Funny how you dont respond to the questions asked just like the other guy and go on a rant rather then to answer the question.
“me tell objective facts” yhea sure hun… it might have been the case if you gave a coherent answer but i guess you never will.
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You repeatedly making up stuff isn’t going to make it fact. No matter how many times you try to claim it.
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I don’t see how a rational straight to point explanation of the argument, and your bad logic is a rant, but I guess you need to say something just to keep going.
Blizzard allows people to funnel real money into the game which they can use to buy pretty much anything they want, and that’s an objective fact which you keep ignoring all the time just to make besides the point subjective “arguments” to defend the notion that WoW isn’t P2W when it is P2W by design.
I don’t need to make anything up since you had those arguments with me, but sure keep pretending it didn’t happen 
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Ok so you avoided the question yet again. Or is it because you dont know what the question was? Ill make them easy to spot this time.
Is Classic wow p2w?
If not why?
If it is then the logical conclusion is that wow was always p2w but its an issue now because why?
Id say it would be easy for you to answer these questions because you state “facts” but if you yet again avoid these questions im done here with you.
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The subject of the discussion is Retail and Token, so I don’t see how those questions change the fact that Retail WoW offers Token which enables people to funnel real money into the game thus making it P2W by design.
But they do it nontheless in classic aswell, so where is the difference in the actual outcome? If tokens were removed the boosting wouldnt stop. This is an actual objective fact as this is the case in classic wow.
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Sure, but the argument isn’t about boosting, but about the fact that the game is P2W.
… But the boosting is what the p2w arguement is all about. Buy gold to pay to get in raids… pay bids for items in raids etc. So what are you on about now? Just the AH aspect of p2w? But those usualy arent the best items in game.
What else do you pay for? The Achievements? But that aint a thing yet in classic.
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No, it’s not. Boosting is only a part of P2W argument and to say that it’s only about boosting is just pure dishonesty. On top of that whether boosting would exist if Tokens were removed is beside the point because it’s not about the existence of boosting but about the fact that the game has a legal way of funneling money into the game to obtain in-game content which makes it P2W game by design.
So with that we can conclude that wow has always been p2w as its as much of a problem in classic as it is in retail. Well only if we go by your logic of what p2w is that is.
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What? XD
How did you come to a conclusion that WoW was always P2W if it became P2W after Token was introduced as a legal way of funneling real money into the game?
Simple question.
Can ppl buy gold with real money in classic?
If yes it is as you described above and therefore p2w
If no you are disshonnest in your reply
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And how exactly I would be dishonest?
Because ppl are buying gold in classic with real money? Denying that ppl are doing that would be disshonest .
But funny how you asked why it would make you that but still not actually answer the question… politican in training?
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And when did I deny anything about Classic if we were talking about Retail?
Btw… You do realize that you are making an strawman argument… right? XD
Because it was in my question when comparing what you reffer as to p2w when that destinction is kinda blured. When why one side of the isle is called p2w and the other one isent.
Also do you have alzheimer? The question was made like 15 mins ago…and even repeated the question from earlier and now you suddenly dont know why classic was drawn into the debate?
I’ve consistently said that if the game has a legal way of funneling real money (in the case of WoW it’s via token) to buy in-game content then it’s P2W so IDK what kind of nonsense you are talking about.
And i asked if the outcome is the same with or without tokens… whats the difference between the two?
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And I told you that this is a besides-the-point question because the topic is whether the game is P2W and not whether e.g. boosting would exist with or without Token.
The existence of boosting doesn’t determine whether the game is or isn’t P2W.
So in general as a whole… nothing would change in game but in your mind the “p2w” stamp of wow would dissapear if tokens were removed?