World of Warcraft Classic MORE THAN TRIPLES SUB COUNT according to SuperData

WoW Classic drives a huge jump in subscribers. World of Warcraft subscription revenue grew an estimated 223% in August compared to July. Despite this, total revenue was still lower than the Battle for Azeroth expansion last August.


So, if this is true, and I do take it with a grain of salt because you never know, this should tell you everything you need to know about the state of the industry, and why WOW has devolved over the years into a mobile-style game. I mean, it’s hardly shocking news, just exactly what we thought.

Classic more than TRIPLED subscribers for World of Warcraft, meaning it had more than double the subscribers retail does, at least at launch, and yet that wasn’t enough to generate more revenue than retail because of no disgusting microtransactions. Blizzard makes way more off of loonies buying mounts at the store than subscribers. This explains why “we thought we did, but didn’t” very well. It’s more that Mr. Brack didn’t, because he can’t exploit his customers with Vanilla.


I was thinking that “free BFA when you hit 60” -catch could have been real. With this info it doesn’t seem that unreal.

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Note that that’s a tripling of Current numbers(after A LOT of people have already bailed), which has led to less revenue than BfA had At Launch(possibly including the sale of the expansion boxes themselves).

Damn good numbers, but never forget to read a little bit between the lines.

Absolutely, but I do think the majority of people that resubscribed came primarily for Classic. Otherwise this massive jump can’t be justified. WOW hasn’t seen this big a jump in a single month since Vanilla.

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Using the performatted text option allows people to simply copy and paste the link, which is very useful in mobile devices, where is harder to edit the spaces and other stuff out.

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Was here!

I don’t think it’s down to microtransactions… I think it’s down to the $60 sale of Battle for Azeroth xpac last August.
I’m not sure what microtransactions are in WOW Retail but I imagine the xpac money is the main force behind revenue. I mean that is why the expansions are made, after all.

BFA made more money than Classic THIS MONTH (well, according to this analysis at least), so what does that have to do with BFA expansion sales from last year? Those would be very minimal. It IS the additional payments that make bank.

I think you’ve misunderstood what you’ve shared. And dude take a chill pill.

August 2019 grew 223% against July 2019, but revenue still below August 2018, i.e. this time last year.

World of Warcraft subscription revenue grew an estimated 223% in August compared to July. Despite this, total revenue was still lower than the Battle for Azeroth expansion last August.


Didn’t mean to sound hostile. You are right, I misread. It makes sense that with BFA box copies costing $60, Classic basically being just a $15 sub wouldn’t ever reach that number, it would need to sell 5x as much ($60 + $15) subscriptions. That said, I am certain that their mtx might make them more bank than actual subs/expansions, they have kinda said as much themselves as an excuse to not publish sub count anymore.


Their numbers gave over 3 million people resubbing for Classic. Even if only a third of those stay, that is still a very healthy situation, especially since the investment to release Classic was minimal compared to other AAA titles. They only had a small team working on it and was for a long time in essence a side project. Plenty of MMO’s have a healthy life with less than 100k subs…

Hell, to me the numbers suggest retail currently only has just over 1 million people playing it worldwide and are going to be the closest thing to official confirmation of this we’re going to get, something some people have been trying to deny for some time.

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Problem is, in June there was that promotion where you buy 6 months sub and u get mount. That would boost Subscription revenue in June , but would lower it in July. Stats are only talking about Sub revenue not sub numbers. Lots of BFA players don’t use month to month sub.

Jesus, that’s desperate of blizzard.

How the mighty have fallen.

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Well first time they did that promotion was in Wrath with Tyrael charger. This is 4th such promotion i believe. And most MMO have similar promotions. ESO gives lots of crowns for example.

classic is also in downfall loosing playes each day .

servers are no longer full besides prime time 18-22 and even then only 4 are marked as full .

in 3 months 80% of servers will be low.

Wouldn’t More than Triple be >300%?

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