There is 0 difference between the repercussions of random vs rated pvp. Not from the company at least.
The only difference is that being toxic makes you lose. Smart people realize this so they dont talk trash. Especially in games like MMOs that have a relatively small player base you are bound to play with the same guy (s) during later games.
Ask any top GW2 player and you’ll hear the same answer. Are they all wrong? Even the guys that are known to trashtalk dont act toxic during games. The one that did sank to the bottom and stayed there.
Its funny how you keep claiming that soloq is filled with only meaningless social interaction. So talking for an hour with some random dudes from soloq is less meaningful than you giving a compliment to a random dude about his transmog?
Your experiences and social interaction is more meaningful than others’? Sounds like NPD to me.
Except by looking at the effects, there obviously is. The awareness of it is different, because it’s being enforced more in rated, based on what you’ve said so far.
You really seem to struggle with comprehending stuff sometimes. All I can say to that is read again. All of it.
So what you’re saying is that people do get angry about losing when they care so much about trying to win, so when they’ve acted out on those feelings it made 'em keep losing. That doesn’t sound like a great design for the player base in that case. Sounds like it only works for the few top players, as you put it.
Now imagine that in a game where people care even more, with a larger matchmaking pool and more investment. People would be triggered.
I never said that. I said there is more toxicity in random than in rated. And that they enforce…but only bannable offenses ofc. Racism etc.
I disagree with you. That’s something totally different. I know that doesn’t work for you seeing how you struggle with NPD. Must be hard. Guess spamming forums is all there is left for you
Thats literally how people / society works. There are rules and ppl learn to follow rules.
Nope. I have 2 accounts. One to try hard on…and another to play classes on i dont master yet. One is top 50 eu…the other is gold which is comparable to 1600-1800 in wow.
Same thing applies to games on both accounts. Very little to no toxicity and plenty of social interaction.
Seems like you haven’t read the rules for GW2.
Also, I never said you said that literally. I said it’s based on what you’ve said so far. Because you speak of the absence of rules enforcement in unrated, yet praise the heavens for how well they’ve done it in rated.
While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.
Don’t swear or spam or break any laws.
Don’t use a name or guild acronym that would offend someone.
Don’t harass other players.
Don’t link to pornography or advertise in the game.
Buy and sell items or services only through legitimate means authorized by Guild Wars 2 and us.
Report hacks and exploits and do not use them yourself.
See, they’re pretty broadly written in terms of what’s bannable, because they’re written in a way to remove liability from the company for any termination of service at their discretion.
Now, how they choose to enforce those rules is where it gets trickier, and as explained in earlier posts is where they’ve chosen to more strictly enforce it in rated, thus people misbehave more often in unrated.
No, you’re literally not understanding what has been said. So either you didn’t read it properly, or there’s a comprehension issue there.
That one, for example. Nobody said anything like that. Not the first time you’ve had such big misunderstandings as well.
I never said that. I said that there is a lot more toxicity in unrated than in rated. You just keep assuming that that is due to them enforcing the rules more strictly.
Nonsense. That’s your guess based on what I’ve said. These are game wide rules. Ive talked to a GM just now…2 minutes ago. He stated there is no difference between enforcement in any gamemode. Guess i shouldve told him that you know better ;).
I’ve explained why there is a difference between rated and unrated. Since toxic behaviour leads to losses = lost rating.
Nope. The fact that someone disagrees with you doesn’t mean they don’t understand your statements. I just disagree with you.
Ooh really?
These are your words. You’re putting soloq people in to the box of zombie-like ppl just passing each other by in towns. Meanwhile, I’m seeing the direct opposite in GW2.
So yes i understand perfectly what youre trying to say but I 100% disagree with you.
No, these are my words, which you “conveniently” left out in the quote:
It’s an example to illustrate a point, yet you took it literally to interpret it like this:
See there? Or is there a language barrier in place, or something?
You really don’t.
Yeah sure… Guess what would happen if you asked the same question to a WoW GM. You see the rules as mentioned in those links. Yet they’re not enforcing it as strictly in unrated, according to what you yourself have said. Since you didn’t even realise such behavior is against the rules in the first place:
Yet the rules clearly states:
But I’m gonna leave you alone again, it’s meaningless to talk to you. You’re just incapable of comprehending things. You’ve still left things unanswered, and you’re unable to actually follow arguments.
inb4 you talk about how the absence of rules enforcement is unrelated to how people behave on a macro scale, you need to first understand the concept of feedback loops.
