World of Menucraft

In almost any popular game that has pvp you have it… a soloq option. So PvP players can actually pvp instead of sitting in menus.

In WOW we spend 80% of our game time to try and get into groups or form groups.

Don’t get me wrong:

  • I don’t struggle to form or get in to groups on anything incl this crappy geared alt.
  • I have friends we form (alt) groups with and do just fine.
  • I have all the required achievements.
  • I play specs that are in high demand for PvP.

The point is…it still takes ages in an ideal situation. When you tick all the right boxes.

We NEED soloq. The game needs it…its a must.


Give it a month and people rip soloques nonexistant balancing apart because some specs are just made for a wide variety of comps whereas others have at best 1-2, or not even one, like Unholy currently.

You dont fix the root issue with a bandaid fix.


We can only hope for solo q.


What could get worse with Soloq that does not already exist due to LFG?


Even more toxicity? Even more fotm rerolling?

LFG wouldnt nearly be as bad if the Game design wasnt so extremely cheap. You dont fix that with soloque, you just will make the community even worse with it because now you dont have to look for a group.

I honestly wouldnt be surprised that when people look at their soloq groupmates, and, deciding after spec & win/lose, to just instantly leave during countdown.

Wow is better than other games and one of the reason is it doesn’t have solo queue.

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Toxicity already exist, at some we could even argue you just don’t notice it because of how little people play together thanks to LFG. Same goes for rerolling.

People will definitely leave at some point but most likely at low ratings, can easily punish this kind of players by giving them 1 hour debuff (accountwide) not being able to play the Soloq. Also, it’s not like people from LFG never left a rated match or anything.

I mean you say it’s getting worse but can you make like 1-2 Arguments, why you believe that?
Cause saying more of X (that already exists anyway) could be easily shut down with the fact that it’s the natural development of the game due to more players coming back (because of the soloq).

This is easily proven wrong.

  1. The amount of people asking for it
  2. The amount of people agreeing on it
  3. The declining “arena-played” statistics
    These are facts that everyone can look up.

What is your proof for your statement tho?

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Could you show me statistics of this?


In every single one of those games there are massive systems and often active administration (there are some exceptions though where they follow the “banwave” model instead) in place to combat toxicity and cheating of various kinds.

WoW doesn’t have that.

It’s also unheard of for a rated solo queue game with heroes/champions and specs to lock you into only 1 thing to play before you even find a match.

But yeah sure, go ahead and compare them. That’s… clever.

^ These threads goes over the details better, and actual ways you can do a solo queue in a game like this.

The only way you can copypaste a rated solo queue directly into a game like this however, without doing any other change, is to bring in 24/7 extreme supervision with around the clock admins doing marathon sessions and working themselves to death to keep it clean.


Feel free to make your own statistics for this. If you are too lazy, you can check the likes on these kind of topics, youtube vids, youtube comments, tweets etc.
There is a lot of stuff out there.
Then you can compare it to people who are against soloq and make your own decision.

Since you are not asking for arena-played statistics and not trying to argue about that, you seem to agree on this fact at least, correct?

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  1. People have almost always no real clue what they ask for.
  2. Vocal minority. Plus, a lot of those low rated players for some reason think Soloque is going to fix their issues, which arent tied with LFG.
  3. Balance is the issue here, not LFG. People are so toxic because the Games design is unhealthy. You think those altf4’s after one Game after people spent potential hours to find a LFG are gonna be any better with Soloque?

Spoiler of the Story: No, it will just get worse. People will roll what is the strongest for a solo bracket and then that is gonna be even worse than what we have currently. And once again, we are back to the core issue. You dont fix the core issues with bandaid fixxes.

Keep believing, soloque is never gonna work in an comp-based MMORPG anyway. This isnt league, this isnt CSGO where everyone is on an equal footing.

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Such a nonsense…can you pls elaborate?

These are not statistics. If a video has 10 k or 100 k likes it doesn’t mean anything. You can’t say everyone or most people wants thing x without having any proof of it.

If you think this is nonsense you are not using your mind properly.

What is gonna happen exactly in an Soloque bracket with randomly thrown together classes? Exactly. You play ones that are absurdly strong in it. Good luck in soloque with limited specs.

And once again an issue of the lack of proper balance. Not sure whats hard to understand here.

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You dont have any proof that will be bad too… so ?

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Toxicity exists, but solo que brings it on whole another level, not the news to anyone who have touched it in mobas at least.

Blizzard already stated about same situation in m+, they won’t punish leavers. Even if you punish, you don’t even need to leave, someone just won’t press a button required in a moment when it matters and you will lose. That is a thing in league que, people do it in every elo. Considering that in lol there are systems on top of systems to detect players who are intentionally trolling to punish them, players still troll and they don’t make it obvious.

Burden of proof is on him. If he proofs his posts correct I’m more than happy to agree.

Maybe because nonmeta specs are almost unable to play in lfg tool because people are tryharding like r1 players on 1500 rating. With soloque people can play whatever specs they want so you are just speculating.

Anyone that wishes for Soloque should take a look at the MOBAs first and foremost, indeed.

In League, it got so horrible that after one death people AFK, flame teammates, or straight up ragequit.

Im sure in WoW where the people already straight up leave because you didnt synergize 10/10 in the first together played match is gonna be a lot better.

This is just absurdly false and you know it yourself. Nearly EVERYONE is in these couple of days rerolling to whats fotm.

Or do you think everyone is playing Venthyr Arms because the Spec ultimately offers such a joyous, skillful gameplay expression?

Once again, keep believing.

Fotm will rise through the roof with Soloque and those Classes will dominate it. Its almost as if there are other Games with soloque that prove this already.

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Well you are right here at some point. Doesn’t change the fact tho that I definitely know what I want.

I mean you say that but I am sure you can’t back it up. On top of that high rated players ask for it too. And people asking for soloq for years, so there is that.

Ye, right… people never been toxic in TBC, WotLK, Cata, WoD, MoP, Legion? Sure about that?

I am asking you to make an argument. Honestly, name me 1-2 arguments why it will get worse. Name only something that does NOT exist already, otherwise you can’t claim it will be worse. By saying “X will get more” you can’t prove anything just due to the fact that MANY people will come back because of the soloq.

So you are saying nobody played/plays meta now? Nobody wants to play with meta only? Your claim it will be worse is literally not backed up by anything. I am not saying you are wrong but you are not right either. Maybe it will be like that, maybe not? How do you want to check that? There will be also more people playing, nobody said the mentality of the playerbase will change.

Again, I am not saying you are wrong or right. I am just asking for few arguments which you still couldn’t make. I am genuinely curious.

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