World of RecycleCraft

why is it so complicated to add a dye system top of trasmog bouth guild wars 2 and elderscroll online allows u to dye trasmogs instead of unlocking recolors u will unlock new dye colors from different contents … this has worked for them for over 10 years why not bring it to wow aswell …

they already taking glide mount mecanics from GW2 and call it dragonflying …

so they arent adding 8 new mythics and just using ffor 4 m+ mustve missed that news. if your going to be
disingenuous try harder

afaik and read there wont be mission tables in DF. Its been retired.


Do you remember when people would actually get outraged by real things instead of imaging stuff. Sad times.

Maybe the OP is auditioning to be a ‘content creator’.

They are not in DF its already been said.

World quests have been in since TBC so moot point.

So you’d rather just spam the same 8 dungeons over 4 seasons with the possibility of a mega dungeon being added so 10 dungeons at the end?

Wait we don’t even have a mission table?

Bru, with the number of things that “we won’t have to do anymore”, if I’m being honnest I’m kinda wondering what we actually will have to do.

I’m lowkey worry about being bored after just two weeks of playing, since professions are something I’ll simply never touch no matter what they do with it, never has in any RPG and never will, and well, dragon riding… That’s something that’s fun for three days, and then, whatever.

There you go.

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Mission tables weren’t a thing til Legion…so I wonder what you did before that then? :thinking:

Kind of annoyed with this…after they nerfed old raids mission table has been a big part of my income…guess I need to find something new…again…

Actually Legion, but dailies (which is what they are based on) are indeed in since TBC.

They weren’t, and the same goes for artifact power as a currency - not sure on borrowed power, heard about some ring in WoD and a Pandaria cape so maybe the latter?

As leggoes beforehand were mostly exclusive for certain classes like Shadowmourne was for plate DPS only or the cata staff is caster only.

Cash grabbing agenda , few work , fire employees . Disgusting if u ask me .

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As if I have nothing else to do.

I just want WoW to be unique as it was before, I want them to add more unique stuff rather than copying already existing mail armour piece, and turning it into a cloth.

And some are fine with it, and praising it.

Mission tables came with wod and the garrison i made over 10 million back then such fun times.

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Oh yeah Wod…forgot about it even though I literally just did it haha

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They actually were introduced in WoD ^^

And well, before that, I was younger and less focused on “Try-hard” content, I was happy farming things such as achievements and mounts.

But that’s not things I care about anymore, my interest shifted and that’s also why I have no interest at all in ever touching Classic, despite enjoying those when they were current content.

Other way around for me! I used to raid like every day…now want to chill farming things haha

no, they were dailies quests, different.

Not different, worst lol.

Most of them were literally the exact same quest every day, while world quests at least get some variety.

worse = different though innit