Let me start by saying this;
As a Night Elf main and fan I am happy the of story Tyrande, and by extension of the Night Elves, was not finished before Shadowlands.
For some time I’ve had this unfunny feeling that we’re pulling further and further away from the actual War in Warcraft. Unless I’m mistaken the devs have said, or at least given me the strong impression, that we’re moving away from faction warfare - feel free to correct me. More so, I get the impression we are moving towards peace between the factions and races.
The loose ends surrounding Tyrande and her kin is the only “hat on a hook” that keeps us from leaving the classic concept and setting of this universe which I have followed since its first installment and grown to love. I even remember the day I got the first game.
From what I can tell, right now she’s the only one who’s adamantly against peace upon Azeroth - at least not until justice has been served.
I for one can’t imagine a Warcraft that’s * not * Orcs and Humans facing each other head to head.
I for one really don’t give a rat’s arooba about genocides and in this particular case having “personally” drawn the short end of a story-stick, if that’s what you want to call it.
I have see genocides daily in-game and have been part of some myself. There’s little stopping me from heading to Orgrimmar right now and making mince of every Orc I see and giving them their excuse for another Teldrassil.
Not many, I sincerely doubt even the current Blizzard team, knows this;
Tomorrow November 23rd marks the silver jubilee, the 25th anniversary, of Warcraft as a whole with the release of Warcraft 1 - a game begat by and ended in genocide, lorewise.
That’s War.
I do, however, care if justice is what’s to come. A world of Warcraft where the last hand has been shook and we’ve learned that “War bad, Peace good” and that’s it. My worst fear is such as scenario being the climax of Tyrande’s séjour into Ardenweald.
The burning of Teldrassil has probably been the single greatest plot in game to really pull a race together, I mean wow - just look at this forum.
I do however, again, feel as if there is only the linear pattern devs have chosen. That this is a pattern of hierarchies based mostly on PvE plots and mechanics, often disregarding of player reality and history. Where in the end everybody feels robbed from being at the top and the more “justice” being meted by chopping the head of the king of the hill the less depth there is.
What’s wrong with “just” Orcs and Humans facing off?
The latest NELF craze is a perfect example of it, but it goes further than that if you consider how every expension is a step up the ladder of bones of our last villain. What happens when we reach the top? I’m not sure I want to get there if the pattern I’m seeing is unmistaken, because I think that’d be the end of Warcraft.
Unless, of course, it means further War. In that sense I hope Tyrande starts some real shididelioh and we return to a WC3 style racewar. Hell, I wouldn’t even mind if us Nelves go out like that.
For discussion;
What are your thoughts?
Are we moving towards a World of Peacecraft?
What do you think the War of a future Warcraft would (and should, or shouldn’t?) be?