that sounded great to me and I want to try it out. The way Blizzard intended it.
In the meantime they go about it in such a way that there’s more FotM classes/specs than ever and it’s going to change every Light-damned balance hotfix. Excuse me for continuing to doubt them.
I don’t think the old abilities cause any bloat. A lot of the abilities will go unused, like baseline corruption for warlocks or fire blast for mages. They’re just kinda there. I wish they would actually rework the classes back into being classes and not three-in-one that are all basically their own class, because it seems they changed their design philoshophy and designed a system with that in mind without actually thinking if the game is designed that way, and now we have class wide abilities that only work well with one spec.