World of Peacecraft

Nice, nice, I hate the faction war storyline, it’s always the same. Alliance city gets blown up before the expansion starts, then the Alliance has one or two moments where it seems they can fight back, only to spend the rest of the expansion relegated to sidekick role. No thank you.

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Why do we need a big plot? You make a great point in how we’re moving towards a D&D type of gamestyle and in that sense I just don’t understand what’s so unheroic about about being a nobody - a non-hero.

What if I want to enjoy end-game content that does not mean I’m a ffin demigod? The best gamecontent to me was when I experienced the walk between NE starting point and the Aldrassil (starting area inn) tree. It felt like that walk took half an hour and really meant something. As opposed to having killed Aszhara 20+ times this last month.

I don’t want to be a hero.

I couldn’t agree more. I remember reading the WC2 manual and being amazed at Metzen’s artwork - my favourite was when Doomhammer held the decapitated head of Blackhand as his trophy, second to that elf vs troll axe-thrower painting. Wtf happened to the Horde? Who else remembers that painting?

Even Varok said as much. What is the reasoning behind this change? Why is there peace when just about everyone wants real meaningful war? The Horde deserved a Garrosh that wasn’t sacrificed to plot-jesus and Thrall + plot-old god combo, it deserved a Hellscream. Real character development.

Thank you, you put my thoughts into words. I would have wanted nothing more than a continued conflict between NE and Orcs, especially the venerated Warsong Clan. How good a match wouldn’t that be?

And that makes me said. This game is built on PvP, not PvE. It was one of the first RTS to feature TCP/IP head to head fighting - before even Command & Conquer. Battlenet is built upon it, not to mention the WARcraft universe itself.

Give me a break. I’d wager you we’ll be able to understand eachother’s /say at the end of next expansion. And why would I want to learn Orcish or you Human?


You joke, but that’s what it has become. Where is the War?

They should know better.

PvE mechanics that we have no control of and that’s totally unrelated to what we’re actually doing and kind of reminding you of “Icecrown was merely a setback!” but I guess that’s fine. So long as we don’t make war on one another right? Because that might be fun except now we’re PG9 + Chinese and kinda offended by everything so that evil warlock necromancer horde dragon-enslaving Orcs has absolutely no room in WARcraft - more Shammy-jeebus cuddlecraft plz.

I’m disgusted by “moments” in general. Why not take it slow? Make nobody the victor but what he makes of him or herself in game. Whenever through this game’s lifespan I’ve actually mustered a big raid solely for the purpose of pvp (not mechanical 430+ HC gear 2 tanks 4 heals 15 dps warfronts is epic!! mind you),

Actual: I want to ambush the Orgrimmar duel area and then stomp Thrall MAYBE if the Horde don’t stop me before then. What the hell is the thinking behind letting Mekkatorque and Rhastakhan die WITHOUT ANY PLAYER VS PLAYER INTERACTION OR WAR happening?

I’ve said it before and I’ll said it again: instances & pve ruined WoW. I used to love the honor system, hillsbrad, stv, duskwood or ratchet, wetlands & arathi, the west coast of ashenvale - before Alterac Valley and Warsong.

Open the world up for War, please Blizz.


I’m certainly not arguing for one. That’s why I throw in stuff like

I totally agree with you that the “normal” adventurer experience has been the most enjoyable to me. Even in new addons, and even in BfA. The zone quests were really a nice experience. The expansion plot wasn’t. To me, at least.

And if this is such a big problem, why can’t we separate the races? Why do the Darkspear need to be part of the Horde? The Kaldorei part of the Alliance? I thought first replier was interesting because I like the idea of opening up Warfare that involves playing a role, meaning if you pick Worgen you’re not gonna be all that friendly with Forsaken. Or for that matter Orcs if you’re Troll, MoP-timeline. Speaking of, how does Sin’Dorei and Troll relations really come together?

It all feels like a plot-device where “horde-barbie” is no longer a joke. I mean who even knew Vulpera was a thing except the sjw furries in Blizz HQ?

Because they are way too small on pretty much all races lets be real… We really need those sliders already.

I mean especially the female Kul Tirans look like they have been cheated by life. How can you be so fat, while still suffering from such a small plot?

I’d wager we will not.

I’d wager we actually can already opt into that…

Potion is fine.

sry got a lil heated there hehe, hope youre all having a good day

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I’m sorry Wimbert, you really are playing the wrong game if you expect Blizzard to be able to pull that off. The closest we had to that was Vanilla wow and they’re definately not going back to that hence the release of classic. Since TBC it’s been an one genocidal threat after another- Elder Scrolls, Witcher, KotOR, Skyrim etc World of Warcraft definately is not unfortunately :man_shrugging:

Now that’s two different things. Could they do it? Yes, obviously, since as we both said, they did so in vanilla. Will they do it? Obviously not, because Blizzard doesn’t want to do it. The only hope in that regard would be some kind of Classic+, and that’s a pipe dream, too.

I answered the question what I think the future should be, not what I think it would be.

Blizzard have said that the factions will remain.

We’ll be back to war in no time, hopefully.


Not exactly. They said they have no plans to do away with them, and that they think they are central to the game. That wouldn’t contradict removing them one or two addons later, if they have an idea how to do it they find great.

I’m certainly not expecting that, because they are too cowardly for such a monumental shift, I’m just pointing out that it’s flawed to rely on their Blizzcon statements on that.


Its not about them being cowards. I am not sure which part about “Factions are fundamentally different” is not clear.


This is ridiculous and the idea of uniting the factions is stupid.

  1. Being too cowardly for such a monumental shift doesn’t mean that the cowardice is actually the reason they don’t do it. The cowardice I propose they have concerning features they consider key features is sufficient to explain why they will never dissolve the factions, not necessary.
  2. Your impressive arguments have convinced me. Of something.

That’s nice. That’s the core of the entire franchise. And I am glad it is this way. If anything there are to many factions. Throwing this away for nothing is not sufficient.

There is no need for this. Especially not on something like that.

I was talking about necessary and sufficient conditions in logic. I don’t know what you are doing.

Yeah, why think on it, when “You are a poopoohead” is so much easier?

That’s not what I am doing.
I am saying this idea would change the franchise to something different.

You were saying that the very idea of uniting the factions is stupid, and that that is so obvious that it isn’t worth explaining. So… I’m not sure how to interpret this as anything but a version of “you’re stupid”, as the proponent of faction removal you were reacting to.

So… it seems to me like that’s what you were doing. That’s what I reacted to. Not to your revised position. Because with this I can totally agree: