World of warcraft a.k.a. Pay To Win

Let’s be honest, if they ever did that then every player who craves not having to interact with anyone ever in this game would come crawling out of the wood works complaining that doing it solo was way harder than doing it in a group and that it isn’t fair.

What I am asking for is systems that already existed within the game and did their job incredibly well to be brought back. Vanilla-style talent respecs. Repair costs scaling with gear quality. Overall repairs should be more costly.

The game would be infinitely better if it simply cost gold to swap your covenant and it was immediate. The game would be infinitely better if it cost gold to swap your conduits.

I love how people love acknowledging a problem like gold inflation exists, but then oppose every solution.

Just let people change as they please? One of the most bizarre things about WoW is how often we forget that the game is made to be fun. There is no reason at all why things like this needs to have a massive downside.

Also there is no solution to gold inflation until Blizz turns the tap off, and so far SL has just opened up the valve even more.

Because the mount collectors like myself are the ones who get hit with paying millions for 1 mount as its blizzard way of doing it easy .

How come there was so much gold inflation in WoW classic compared to vanilla? It’s just something with players playing differently and knowing all the strats for raw gold in the first place.

Every attempt at a ‘solution’ to inflation never works anymore because the higher end people making all the gold make such insane amounts compared to the average.

The solution to their problem would be to group up, but at least they would have the choice, as it is they currently have no choice in the matter.

Is it fun to open the dungeon finder and see half the posts be boost ads? No?

You know full well MMOs with broken economies die, right? An MMO cannot be “fun” with a broken economy.

Personally, I don’t think mounts are a good gold sink at all. It worked with the brutosaur only due to the massive advantage it offers to people already making millions of gold, having multiple gold capped characters, etc.

15 years of min-maxing gold making, my dude. Classic was basically private server rules. In Lineage 2 as well - right now we all know the optimal economy of decisions, so making gold there is incredibly easy as long as you know the game. But when that game was new, making gold was incredibly hard - people didn’t know the value of materials, they didn’t know the best farm spots for optimal gold, they didn’t even know how to properly manage their combat.

Lineage 2 does gold sinks veery well. Basically, every hit you make with your weapon is a gold sink.

By the way, some pservers solve the gold inflation by just… straight up deleting half the gold in the economy, meaning after a maintenance every player has lost half their gold. This is a working solution in a private server, but not on retail. But it is a solution.

Another solution is to simply… remove callings from the game. Remove the mission table as it is basically free gold, especially to players with many alts.

One cannot hate the state of boosting without realizing the core problem - everyone has way too much disposable gold and there are no ways of really sinking it. Buying leggos, consumables, etc. IS NOT a gold sink. It is you giving someone gold to buy boosts with.

Not really because in reality, everyone would quit. What works for pservers won’t work for live because people don’t pay for pservers unless they do donations in which you can generally buy stuff like mounts, gear, chars on pservers in the first place.

That’s why I’m saying gold sinks are the way. Ultimately, the amount of available gold needs to be reduced. That’s one of the main ways of combating boosting in a healthy way.

I mean the only way to do it at this point would be to make hundreds of required items for raiding cost gold cap. Because how much gold gets spent on mythic world first races every time and yet all the people involved still have access to just as much gold as to the prior race by the time the next raid comes out.

Here’s how you do it

  • Swapping covenants costs gold and is immediate. The cost increases by 50% with every swap. At weekly reset, it drops in half, up to a certain minimum (like 100g)
  • Swapping conduits does not cost energy, but follows the same rules as covenants, but it starts at like 10g to swap them
  • Gear under 239 ilvl is green and costs little to repair. Gear between 239 and 246 is blue and costs about as much as it currently costs to repair (for me it’s ~50g per raid wipe). 246 and up is epic gear and costs triple compared to blue gear.

That’s all. And by the way I feel it’s fair to expect the top players to know how to generate the gold they need to sustain their playstyle.

Considering the 5 mil gold mounts did nothing to reduce inflation, how do you think the… switching covenants every balance patch would fight that? Given the people with the highest amounts of gold are usually people that are either raiding and selling boosts, M+ and selling boosts, or playing the AH.

Would still equate out to very little, and it would just cause people that don’t have a lot of gold to quit instead of trying to farm said gold to keep up since they will wipe more on top end bosses.

There are many situation where your bis covenant changes based on your situation. Warriors may want to pick necrolord for raiding when they aren’t logging for the raidwide buff, but then go Venthyr or maybe Nightfae for M+. There’s also the many situation where your bis covenant is different for your different spec.

Currently, people aren’t swapping covenants as much because it costs 2 weekly resets to do it. The restriction is real life.

People who don’t have a lot of gold don’t have 246+ gear though. The people at the top know how the game works, mate. They know how to make gold. Hell, simply adding the gold sinks would make boosting more expensive because boosters need to cover their expenses.

Oh, I forgot, this is the big one - remove craftable tomes. Instead, add an NPC that sells them. They bind on pickup. The price scales as mentioned before. This would be the most efficient gold sink that again - would not hurt average/poor players AT ALL.

I know quite a few mythic raiders and especially people that do M+ with low gold because they don’t boost.

The other problem is again, you would have to remove the WoW token in the first place to even start pushing for ‘lower tier people’ to lose their gold. People would just see the increase in gold for what they do and go ‘welp guess I have to quit or buy more tokens’.

They’re low on gold because they don’t need the gold. You don’t need to boost to make gold in WoW. I barely play the game and I have plenty of gold to buy all my consumables. I raid 2 nights a week and maybe I’ll play on a saturday.

I said it before - people who expect to make enough gold by just raiding or doing m+… should quit the MMO genre. It’s clearly not for them.

The problem isn’t boosting. Boosting is fine. The problem is that it’s gotten out of hand. This is due to massive gold inflation.

Because the token does not generate gold, when you drain gold out of the economy, the token’s value will self-balance. In the beginning we’ll see a lot of token purchases, which will drive the token’s value down a lot and then players will kinda calm down and settle into the new economic balance. It’ll be fine.

I oppose every crap solution and that’s all you came up with.

It’s one thing to acknowledge a problem but your ideas are badly thought out and don’t target big numbers of players which is what all ‘taxes’ do.

What happened in Classic exactly Popg? Please enlighten me. People only interested in such things instead did GDKP runs and bought gold anyways.

Which, won’t ever be solved because this game has been out a long time and people know how to make great amounts of raw gold and gold from the community itself which has SO much gold in it that you’re never gonna be able to fix it.

Name better solutions then. Simply saying “no” is a waste of time.

Don’t look at Classic, look at Vanilla. Classic is a game with 15 years of minmaxing behind it.

I don’t have better solutions. To have them we’d need to understand the gold flow in wow so you could target areas and we don’t have access to that information.

A badly thought out “solution” is almost worse than no solution because it creates new problems that weren’t even there before.

Then gold sinks that target hardcore players is the way to go. In fact, I’ll go a step further - the main way for a player to make gold should be trading and utilizing professions. This is how I make my gold - dual gathering professions.

This ensures people with no income will take gold from the richest people as their main means of obtaining gold, further contributing to a better economy.

It is perfectly acceptable to say players must engage in trade in an MMO. That’s the main reason why people are excited for AoC, for New World and for pretty much every upcoming MMO. It is kinda why people loved vanilla, TBC, Wrath, etc. - because trade was thriving. Professions were good, which meant you could make bank without farming gold at all.

WoW’s economic state is dire. And as long as it is dire, boosters will thrive. And as long as players are allowed to not engage with the economy, its situation will remain dire.