World of warcraft a.k.a. Pay To Win

Sorry but what a load of tosh.

Boosters thriving and the economic state of the game aren’t related to each other at all. What the hell?

You know, I kinda got what level you operate on when you fell hook line and sinker for “torghast will award top gear” in fake patchnotes.

That was laughable and so are your thoughts here. At least I’m smart enough to know my limitations mr “charge boosters more to respec to take gold out of the economy”

"hardcore" does not equal rich. This “idea” is fatally flawed from the offset.

Retail has more time of minmaxing behind it. So, again.

Yes. There are way too many players with disposable gold that they have NOTHING to spend it on and so they spend it on boosts. This increases booster demand, which in turn increases booster service. What can you spend gold on? Mounts? Once you have your fave mount, mounts are so utterly useless.

For the Torghast thing I said I WISH it was real because Torghast rewarding 1 top item per week would be very good for the game. Ironically, it would also hurt booster demand.

In an ideal MMO, the average player generates gold through trading, where the no-lifers can go and spend an infinite time generating raw gold. Raw gold should never be handed out in the way WoW currently hands it out, especially with old raid farming, hyperspawn farming, or for example Freehold trash farm, which is still insanely good.

From me playing the game, talking to others, etc. the average player can easily afford 1-2 SoD boosts a month. That’s a boost every other week without even trying and without having to buy gold. Gold generation is insane, and the worst part is that it is raw gold.

Shadowlands has had less than a year of minmaxing behind it. What are you on about lmao

How much gold did people make in Shadowlands, though? Pretty sure it was more gold than in Classic. :3

You get like 1,7k free raw gold per day per alt, not counting raw gold coming from world quests and raw gold coming from the mission table. For many, the mission table is one of the main ways of making gold. You really don’t need to minmax to get insane gold generation. And that’s the problem. I cannot believe how dense people are.

But as others have said, if you have had a playerbase that played Shadowlands for 15 years on servers that reset every few months, you’d see the game and meta completely change as the community evolves. Rextroy manages to break the game in just a few months. Imagine that multiplied by 15 years, plus it’s now the community meta, not just some weird youtuber’s video.

All you need to do is take a look at how long it took to clear Classic content. We went from complaining about bosses being mathematically impossible to steamrolling them and saying the game is too easy. That’s the effect of 15 years of minmaxing. The main demand for Fresh Classic I’ve seen is harder raids, mate.

Theres also the cumulative wealth over the years. Ppl playing the AH game and have become good at earning gold just by bying undercutters and selling for more. There are many ways to earn gold and not just one… and some ppl even do it on multible ways like just doing the WQ every day on several alts plus the above mentioned.

They may not earn the gold the fastest way but enough to never pay the sub fee for example.

Ah you mean like in Classic where people solo’d dungeons for tons of raw gold, pickpocketing BRD for tons of raw gold and more to the point tons of people had 50k+ gold by the end?

Uh huh, sure thing. So, Shadowlands raids surely don’t get killed the day they rel- oh yes they do! Huh. Imagine that.

Lol what? Citation needed.

Also, my ideal game is to do raids etc. Why would I farm hyperspawn stuff to pay for people to do the good stuff for me.
You’re literally acting like all people do is try to earn gold so they can pay boosters. It’s not that clear cut.

Again - forget Classic. This was not the meta in Vanilla. And you can be certain, Shadowlands also has these broken systems that were exploited in Classic. We just haven’t found them yet. Just recently a new glitch was discovered in MGS, which will change how that game is speedran. Over 20 years after the game’s come out, it’s meta is changing.

Classic is not a good example, because we’ve had 15 years to discover exploits, broken systems and turn those systems to our advantage. Shadowlands HAS THEM TOO, we just don’t know them yet.

What are you talking about? Did the race to world first end the day the raid dropped? Come on. You realize that the current “heroic” raids used to be called “normal”? And all of Vanilla’s raids are basically “mythic only”? Here’s the story. Blizz started with one raid difficulty. Then they added 2 raid difficulties - the original one was called heroic, and the new one was called normal. Then they added a 3rd difficulty - flex raids, a new difficulty between LFR and normal.

Then flex became normal, normal became heroic and heroic became mythic. And the flexible part of raiding was extended to LFR, normal and heroic.

So when we’re talking about content being cleared within hours of dropping, we’re talking about the mythic raid.

Raid was cleared within hours of release, as usual? Just like Classic, as you pointed out.

Ah so classic hasn’t been cleared yet? Got it.

Actually, Classic only released August 2019. Didn’t leave that much time now did it? :3

Learn to read, silly.

I know you’re a triggered little fly, who responds before even reading my reply. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

I can read just fine, maybe you should too? Welcome, Please Read!

Your comprehension skills are on the level of a 4 year old. I’ll spell it out simply - Classic only has Mythic raids. The only reason they were cleared immediately and were considered easy is because Classic’s population has had those raids on farm for 15 years. The guilds that got world first in Classic were all guilds that played non-stop on private servers and in fact we know some guilds practiced content on private servers before it went live on Classic.

Over the years, Blizzard has only been adding easier raid difficulties.

Shadowlands has 3 difficulties, all of which are lower than Classic’s “mythic only” raids. The reason why the mythic wasn’t cleared within hours after dropping is because speedrunning strats weren’t yet developed. And they still aren’t - but if we had Shadowlands private servers which reset every few months, and players learn to speed run things, you’ll see mythic raid on a fresh server go down in around 2 hours after release.

