World of Warcraft Classic MORE THAN TRIPLES SUB COUNT according to SuperData

I dont think Blizzard will underestimate the value of subscriptions, since even though it’s not immediate revenue; if everyone stays subbed for a year or so its a big difference

100% more would be double, 200% would be triple…

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Problem is, will they see this as great opportunity to introduce token and services as those bring more revenue?

So if it increased by 10% then it would be one tenth of the original number? :expressionless:

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They wount,cause of the MAU side of things,they can pitch it to shareholders that Retail microtransactions are healhty while the “game” has incress in MAU,Classic, so they have a nice working environment.There is no losers in this as long as they stay healthy to the classic player base,and give retail players MS to please revenue.In short everyone wins.

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Lol bro it’s not that complicated. Just think about it

Increase of 100% is double… … … if you have 90 people, 100% of 90 is 90. 2x 90 = 180… It has increased by 100% of the original number…

Edit; My reading comprehension failure on has tripled. Derp.

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