World of Peacecraft

You’re wrong about the Earthen Ring and the Cenarion Circle.
Agreed on mostly everything else.

It’s silly tbh, void elves and blood elves speak Thalassian cause they aren’t really different, same for demon hunters, both faction DHs speak demonic. Silly thing is pandaren don’t understand each other. And ofc all lore characters speak both common and orcish, not to mention that forsaken gutterspeak is butchered version of common. The only reason for cross faction not happening is the community.

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I agree, this is true.

Even though in other games people flame each other etc, without issues.

I mean, they do it in WoW too, within the same faction, so I don’t see what difference it would make, honestly. Can always disable it in battle-grounds only too.

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It wouldnt really make any difference. People are reported daily in massive numbers over most trivial issues, so cross faction wouldn’t make it any worse.

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The funny thing is, nobody ever gets worked about all the other wars and conficts we wage, just the faction conflict.

Of course we make war against demons instead of trying to reason with them, even after learning that demons indeed have goals that are also in our interests.

Of course we kill the Twilight’s hammer, instead of trying to deconvert them, or to change the horrible conditions for the populous that made them go so nihilistic, that insanity sounds like an improvement.

Of course we kill the Defias. We might not be morally right about that, but in for a penny, in for a pound, eh?

Of course we wage war on centaurs, quillboars, kobolds, murlocs, gnolls, and all the others. And we damn well will take candle, and there is nothing they can do about that!

I could obviously go on. But that’s where the story-telling comes into play? Those guys? They are nobodies. We don’t really think about them. Except when we are given something to care about. “These Wolvar are too warlike. Take their children, so we can indoctrinate them against their people’s ways.” Yeah, why not. “These poor Murlocs’ children were kidnapped!” Awwww… yeah,we have to help.

But the factions? Those guys are us. Our emotional investment is build-in. A slight against them is a slight against you and me. And since the factions frequently slight each other… well, the faction war becomes a thing we have strong feelings about. In 90+% of the cases it isn’t about the acts that happened. It’s about the fact that real people we can blame - and who dare to blame us - are on the other side of that discussion. It’s between players as much as between lore entities. And our mind is quite made up, and trying to be unbiased is extremely hard, if not impossible.

And now add in a company who has to sell the game to both sides. And which actually has devs who identify with one side or the other, because they are humans, too. And which has limited development ressources. And which decided that no faction should be “the bad guy faction” officially, like something like SWTOR has, so that they should have moral complexities in both sides’ policies.

Well… let’s say I’m not surprised that the faction war stories were :poop:. Oh, I’ll happily agree that they were worse than they should have been, even under those restrictions. And that they actually failed to satisfy their own goals. But nonetheless it’s an extremely hard task. Too many egos involved.

Of course we trash Gallywix’s party by killing all those people that came there to have fun and escape from war, just to lure Gallywix out of hiding. But best of all, every damn hero starts their path by killing 10 wolves. Biggest hypocrite is Scrollsage Nola. Talking about balance making us eat little turtles with crabs or killing crabs and birds for little turtles, whos side is she even cheering for?

That’s basically because of this :point_down:

And the tribalism Blizzard fosters.
That’s why Sylvanas seems more dominant than Nzoth as antagonist. Or why we can tear our shirt with Teldrassil, but exterminate the Scarlets, or the Murlocs, or the Trolls.

And that’s a feeling Blizzard exploits to often throw them as unapologetically villainous, even if we know that we’d be screaming for bloody murder if a playable race suffered from it.


Nah, Scrollsage Nola is no hypocrite :wink:
She cheers for the turtles, but she knows it is important to maintain the balance, regardless of personal preferences.
If only Blizzard had this mindset…


That’s because Comrade Umbric couldn’t tolerate the degenerate capitalist scum.


and then he claimed the sauna for himself!


He claimed it for OURSELVES!


Indeed. And that’s why I think nothing good will ever come out of the faction story, even if there might be ways it could, in theory.

I don’t even like Gallywix, not after I played goblin origin story.

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Yeah. That was definitely reason why it “did not” happen.

There is no “I” in Ren’dorei…

Comrade Umbric claimed it all for the people.
Dissenting scum is to be sent to the Void Plane.


Well, there kind of…famously -is- I mean, right at the end of the word, heh heh…

Nah, they have the same problem as any other neutral organisation, without Elixir of Tongues an Orc Shaman cannot talk to a Draenei Shaman, nor can a Tauren Druid talk to a Kaldorei Druid, as organisations they just wouldn’t be able to communicate common goals to each other.

The main thing for me is this specious idea that being able to talk to each other would destroy Faction identity, and cause Peace.

I mean do you even -have- an identity, if you can’t express it?

As for a common language turning everyone into hippies, try these examples;

The Chinese Warlords back near the start of History.
The Japanese Shogunate Wars.
The Greek City States (especially Sparta and Athens) enthusiastically knocking seven bells out of each other.
The Roman conflicts when Caesar seized power, and subsequently when his nephew declared himself the first Emperor and warred with Marc Antony.
The English Civil War
The Russian Civil War
The French Revolution
The War of Independence
The American Civil War.

In all of those both sides had a common language, in all cases it didn’t turn everybody peaceable, or cause them to kiss and make up. In fact Wars when you -can- understand the other side’s language tend to be even more bitter than ones where you cannot. That is because people -could- express their Faction’s superiority to the other, not because for some inexplicable reason they could not.

You do know that the Earthen Ring(and likely the Cenarion Circle) existed long before the Horde or Alliance were even a thing, right?
So you can’t lob them onto the pile with the Ebon Blade or the Argent Crusade, wich are new, current factions made up out of different peoples
Wich is only a, relatively, new development for both the Earthen Ring and the Cenarion Circle, as they were previously only made up out of Tauren and Night Elves, respectively.

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Sure, but my point there is “When did they stop knowing how to communicate with each other?” When did say, Dwarf Shamans and Troll Shamans forget how to communicate? When the Dark Portal Opened? When did Tauren druids forget how to communicate with Kaldorei ones, when they had done so for ages?

The fact that those are admittedly older organisations makes it even more bizarre that the Dark Portal somehow wiped everyones Linguistics out. (Again, admittedly, that would be an awesome magical side effect of something that was world wide in scope, I mean imagine if everyone on the forums suddenly forgot to speak or type English, other than those to whom it is a native tongue, that would be some crazy Anti-Tower of Babel stuff right there! Good idea for a story)

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