World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria Ends Soon!

World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria Ends Soon!

It won’t be long before the infinite dragonflight closes the way to Pandaria and the Remix experience. There’s still time to make one last foray, spend your hard-earned Bronze, and get ready for your character to convert to a standard World of Warcraft character at the end of the event.

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Nevermind was answered in the article :stuck_out_tongue:

Was about to say


All sounds pretty reasonable.

My 36-slot bags!

At least we’ll get to keep our gold. Shame about the giant pile of rep tokens and other silly things that I have stashed in my bank.



So, im guessing the weapon arsenal vendor we have been asking for, for months, is out of the question.


…ah and there I was thinking I would be clever and buy all bags and equip the bank on each char I made /doh! :flushed:

…feels sad it’s almost all over, quite enjoyed this activity, may pop in for one last time over the weekend :+1:


I’m intrigued if they’ll do the same thing with another expansion in the future.


… hope so, as others have said, do it when we are in the last phase of an expansion :thinking:


This was honestly a lot of fun and I hope there’ll be another Remix event at some point.


“people like diablo, so what if we put diablo in their world of warcraft” turned out to be a pretty good idea. would gladly play a wotlk or BFA remix.

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Legion! best mogs (and I didn’t play the whole expansion)
WotLK doesn’t have enough pixels and BfA, would be ok too, I guess, but a bit too recent still for my taste.

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WoD would be awesome too. But probably too light on content?

Hm… someone else had the idea WoD would be cool if they’d add the cut content like the Auchindoun (?) raid or stuff like that… and definitly only if the legendary q-line stays in; I personally would like it less because I played that expansion wholly, but I can see the potential… also if Garrisons were made account wide and would carry over into retail (mine’s already built up, but might be nice for newer players).

Yeah, I suggested that a while back.
Would be awesome. But… Probably not very realistic.

Yeah, probably not. :sweat_smile: Though maybe… if it was actually cut in a quite late phase, and if a “normal” remix wouldn’t be enough to bridge a content drought… :thinking: :crossed_fingers:

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I don’t see how it would be light on content.

I’d love a WoD version


Was great. The best thing that came to wow since 2019 Classic. Was great to have remix after the SoD fiasco.


Well, I was thinking 3 raids vs MoP’s 5.
Not much ‘special content’ besides the Garrison; and you can’t really ‘speed run’ that?
I dunno… I’d love it for the unreleased transmog and new stuff they could make (like the items they made for remix; I love those too), possibly with an iron horde theme?