Let’s say you’ve got 1 “toxic” person in a BG in gw2. He snaps at anyone and everyone, sometimes zeroing in on a few people, and so on. That obviously can affect their mood if the aggravation is done in a way that affects them (not guaranteed that it will, but it’s not guaranteed that it won’t either).
So that puts a damper on their good will as well, for the moment. Have that happen again to the same people, just from random unrelated occurrences, and it then begins to take root in their heads.
So they might become a bit more “short” with other people as a consequence, when doing the same thing where they’ve been exposed to people being short with them over and over again.
Which then causes the same chain of events to other people.
Now have that happen over and over again on a macro scale, and that’s how you get a “community” like WoW.
Which is why, according to what you’ve said about it, it shows the absence of rules enforcement in the same capacity as they do it for rated. Because your argument about how rated somehow makes people in a wide scale work better together is completely nonsensical, or the same would be true for every game with a rated solo queue. Yet it isn’t. Which means there’s more to it.
So what’s happening in GW2 rated, still taking your word for how things are, is that admins are better at “nipping it in the bud” before those feedback loops takes hold in the player base in a wide scale. But because as you said they misbehave more in unrated, and you didn’t even know the rules covered such things in the first place, it shows they haven’t been enforcing their rules in unrated the same way, thus those feedback loops starts to emerge.
But as I said, it’s meaningless talking to you any further. You’re unable to follow arguments, after all. You did give it some effort, kudos for that.
How do you know? I never said it you just assume it since it fits your narrative.
There is no need to check on the rules since there is next to no toxicty in rated. And thats what ive been doing mostly.
The lack of toxicity is 100% due to fact that toxicity leads to losses. Ask any mid tier GW2 player or better and they’ll tell you the same.
A statement you conveniently left out of the reply while its main reason why ppl arent that toxic in soloq in GW2.
You keep assuming things. Assumptions are for stupid ppl. The same type of ppl who shift the blame when they lose their job, fail a relationship, etc. Sounds familiar?
Your opponent is too busy to listen and reason. He cannot hold a conversation. You make point A, he responds to point B, then when you comment that you made point A and not B, he keeps yapping about yet new points not listening to you and after some time he proclaims that you are ignorant and uncivil. I saw him in like three threads now, it’s always the same dance with him not listening and writing walls of irrelevancies. Just leave him alone. He’s probably in the uni, busy flunking his exams, has to have the last word on the forums.
At no point I said I had available statistics to that. Data that shows soloq is wanted does exist tho, that’s why I said he is free to make own statistics.
So no, I don’t have any responsibility to prove anything when someone puts words in my mouth. I make a point and I explain it, everyone is free to agree or disagree.
I looked up the origins of the argument in the last posts and it’s hilarious:
WoW is much worse than other games and this is shown by the number of players it has compared to those other games, and compared to itself of the past.
One of the reasons WoW is worse than other games is that it doesn’t have a solo queue, you got that right.
I think most of these issues would be solved if they actually tuned their game. The game is unplayable thus no one wants to play. While I dont mind soloQ, it is not the main issue the game has right now. You have to play fotm specs with exp, because you cant progress as anything below A tier.
In soloQ you will spend 80% of the time losing games because you will end up with mw monk and outlaw rogue.
Balance is such a nonissue atm. Every class has at least 1-2 specs they can push ratings on. Those specs typically work in multiple brackets aswell (2v2 3v3 RBGs).
The main thing we lack is activity. There are all kinds of hurdles preventing ppl from playing a lot.
gear gaps / being behind in gear.
not enough achievements
lack of active players at 2100+
boosting creating a toxic atmosphere
just want to logg on and pvp like in 1000000 other pvp games.
forced to pvp on a (team) schedule / having to rely on teammates to logg on.
The long waiting time in LFG.
The lack of incentive once fully geared.
Etc etc,
There are so many reasons for different kind of players not to play wow pvp now. A soloq that is well done with a good reward structure will fix most of these issues.
It will create activity which is the main issue thats plaguing wow right now.