World of Peacecraft

What about the poor albatros?

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damn, you’re right.
I take back what I said. The cycle of life is cruel and unjust.
Vengeance for the albatrosses!


The can still add 1 more in 8.3 for the albatrosses. Balance will be restored. If they don’t i ll make a post about Blizzard bias and rage quit.


Do you know this plot is written by Blizzard. Blizzard was forcing the Horde to be evil. I am sick of seeing Alliance fan bois who is treating the Horde as monster. Blizzard writes that stupid plot, no one wants to commit atrocities against your shiny Alliance!!! Leave us!


Not our fault that Blizzard is writing the Horde as a monster, but it makes the Alliance look stupid by thinking that this time it will be different even though history has proven the opposite.

That’s the problem when you’re written as the ‘good guys’ - you always want to forgive and move on, trying to see the potential good in your old enemy. When it repeatedly fails, you look like the dumb schmucks you’ve been written to be.

There are ways to write two warring factions that give them legitimate reasons to keep fighting that don’t make fools of either side (this is World of Warcraft after all so that should be inevitable), and also allow them to temporarily and warily come together if a greater common foe appears.

Blizzard clearly don’t know these ways.


It seemed kind of logical to me from the very first time Tyrande spoke out against Anduin that her arc wouldn’t just finish out of nowhere with no conclusion like they did with Sylvanas in Legion (so actually in hindsight I realise now just how possible that would have been actually)

Are we moving towards a World of Peacecraft?

I highly doubt it

What do you think the War of a future Warcraft would (and should, or shouldn’t?) be?

I want them to grow a pair and stop with this ying yang story telling where horde does A, so alliance does A, only then follows up with B! prompting the horde to act out B as well! But then oh no the Horde followed up with C! But it’s OK, the alliance did C as well and now all is balanced. It lacks conflict and it’s like looking at 2 AI playing pong

Dare to put a faction through the ground, make them face real issues, force them through harsh decisions where either answer is immoral, but neccesary, make it more warlike, just make sure their recovery will be glorious enough to make up for that later on.

For example, we know that Sylvanas after the Orgrimmar gate event claims that we’ve fed enough souls to the maw, but it’s not like there were a lot of major characters that died (and stayed dead) so it doesn’t feel like a lot of people died.

That kind of stuff.


As Alyna said, the other side of the coin that makes Horde repeatedly Stupid Evil, is the Alliance becoming Stupid Good.

Sorry, but both factions are tied to that sort of narrative. This is a setting that is subject to a continuation of a bilateral faction system.


I just want Jaina dead but I guess we are “friends” with the alliance now .

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and even if alot died,they dont 1care bit about numbers/population so we’d have a million soldiders again in no time if needed.
or a few hundred when plot demands that.

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Anduin,Red anduin(Baine,Undead Female Anduin (calia) i want gone more then any other character.

And jaina id mostly be fine with if she dint swap personaltiies evry 5minutes


Which is funny because one of their excuses for not adding high elves is because they are a “rare sight” but that’s another topic.

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I really don’t understand why people say Warcraft has always been about the war between Alliance and Horde. The early RTS games, prior to Warcraft 3, yes it was, but as far as the MMO is concerned Warcraft has only had one expansion properly depicting an all out war between Horde and Alliance: Cataclysm. It reshaped the world and showed Alliance and Horde clashing in a manner that we’ve never had before.

However, the Horde and Alliance war has never been the main story point of any of the expansions. Original WoW was the two factions versus the elemental lord Ragnaros, the dragons Onyxia and Nefarian, C’thun and finally the first incursion of the Scourge in Naxxramas. TBC was about us teaming up to face off against Illidan, Kael’thas, Zul’jin and Kil’jaedan. Wrath was about Arthas and Yogg-Saron. Cata wasn’t about the war itself, it was about the Twilight’s Hammer and Deathwing. Mists was about us facing the Sha, the Thunder King and finally the warmongering Hellscream after he finally went too far. Warlords was us vs the Iron Horde and then Gul’dan. Legion was us vs the Legion, and ultimately BFA is us vs Sylvanas, Azshara and N’Zoth.

WoW’s storyline may have dabbled in the Horde vs Alliance stuff but at the end of the day it always comes down to us teaming up against a big bad. They’re what drives the story, they’re what brings the interest, they’re what make the most memorable moments. Every time WoW has veered into Alliance vs Horde territory the story drastically underperforms and leaves at least one faction with a really sour taste in it’s mouth because of it’s portrayal, where BFA is concerned both factions have this issue due to Teldrassil and the Alliance suddenly becoming background scenery for Saurfang’s cutscene.

WoW always does best when it breaks away from it’s Alliance v Horde RTS roots and expands into new territory, which is why I’m tentatively excited for Shadowlands. You should be too.

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