World of warcraft a.k.a. Pay To Win

Ive stated what my deffinition of P2W is, and this aint it. But i guess you didnt read that part, ignored it or are willfully ignorant to what i meant.

And you naively think that removing the token will suddenly remove all the demand for boosts as well.

And please…dont start with “a few people only bought boosts back then”.
Times and technologies have changed. More and more people look forward to getting boosted and not just in WoW. And with multiple platforms like discord and etc. Its now easier to make “safer” platforms for people to buy boosts if the token gets removed.

So you are just campaigning against the token without even realizing that its a small cog of the big boosting machinery.

I did, but it’s the same argument that Tahra did, and I’ve already explained that it’s irrelevant what your subjective opinion is when discussing facts.

And the facts are:
Blizzard allows people to spend real money to obtain almost any in-game content including gear, PvP ranking, raid completion, and (but not only) achievements, and that makes game P2W regardless of your subjective views.

And that’s a lie since I never claimed such thing.

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And so does chinesse gold sellers, being an AH goblin and etc…
Not everybody who is gold capped got it by buying tokens…
Yet all of a sudden its no longer pay2win. But the result is still the same though?

I don’t see how this changes the fact that Blizzard allows people to spend real money to obtain in-game content which makes game P2W.

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So then retail…heck WoW has been pay2win long before token came into play?
Gold sellers were long before the tokken was introduced. Heck it was introduced to combat them…but thats a different story.


P2W is determined by the actions of developer, not 3rd party subjects.


My previous statements still stand. It’s a shame that you want to make up lies. I don’t really care for whatever personal vendetta you may have. But the outright lies need to stop.

Pay2win definion from Urban dictionary

Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items then everyone else at a faster rate and then makes the game largely unbalanced even for people who have skill in the game without paying

Doesn’t specifically says if its been allowed by the dev or 3rd parties. All its says that its possible in the game.

Source where it SPECIFICALLY says that its done by Dev actions alone.

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blizzard loves the token p2w because they make prob 8 digit earnings with them.

they are the smartest company out there in the mmorpg market. while others directly sell xp booster and stuff through their f2p shop and earn bad mouthing, blizzard just sells the gold so people can buy even gear from boost.

imagine the uproar if you could just buy curve or 1800 for 500k in the store :smiley:
But when an overgeared r1 whatever gladiator who plays 7h arena/day artificially lowers his mmr to slay some casuals while also outgearing them for gold its fine.

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Not really, and repeating yourself like a broken record while making those “PR” posts still doesn’t change the fact that you did engage in an argument with me trying to argue that 3rd party multi-boxing isn’t automation so you did defend multiboxing :man_shrugging:

The funny part was how a few weeks later Blizzard flipped the table onto you and other multi-boxing defenders and sided with our rational and logical arguments :rofl:

Cheers, have a good day :slight_smile:

“Games that let you (…)” meaning games that were DESIGNED to let you legally pay real money to obtain in-game content, and last time I’ve checked Chinese gold sellers didn’t design the game.

I mean it’s obvious that P2W is determined by how the game is made, and not what some 3rd party community members do illegally, but since you keep making dishonest argument then I don’t expect you to come up with anything substantial.

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It’s not p2w if it’s illegal man. That’s why wow token made it p2w. A legal way to buy ingame currency which is used to get most things in the game, added by the developer, for the profit of developer. Some people are acting like it isn’t p2w because they want to pretend they don’t play a p2w game or buy boosts themselves. Case is extremely simple. Can you buy achievements, gear and mounts, progress and rankings? Yes you can, probably like 500k people did it in recent years at least once if not more. Is the developer PROFITING from this? Yes, they were making more money on wow tokens and store stuff than from sub as far as I remember.

No, but they made a mullah of offering such boosts and services. Blizzard banning some where nothing more than “costs of doing business”. Not some real threat or risk.

If we use Blink’s …logic then it was NOT designed that way.
If it was in the shop - “Buy CE achievement. Insta delivery to in-game mailbox” then it would be pay2win.
But even for arena ranking, for CE and etc. You still need SKILLED people to do the heavy lifting. Mythic Sylvanas wont fall over simply cause somebody bought a boost for it.