You should really look into how long it takes for a speed run to be invented. I think I mentioned how just 2 days ago, the MGS speed running scene was kind of shaken up, because a new thing was discovered in the game. 20 years after release.

I’ll give you a prediction - I think in Shadowlands Classic 15 years from now, many bis covenants will be different. Maybe you’ll see over 90% warriors go necrolord for the raid-wide damage buff which you can have on rotation, my dude. Currently, the meta revolves around individual performance, but when we’re talking about collective speed-running (which is what classic had), the meta focuses entirely around the team. We may even see nightfae becoming the meta for paladins, but I’m not sure how strong that buff actually is.

Classic is not Vanilla. Kinda why I quit it. I wanted to have a chill, slow RPG experience and instead I got a speedrun fest where if you played a 0.1% suboptimally you were shunned.

Agreed! thats why it is pay to win.
maybe for some people
pay to get an advantage is an better explanation

Normal, actually. Mythic was added in 6.2. You can speculate what the ‘equivalent difficulty vs time and how good the community is’ blah blah blah some other time.

Lmk when you can back up your words and not whataboutisms.

Gonna talk about Wrath, cata, MoP, or WoD pservers or no? :3 Just a couple years short of ‘classic’ and ‘tbc’.

So, you think SL is played as casual and what not because it’s ‘new and unknown’ and all that and no meta etc? :3

I’m not sure how this relates to what I wrote. You can literally have gold sinks for anything, mounts, titles, pets, cosmetics. Why on earth would anyone want the gold sink to become a barrier to fun which it would if you added an exponential respec cost, it makes no sense and it was stupid in BFA too. It just becomes a point of contention and in the end it becomes an underutilized feature because it’s not worth it for the vast majority of people playing, experimentation should be encouraged, not punished.

Also this game has had a broken economy since WoD and we’re still going and any gold sink won’t even make a dent as long as the mission tables keep churning out new gold.

No. The contemporary raid difficulty was named Heroic and an easier, Normal was introduced. I already wrote the timeline of raid difficulties, but I’ll write it again. Just to remind you that you don’t read.

After Heroic (original raid difficulty) and Normal, LFR was added. In 5.4, flex raids were added. Flex was a mode that existed between LFR and Normal. In 6.0.2, Flex was renamed to normal, normal was renamed to heroic and heroic was called mythic. The flexible mode was also extended to LFR, Normal and Heroic.

Classic only has mythic raids. To be fair, the main reason why Blizz renamed normal to heroic is to make more casual players feel like pros. This is part of an ongoing ActiBlizz initiative. In CoD, the equivalent happened by removing assists and counting ALL kills that you somehow assist with as your own personal kills. This caused players to feel more like pros without actually requiring better, pro skill of them, getting massive killstreaks without actually getting kills.

Yes, you WILL see the same thing with Wrath Classic, too. The meta will be massively different compared to when Wrath was released. Mark my words.

SL is played with our current knowledge of the game. Give us 15 years of playing this game and our knowledge is bound to expand, which will result in a changed meta. I even gave you possible examples of how the meta might shift with years without changing the game.

Give me one reason I would buy a mount. Go on, I am waiting.

False, unless you think mythic encounters have the same number of events and things going on as Classic raids which are normal only.

Normal was the only difficulty then, you know when players were learning MMORPGs and didn’t know what they were doing. It’s in no way equal to Mythic difficulty raid clears.

Haha for the one talking about how I can’t read, hmm.

Yeah guys, I’m sure shadowlands mythic will totally be the equal difficulty of Classic raids. So brave.

Wonder how SL raids get cleared on normal and heroic so quickly on release yet they’re harder fights than Classic? You said new content won’t have the ‘metas’ and all that but it seems they do. and they get toppled over. But keep throwing the ad homs and all that.

I’m sure you know so much about WoW having started playing it in 2018.

People are literally camping the BMAH to bid gold cap on mounts, it doesn’t matter if you specifically wouldn’t buy one. Can’t say the same about BfA’s failed respec gold sink, no one used it except those who had no choice.

You can just browse the classic forums for a bit and you’ll see the people complaining about having to skip PvE or PvP because re-speccing from one to the other is dumb. Such a successful system when it discourages people from playing entire portions of the game.

That’s kinda the point. Everyone saying the gold sinks I propose will hurt “the average player” are wrong. The average player doesn’t reset their build between pulls. The average player picks a build and sticks to it. The average player maybe will swap talents once a week. Gold sinks won’t hurt them.

The brutosaur offers a huge advantage. It’s literally the only mount worth buying, and even then, it’s only a tiny amount of the population who has an interest in pursuing it. Mounts as a gold sink simply do not work, because most won’t spend millions on a mount. Also, while the brutosaur worked, it targeted only specific players and failed to drain enough gold out of many. We’re talking about players with multiple gold-capped characters on multiple servers.

Mounts are one-time gold sink, where if you spend the gold once, you’re done with the sink. That’s not good, and overall fails.

The situation is dire, mate.

And I’m done considering complaining about boosting valid, when the situation is pretty clear, I’ve explained it like 1364 times in this thread alone, and nobody wants to address it. Everybody is quick to denounce gold sinks and nobody has a better suggestion.