World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria Ends Soon!

“Remix: Mists of Pandaria Ends Soon!”


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I think Legion Remix will be great to collect the unobtainable artifact appearances.


I maxed 4 different characters. Felt good. Seeing forward to have my Zandalari shaman become ny new main in TWW.

Well well well isn’t that the blood elf #1 fan
Your next post when? i would like to know since i secretly agree with you…

I realised blood elves will not be getting anything good from Blizzard any time soon so I picked the race they will ignore for the whole of the World Soul saga since they should be safe from any major beatdowns yet do come.

You’ll get attention during midnight
Its All coming togather

Eh? I always enchanted my Heirlooms and mailed them about onto different alts… o.O

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No we get slander during Midnight that’s different

Huh, I have never been able to, but I’ll grant you it’s been years since I tried last

… if all that is going to be left is gold, just wondering if there is stuff we can buy using bronze that we can vendor for gold :thinking:

(As it looks like no weapon vendor will materialise and I have bought everything/upgraded gear - swimming in bronze)

WoD would be welcome i didn’t do much achievement hunting there so i would welcome to go and play that expansion again :smiley:

I finished everything I wanted to do here really so I have no issues leaving remix with so many alts and mounts. It is raining goodies folks.

The Ensembles don’t include the rest of the mogs right ? also what of the achievments, do they become feats of strength, dissapear, or what ? couldn’t find info on that. im wondering becasue i bought all of the vendor items, bar the tusk of manaroth etc bacause i never got around to do the normal/hgeroics raid.

The Remix specific achievements are already non scoring.

Any Pandaria regular achievements you unlocked will still be available in game and they won’t be removed.

This was all of the rewards

Off the top of my head it’s only the Remix specific achievement rewards, weapon appearances, the class vendor items (a weapon and limited transmog set), remix recolours of regular sets, and the special recolours of mounts that were Remix exclusive.


ah ok so the timerunner achievments mean nothing ? like will they vanish or stay in the list ?

Under your achievements you can see the Remix specific ones, there were 147 in total

This was my main timerunner you can see them all here

But if you’ve never played through Pandaria itself chances are you unlocked lots of other achievements that exist in the game. Those all have their own Pandaria sub sections, like under reputations, exploration etc. Those points you’ll keep whether you earnt them in Retail or Remix.

Whether they’ll move that remix section to Feats of Strength or leave it where it is, I can’t say.

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Thank you for clearing that part up, the guide you linked wasnt clear on one thing. the heirloom stuff that you used tusks of manaroth for. are they still available in the main game outside of remix ? thast the last thing i need to know ive msised out on them or not.

The heirlooms are limited to the event I’m afraid. They were available back in the day.

The Tusks of Mannoroth can drop in retail but have to be farmed. The bones of mannoroth were currency that dropped from Remix SoO which you needed in addition to bronze to make the purchases. The extra currencies should all vanish when you are moved back to retail.

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i see, well thats a shame, i was close to completeing it then. if only i didnt take time of from remix. wish id realised sooner how easy they were to get. just missing a few of those green item drops from the list and then those herlooms. ah well, i got the majority at least. thx for the help!

You can run siege on all the difficulties, it’s the only one that had the modern lockout system.