My argument is. Only when Blizz adds such boosts to their own in-game shop and remove “skilled players” as the middle man then it would become pay2win.
Right now when the boosts hangs by other player’s performance and they can’t be held accountable for it if they fail then its not pay2win.

Because the people who design those things are idiots, that’s why they get a 100 million dollar bonus a year. What they achieved is what they wanted. People are defending them as if they are honest and incompetent but it’s another strategy that blizzard and lots of gaming companies that use exploitative strategies have been doing for years.

The P2W argument is about how Blizzard designed the game, and what they are allowing people to do, so any argument about illegal RMT is irrelevant to the point.

Was to lazy to re-write it. They didn’t add a “you need 2 tokens to enter this raid instance” requirement and the last time I checked the shop - there were no rio rankings, achievements up for sale so.
I don’t see any designs which specifially says “this is p2w”. Only raids and dungeons which Blizz designed for skilled 5 or 20 mans.
The fact that some people can take “luggage” for profit is not by design so… :man_shrugging:

And -This- Is what we call dishonesty in an argument.

What are they ‘winning’ chief?

They always have thought it is in other threads, so why not here? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yet you have kept your subscription active through more than 12 years when Boosting existed, and at least six months during which the Token existed but only decided to complain now that the Internet ‘Moody kids’ did. What was it that changed your morality so suddenly?

You couldn’t possibly be trying to look like an Internet ‘Badman’ at the weekend like many do, could you?

So don’t do it? I don’t get how hard that is. I’m not doing it, I never have, it never even crossed my radar as something I’d do.

Why is this such a hard concept to grasp? The people who are doing it, are spending real money, they could be spending on real life activities, on a boost that will last them a patch!

Who is ‘winning’ here? Them, or a person using that same real life money for real life entertainment and fun, maybe taking their partner out for a meal, or going out dating? or just going to the pub, making contact with those ‘baby blues’ across a room with someone who might be something more in the future?

There is no pay to win here, because the only people who seem to think there is a ‘win’ element are the sort of people who probably don’t get the concept of an MMORPG.

You can’t pay to -WIN- an MMORPG, because you can’t -WIN- an MMORPG!

Then why support it. The Fact you still have a subscription means that you have? Why the dishonesty?

Oh Gods, I’ve just realised, I’ve been paying for a Sub longer and playing longer than someone who just subbed yesterday as a new character, Did I pay for an in-game advantage because I’m level 60?

That’s what these people sound like. As well as colossal hypocrites who lack the courage of their convictions…

Lets just remember. Anyone. ANYONE who is still able to post here, has supported the Token system, so to complain it is P2W is just arrant Hypocrisy on their part.

Anyone posting after this point, made for the second time, is actively supporting, or does not care (As I don’t) about the P2W aspect, and if they say they do, they are a damned liar. Or a Hypocrite. Hard to tell the difference at times…


Haha thats not how this works… your opinion is just as subjective as mine. You are by far not the objective one here and you dont state facts, nor did i. I stated my view on what p2w is nothing more. That i think that your view is wrong does not mean i state it as a fact that it is.

Learn the diffrence on what is subjective and objective.

Just as an example tell me the diffrence between Classic and retail as to one is p2w and the other one isent. If you think both are p2w then wow has always been p2w but you only joined the p2w bandwagon now in the later years? why?


Oh boy, more backpedaling and nitpicking…

P2W isn’t determined by whether there is a sign saying “this is P2W”.
It’s determined by whether game design allows for a legal way to funnel money into the game to buy in-game content.

WoW Token is a part of game design, and it allows people to legally funnel money into the game to obtain in-game content and services which means that WoW is by design P2W.

My argument is based on the objective truth a.k.a fact of what Blizzard allows.
Your argument is based on your subjective conviction that X isn’t X because you think it isn’t.

So again, explain to me how my argument based on fact is more subjective than your opinion solely on your subjective opinion? XD

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