World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria Ends Soon!

MoP had a lot of mini raids, WoD is all big raids.

  • All items, currencies (except gold), and quests will be removed from Timerunners and their banks during the conversion process, so make sure to spend your Bronze!

It is a bit sad that Pandaria currencies like timeless coins and charms seem to be included in this. I’d have loved to grab some timeless coins rn and farm some more later, when I want for the mount there.

For bronze, I see it but I do not get why other currencies get reset


You can transfer your timewalkers’ timeless coins to one of your regular characters via the warband currency transfer.


I’d say they are about the same? SOO takes ages to walk through… WoD are faster to clear imo. solo ofc :stuck_out_tongue:

Wrath would be nice next to get the plague drake lol.

oh wow. i need to login every single one char. wow. this will take a lot of time

Hope BFA will be next. Not because the mogs… but because the content.

I just would like to pray to the gods, please put a vendor in the next reset window so that we can get those RNG drops that we did not manage to get! :pray: In the last few days that’s left of the event. I don’t have anything left to spend bronze on as I got everything so the chunk of bronze I’ve got there sitting idly will be lost to the nether long forgotten in a few years’ time.


It was cool. I wish the 11.0 patch didn’t break/bug the reputation gains. It feels bad to not be to get all reps to exalted *(Sunreaver Onslaught and August Celestials).

Thanks for the heads up, I didn’t expect that since timerunners can’t interact with other characters (appearently besides that).

Still a bit unfortunate that you have to take the extra step but rather have a way around it than them being lost forever :smiley:

I sure hope so

Can I mail the heirlooms or put them in the warband bank?

Why would you want to do that? When the character is converted to retail, you can just go to the Heirlooms tab and get it again. :open_mouth:

I wouldn’t say I like the Diablo-isation of WoW. I love remix for the speed. With maxed gear the GCD feels less awful and I’m not running out of mana/energy every few klicks. I like having always at least one button ready to press. In contrast retail on many classes feels like playing a turtle to me. Additionally the increased movement speed just feels good.
The forced slowmotion in retail doesn’t match with the gameplay design in my opinion.
On the other hand I can enjoy the much slower gameplay in Classic because the whole gameplay there is different and so it feels cohesive.

Because if I get them from the tab, it would have a line Created by CharacterName like crafted gear and the original item doesn’t have this line. And we don’t really craft heirlooms, do we?

Lame that you never gave us Arsenals, going after weapon transmogs in LFR was just vile considering people can’t trade there… burning myself out running it countless times and I’m STILL missing half of them!

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Blizz intentionally didn’t put it in to make us 476 suckers run LFR loads of times to carry others and keep the queues relatively short in our vain attempt to get them weapon drops.

Leveling is gonna feel so slow after this is over yikes, I mean I have multiples of every class but still. Gonna be hard switching from the barely 2 hour method to “normal” speeds, wich were already fast, just not blazing speeds.

I’ve really enjoyed it, especially as Pandaria was always my favourite expansion. Still trying to get those last bronzes to buy what I set out to buy at the start. It’s been fun.

That is true this has been a blast and I can’t praise blizzard on this experiment enough.
Thank you guys over there pushing for experiments like these and I hope you know how much I/we appreciate you guys. :dracthyr_heart:

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Loved Pandaria Remix ,i would not mind playing through other expansions in the same way .
Now i have to empy the bank for 12 characters and convert their gems and gear …